Werner Simbeck

Responding to Disinfo Trolls and the Architects and Engineers Press Conference at COTO Report

Michael Collins posted, at COTO Report, a video of the Victoria BC 9/11 folks giving a press conference, with engineer Werner Simbeck reading the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth press release. At the end, Werner gave an interview. We had marvelous coverage from a local mainstream cable TV station. This material has been posted in a couple blogs on 911 Blogger. I am part of the Victoria group, so have a particular interest in this.

The link to COTO Report is: http://coto2.wordpress.com/2010/02/24/911-architects-engineers-new-investigation-now/

The video is under attack by someone I suspect is disinfo troll (or a group), or perhaps just a psuedo-skeptic. It is someone who clearly invested considerable time in looking at our material in order to trash it.

Originally I had this information posted below as a comment at this site, but wish to elevate it to the status of a blog.

It is not clear how to tackle psuedo-skeptics or disinformation trolls, nor how to readily distinguish one from the other.