Zaid Shakir

American Muslims and 9/11 Truth

9/11 was a hate crime against Muslims. Those who committed the crimes of 9/11, and who falsely blamed Muslims for it, did so in order to trigger their pre-planned worldwide torture, plunder, and mass murder of Muslims. So far, more than a million Muslims have been murdered by American troops and taxpayers who are getting delusional payback for 9/11. As former Attorney General Ramsey Clark recently said:

"The war on terrorism is really a war on Islam. Most of the politicians are putting it as Islamic terrorists but what they really mean is the threat of Islam. So the idea of the war on Islam is the idea of extermination of a proportion never seen in history at any time."

According to Pew surveys, roughly 80% of the world's 1.5 billion Muslims, and 60% of American Muslims, don't believe the 'Arab hijackers' myth. And virtually all recognize that the phony "war on terror" is really a war on Islam. So why isn't their perspective being heard in the media?