Kevin Barrett's blog

This Week Is Action Week for Dr. Sami al-Arian

While some of us have lost tenured or tenure-track jobs for pursuing 9/11 truth, Sami al-Arian is by far the biggest American academic victim of the 9/11 psy-op. Please inform yourself about this travesty of justice at and join the Action Week activities described below.

(Monday April 28th ˆ Friday May 2nd)

Just 3 Phone Calls & 1 Email to Make a Difference

Dear friends,

Dr. Sami Al-Arian is at an extremely critical juncture. Any day now he may indicted on criminal contempt, a charge that carries a minimum sentence of five years. Another Palestinian-American professor in a similar case was sentenced to eleven years for criminal contempt last fall.

On March 20th, in a blatant violation of the plea agreement signed between Dr. Al-Arian and the U.S. government, a Virginia federal judge forced Dr. Al-Arian to appear in court to testify before a third grand jury. Given that the government had in the past cynically twisted his words to try to convict him of perjury, Dr. Al-Arian recognized the perjury trap laid for him, and refused to testify as his attorneys advised.

Republican Congressional Candidate to Discuss 9/11 Truth Today on GCN Network 4
First hour: Dave Redick:
Second hour: Anna Baltzer:

Dave Redick is a real conservative, not a neocon. He's a Republican challenger to Democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin's Second Congressional District--the district right next door to my own Third District, where I intend to challenge Democratic incumbent Ron Kind.

Dave is (to put it conservatively) open-minded on 9/11 truth. He's strongly opposed to the neocon takeover of the Republican Party, and espouses such traditional American values as freedom, small government, and fiscal sanity. Currently he's concerned that the neocons may orchestrate war with Iran in a desperate attempt to sway the 2008 elections.

Relatively Courageous Rabbi, Semi-Brave Muslim Congressman Team Up to Save the World

Michael Lerner may be the bravest Rabbi in America...which isn’t saying much. Rabbi Lerner, among all American rabbis, has looked at the contradictions in the official story of 9/11 and written that he “wouldn’t be surprised” if it were a false-flag conspiracy. But that’s as far as he’ll go.

Keith Ellison is definitely the bravest Muslim in Congress...which also isn’t saying much, because he’s the only Muslim in Congress (at least until I get elected). Last year Rep. Ellison said that 9/11 reminded him of the Reichstag fire. After listening to the outraged howling from Fox News, he backed down and whimpered some abject apologies.

Don’t get me wrong—I admire both these guys....

[Michael Lerner will be my guest on Dynamic Duo Monday, May 5th, on GCN. Schedule:]

Elias Davidsson Submits Detailed Memorandum to UN Urging 9/11 Action

Today’s Elias Davidson interview (both hours of the 4/25/08 show) will soon be available at

My radio schedule and guest list:

Jesse Ventura Talks 9/11 Truth with Meria Heller

I love Alex Jones, Jack Blood, and a whole bunch of other truthcasters, but Meria is more of a role model for me because...well, she's FUNNY as well as deeply serious. When I grow up I want to be as cool as her.

She's usually pay-to-listen, but right now she's offering a free sample broadcast of her interview with Jesse Ventura:

(If you missed my interview with Jesse Ventura, it's at:

Scientist A.K. Dewdney, Activist-Author James Douglass on Dynamic Duo Today

Today's 11th-of-the-month show features two extraordinary people. Scientist-prodigy A.K. Dewdney's Project Achilles experiments debunked the official account of cell phone calls from hijacked aircraft on 9/11--and now the FBI has admitted some cell phone calls never happened. See chapter 17 in David Griffin's "9/11 Contradictions."

Jim Douglass's brand-new book "JFK and the Unspeakable" is extraordinary. If you had to read just one book on JFK, this is it. It tells the gripping story about how the same forces that brought us 9/11 killed JFK--and for the same reason. Both crimes were committed to prevent peace from breaking out. Both took the world off a path toward peace, and onto a path that threatens human survival. The only difference is that we have survived more than 40 years without full public exposure of the truth behind JFK's death--but we won't survive without 9/11 truth.

Jim hasn't said anything publicly about 9/11 yet, as far as I can tell--let's see what he has to say today.

NOT the Usual Suspects! David Rovics, Michael Dolan on 9/11 and Empire Radio

Tuesday 4/8/08, Singer-songwriter David Rovics will join me on 9/11 and Empire Radio, 8-10 pm CT,
along with Michael Dolan, Research Professor of Biology, University of Massachusetts:

Rovics has blasted 9/11 truth, and Dolan has not yet spoken out publicly, so these are NOT the usual suspects ; )

David Rovics recently ripped on the 9/11 truth movement and defended the leftgatekeepers:
I've had an email conversation with him since then, and he says he'll look at,, and and would be happy to have a radio conversation with a 9/11 truth jihadi! This suggests to me that Rovics has integrity and a reasonably open mind. It should be an interesting conversation, spiced with a couple of Rovics songs.

Debating 9/11 & Left Gatekeepers with Eric Larsen and David Rovics

Eric Larsen--novelist, English professor emeritus, trenchant social critic and 9/11 truth supporter--will be my guest today, Monday 4/7/08, on Dynamic Duo, 4-6 pm CT, Network 4 Eric recently blasted the left gatekeepers: See excerpt below.

Singer-songwriter David Rovics for his part recently ripped on the 9/11 truth movement and defended those we call left gatekeepers: I've had an email conversation with him since then, and he says he'll look at,, and and would be happy to have a radio conversation with a 9/11 truth jihadi! This suggests to me that unlike certain people on the other side, Rovics has integrity and a reasonably open mind. It should be a great conversation.

Griffin to Recant 9/11 Views!

David Ray Griffin, the world’s leading scholar of the events of September 11th, 2001 and the author of the brand-new 9/11 Contradictions, will be making a surprise announcement that he has been wrong all along, and that there is “absolutely nothing suspicious” about the official story of 9/11. The official announcement will come during Griffin’s interview with Kevin Barrett Tuesday night on 9/11 and Empire Radio, 8-10 p.m. Central Time, on

Sociology Prof James Petras, FBI Whistleblower Coleen Rowley on Dynamic Duo Today, 4-6 pm CT, GCN Network 4 Call-in 866-582-9933
My radio schedule and guest list:

First hour guest: James Petras

From : "James Petras is the author of more than 62 books published in 29 languages, and over 600 articles in professional journals, including the American Sociological Review, British Journal of Sociology, Social Research, and Journal of Peasant Studies. He has published over 2000 articles in nonprofessional journals such as the New York Times, the Guardian, the Nation, Christian Science Monitor, Foreign Policy, New Left Review, Partisan Review, TempsModerne, Le Monde Diplomatique, and his commentary is widely carried on the internet."

As far as I know, James Petras has not yet had an in-depth on-the-record conversation with a 9/11 truth advocate, so this show may break new ground.

Second hour guest: Coleen Rowley

Powerhouse Radio Lineup: Steve Alten, Lynn Margulis, Richard Falk, Carolyn Baker...Griffin & Ventura on Deck

This is as good as 9/11 truth radio gets!

Tomorrow, Friday 3/21 I'll be talking with Steve Alten, author of The Shell Game. We'll discuss our respective encounters with neocon media, including Steve's run-in with Jim Bohanon and my own with Hannity and Colmes, recently analyzed at 4-6 pm CT, Network 4 call-in 866-582-9933

Saturday, 3/22 National Medal of Science winner Lynn Margulis comes back for an encore. Lynn is one of the most important minds on the planet. Along with James Lovelock she brought us the Gaia hypothesis of a homeostatic biosphere, and among evolutionary biologists she is one of the biggest names, and THE most prestigious challenger to neo-Darwinian orthodoxy. She's also a terrific writer and a fearless 9/11 truth-teller! 6-8 pm CT, call-in 800-313-9443

Splitting-the-Sky on the Road to Truth Network 4, today, Monday 3/17, 4-6 pm CT

my radio schedule:

Splitting-the-Sky, a.k.a., John Boncore, will be my guest to day on Dynamic Duo. He's driving across the West Coast right now but has promised to stop and find a phone... Josh Harvey of Snowshoe Films will also be calling in to report on the Winter Soldier action in DC this weekend:

Splitting-the-Sky is one of the most interesting and dynamic personalities to recently join the 9/11 truth movement. As a young man, he was made the main scapegoat for the Attica prison rebellion, nearly was sent to death row, and emerged a folk hero, only to be demonized by Rudy Giuliani in a Willie Horton style campaign ad. He's now an up-and-coming actor -- last summer he was making a film with Peter Coyote, and reported that everybody he talked to associated with the production knew that 9/11 was an inside job.

Z-Day Zeitgeist Critique on Dynamic Duo Today, 4-6 pm CT, GCN Network 4
Radio schedule and guest list:

Tomorrow, Saturday 3/15/08, is Z-Day -- a worldwide celebration of the phenomenal success of Zeitgeist, the film that combines 9/11 truth with a critique of religion and money-control as elite brainwashing tools:

While I admire Zeitgeist and applaud its success, I want to give equal time to critics of the film's blithe dismissal of religion. Today on Dynamic Duo I'll be discussing the film with two such critics. During the first hour, Brother Eliot of will deliver a hardcore Christian perspective on the flaws of Zeitgeist part 1. In the second hour, freethinking ethnic Jew Henry Makow will offer his critique:

Personally, while I have a somewhat different take on religion than the one espoused in Zeitgeist part 1, I think we need to support fellow 9/11 truth advocates regardless of differences of opinion...and besides, Zeitgeist is a brilliant, thought-provoking film, whatever else you think of it.

Civil Information or Truth Squads? 9/11 Truth Tactics Debate Tonight on 9/11 and Empire Radio

8-10 pm CT, Call-in 888-202-1984
radio schedule and guest list:

Another jam-packed show with activists AND researchers, celebrating the 11th of the month!

During the first hour, Canadian activists Richard Brinkman and Wayne Prante will join me for a civil debate on the relative merits of "civil information activism" versus truth squad confrontations of famous figures. Richard and Wayne have been critical of recent We Are Change truth squad actions, while I have been cheering them on (while also cheering for the kind of information activism Richard and Wayne champion). Last week I had four major-league truth-squadders on 9/11 and Empire Radio, so this week I'm offering Richard and Wayne a chance to air their side of this debate. A minor controversy on this issue recently erupted here at 911blogger:

So, you want to "be change", huh?

Getting The Truth Out: What works?

An Apology to We Are Change

Bali Bomber Claims CIA/Mossad Involvement

A week from tomorrow, Sat. 3/15/08 I'll be interviewing Glen Clancy, producer of the documentary Fool Me Twice about the the Bali bombings coverup: Details at my radio schedule page:

Bali Bomber Claims CIA/Mossad Involvement

Second explosion far bigger than intended, ringleader tells London Times

Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet, Thursday, March 6, 2008

The ringleader of the Bali bombers claims that the attack on the
nightclub district in 2002 was much larger than he had expected and that
the only explanation for so much carnage was that the bombers were aided
by the CIA, KGB or Mossad.