Tucker's Challenge - Help Educate Tucker Carlson About 9/11

Tucker's Challenge
This in reference to last night's show and his followup article today.

Tucker Carlson is either as silly as his bow tie would indicate, or he's looking for a way to expose the truth behind 9/11. Today he posted "9/11 Theorist Clearly Hits A Nerve," regarding public response to his Monday night show with BYU Professor, Steven Jones.

Carlson first insinuates Jones is "insane," then accuses him of being unable to articulate his hypothesis, calling him "an epically bad guest." Apparently, Jones was expected to clearly articulate the hypothesis presented in a 26-page scientific paper in six minutes, minus Carlson's repeated interruptions promoting the official line. (Let's also not forget that 'The Situation' refused to show footage of the WTC7 collapse, which would have essentially made the case despite Carlson's best attempts to prevent Jones from doing so.)

Tucker Carlson Says 9/11 Skeptics Should 'Leave the Country', Commits Slander

Tonight on Tucker Carlson's 'The Situation', Tucker responded to calls he received stating that Steven Jones was not given enough time on last night's show by stating:

[referring to the caller]your one of dozens, scores, maybe hundreds of people who called and wrote after our segment last night..

Political Scientist Mary Maxwell Believes 9/11 Was an 'Inside Job'

9/11 and Internet credibility - By Mary Maxwell, Ph.D.

How long must we wait to judge the validity of the September 11th conspiracy theories that have floated around on the Internet for years? I believe there is a way to grant status and authority to the many excellent reports and analyses whose only sin is that they appear in electronic form instead of newsprint. Moreover, we should start this process right away. After all, if our government is behaving maliciously, we need to know it, communicate it to others, and act on it with urgency. This will require that we make judgments about September 11th now and not wait for 'perfect proof.'

BYU Professor Steven Jones on 'The Situation Room' - Video Download

Tonight Steven Jones appeared on 'The Situation Room' with Tucker Carlson.

Unfortunately the interview was relatively quick at just 6 minutes, and Jones' did not use his short time as best as possible to highlight the points of his recent paper to the American public.

Transcript of Professor David Ray Griffin's Recent Speech in New York

The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True

In The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11, I summarized dozens of facts and reports that cast doubt on the official story about 9/11. Then in The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, I discussed the way these various facts and reports were treated by the 9/11 Commission, namely, by distorting or simply omitting them. I have also taken this big-picture approach, with its cumulative argument, in my previous essays and lectures on 9/11. This approach, which shows every aspect of the official story to be problematic, provides the most effective challenge to the official story.

Rumor Mill - Steven Jones on Tucker Carlson Tonight

A rumor is floating around that Steven Jones will be on Tucker Carlson's show tonight at 11:15pm EST.

I am guessing this rumor will prove to be untrue, but keep an eye out.. Hopefully I'm wrong.

I am told that Jones contacted Griffin and told him to let us all know, and that is where this rumor came from. I pray this is correct.

EDIT: The video can be found here.

KUTV Coverage of Professor Steven E. Jones

Check out this news report discussing Steven Jones, they definitely give him a fair shake. Share this with your local news and show them how they can make a difference.

Rumsfeld Buries Admission of Missing 2+ Trillion Dollars in 9/10/01 Press


On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to disclose that over $2,000,000,000,000 in Pentagon funds could not be accounted for. Rumsfeld stated: "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions."

Such a disclosure normally would have sparked a huge scandal. However, the commencement of the attack on New York City and Washington in the morning would assure that the story remained buried. To the trillions already missing from the coffers, an obedient Congress terrorized by anthrax attacks would add billions more in appropriations to fight the "War on Terror."

The Incubator Lie

Not really 9/11 related, however, the next time you're spreading the truth, and someone claims the government wouldn't lie, trick, and deceive the public to further their agenda, send them here:


With the video from Jordan showing a woman making shocking accusations, it is worth recalling the last time when a woman was shown on TV making shocking accusations.

The day after Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Kuwaitis living in the US hired the public relations firm Hill and Knowlton - a job worth $1 million a month. This was the biggest ever contract in the history of public relations to improve the image of their corrupt, oil-rich regime.

Penn book signing in Vegas

In the Vegas area? Here's a chance to protest and spread the truth:

Penn Gillette will be signing copies of his new book, "How to Cheat Your Friends at Poker: The Wisdom of Dickie Richard, what are you waiting for?", as well as reading excerpts and taking questions.

Tower Records/Books, Sunset Road
Henderson, NV
Tuesday, November 22 at 7PM

EDIT: For those unfamiliar, here is the attack peice on 9/11 skeptics on Penn & Teller's show 'Bullshit'.