
9/11 Euro-Tour Videos From Berlin and Paris

I just noticed that the people at reopen911.org have posted tour videos from both Berlin and Paris. They are promising more videos to come from other stops in the tour soon.


Spending nearly $4 million in America, Jimmy Walter has launched advertising blitzes in the most prominent newspapers and magazines, including full-page color ads in Business Week, Forbes, Newsweek, the New York Times, Washington Post, Readers Digest, New Yorker, etc., entitled "Are We Safer Now? According to Mr. Walter, The 9/11 Report has been published, but some very troubling questions remain unanswered."

Pakistan News Covers 9/11

A Pakistani leader named 'Qazi Hussain Ahmad' has come out and said that 9/11 was a U.S. conspiracy.. You can read the article here:
Qazi says 9/11 was a planned conspiracy to crush Muslims

you can find more about him and his organization here and here..

thanks to whatreallyhappened.com for the heads up!

Some Follow Up Items + Open Thread

I will be out of town for my birthday for the next few days, so I thought I would follow up on some of the newer stuff going on and leave an open thread for people to post anything that happens while I am out.

Following up on Griffin in Hustler, 911truth.org has posted a PDF of the Hustler article which can be found here. They also have a full transcript of the Hustler interview here.

Following up on Griffin on CSPAN, 911truth.org has DVD versions of his appearance available for purchase here for $15.. They are also trying to raise money to ship these DVDs to media figures, you can learn more about donating to their cause here.

Jon Gold Teaches a Class on 9/11

I found this write up by Jon Gold to be quite interesting, humorous, and a good read.. I figured I would share it, perhaps someone should hold this kind of class with our media?

A Lesson In 9/11 Research

Good morning class... today we're going to discuss the events of 9/11. Please take out your copies of "The Terror Timeline", and turn to page 560.

Michael Ruppert Speech in Portland Online

You can listen to Ruppert's recent speech in Portland on Peak Oil and 9/11 here:
Audio from Mike Ruppert presentation on Peak Oil

thanks to 'viva audioista' from portland.indymedia.org for the recording!

Spitzer Still Not Acting on 9/11 Criminal Investigation Petition

I just came across an article on the petition to Elliot Spitzer, Attorney General of New York, requesting a new grand jury investigation.. justicefor911.org is a site setup for that petition where you can view the petition and sign it.. if you haven't done this already please do so..

NY Attorney General Ignores Citizens' 9/11 Criminal Petition

Eight months after outraged NY citizens demanded a criminal probe into Bush's 9/11 ties, virtually nothing has been done; Citizens now may have to convene their own grand jury in order to get the wheels of justice turning.

Two More 9/11 Related Songs Added!

'Dem Bruce Lee Styles' was nice enough to send in a few 9/11 related tracks this morning, and i must say these tracks are super hot.. be sure to check them out in the 9/11 Related Music Special Feature!

here are the new tracks that were added:
Virtuoso - Fahrenheit 9/11 (feat slaine)
Diabolic - Truth

these are awesome tracks, thanks again to Dem Bruce Lee Styles!

Jim Hoffman Confronts Recent Scientific American Article

Jim Hoffman from wtc7.net has written an article to rebut the recent article from Scientific American..

Hoffman does a GREAT job of rebutting a magazine with the word 'Scientific' in its name with more science than Scientific American could hope to shake a stick at.

so do me a favor.. compare this article from Scientific American (specifically on the subject of the collapse of the WTC towers) with this article from 911research.wtc7.net, and remind me again why the public shouldn't be asking questions? i mean seriously.

Site Updates - New Audio Tracks and More

just added a few things to the site.. thought i would give everyone a heads up..

just added 3 new 9/11 related songs to the 9/11 Related Music Special Feature.. these include 2 tracks by Clarity, and a new Immortal Technique remix by Dem Bruce Lee Styles..

just added 2 new entries into the upcoming events panel.. most notably the Summer Music & 911 Film Festival being put on by 911TruthLA.us on June 12th..

Karl Schwarz Thursday Tele-seminar

just got word of a 'Tele-seminar' by Karl Schwarz tonight.. i am not too familiar with this sort of thing, but i figured i would post it for those intrested..

Thursday, June 2
Time: 10-11 PM Eastern (9 Central, 7 Pacific)
Number: 1 (507) 726-3270 Pass Code 33227#
Hosted By: Jack Allis

2008 Independent Presidential Candidate

With A Winning Formula:
* 9/11 & Iraq Truth
* Stop This War That Is Destroying America
* Throw All The Bums Out Of Office
* Restore Our Consti