
NIST full report link

the 132 page public report is available.. here is the link..

or you can just link directly to the PDF here..

needless to say this report should keep the 9/11 community busy for a while..

NIST news reports start rolling in

News articles on the recent NIST report focused on the collapse of the WTC towers are beginning to spread like wildfire..

here are a few quick links:
ABC News - Investigators Report on WTC Collapse
MSNBC - Reports: Lost fireproofing led to WTC collapse

and here is a google news search that will list the 337+ news articles on this subject..

This blog has moved to 911blogger.com

this blog has moved from the free host provided by blogger to my new domain, 911blogger.com.. please update your bookmarks, and check out the new site, having a full featured host should give me alot more room for extra content..

hope to see you there!


New article on upcoming NIST report

Report Said to Find 9/11 Evacuation Slow

A team of engineers who have spent more than two years investigating the collapse of the twin towers are to issue three reports Tuesday in New York analyzing the Sept. 11, 2001, building collapses and the response by rescue workers and building occupants.

asside from the letter from Kevin Ryan who was later fired for speaking out, this report from the NIST should be focused on trying to prove the validity of the official story, not analysing, or disproving other theories.. ill let you know when its available online..

Sandy Berger pleads guilty to destroying 9/11 evidence

(thanks 911citizenswatch.org)

Berger also admitted he took the documents to his office and cut up three copies with scissors despite knowing, as a former government official who once had access to the nation's most closely guarded secrets, that they were classified.

sounds vaguely similar to the FAA tapes that were destroyed:

an unidentified Federal Aviation Administration quality assurance manager crushed the cassette case in his hand, cut the tape into small pieces and threw them away in multiple trash cans

Site changes on the way

this blog and all of its content will soon be moving (again).. if you come across any dead links referring to '911blogger.com', then the new DNS probably hasnt propogated to your ISP yet, but let me know if you run into any dead links after the next few days..

hopefully the new site will be a good home for my blog, stay tuned!

Special Feature: 9/11 Related Music

Note: This thread is now just serving as an archive, please visit 911podcasts.com for all of the following media plus all future additions.

These are all songs which mention 9/11 related questions and conspiracies.. I'll try to break them up into categories..

Please help keep me up to date with any new tracks about 9/11 that come out!

If you enjoy these tracks please support the artists!!

NOTE: Last Updated 03/07/2006

TruthTold - 911 A Cold Day in Hell (Artist Website)

Special Feature: 9/11 Related Videos

These are all of the video clips we have hosted here, or have referenced in posts, in a consolidated location.

Be sure to scroll down and look through each of the different categories, each category is organized chronologically.

Also, check out the 'original thread' links for each video for context, and feedback for each video.

NOTE: Last Updated 3/22/2006

David Ray Griffin weighs in on the 911 truth movement

DRG said those seeking 9/11 truth should focus on the lies and inconsistancies found in the 9/11 commission report, you can read his full comments here (thanks 911truth.org):

Recent 9/11 Strategy Thoughts from Dr. David Ray Griffin

Rescue Worker Drops New 9/11 Revelations

great interview up on prisonplanet.tv with Sgt. Matthew Tartaglia, a rescue worker at ground zero..

its a pretty long interview, but is a very very interesting read.. good stuff.

Rescue Worker Drops New 9/11 Revelations

edit: download the interview in mp3