The Small World of 9/11 Players: LS2, Vidient and AMEC

Detailed investigation reveals unexpected connections among people who played critical roles related to the attacks of September 11, 2001. Earlier articles have covered some of those connections with respect to the World Trade Center (WTC) and the official reports which were produced to explain the WTC events.[1] This article will begin to outline a wider set of connections that encompasses more aspects of 9/11. Readers may find that, with respect to the 9/11 attacks and those who were responsible for protecting us from terrorism, it is a small world after all.

Barry McDaniel came to the WTC security company Stratesec, in 1998, to become its Chief Operating Officer. In the years before 9/11, Stratesec had contracts to provide security services not only for the WTC, but also for United Airlines, which owned two of the planes hijacked on 9/11, and Dulles Airport, where American Airlines Flight 77 took off that day.

At the WTC, McDaniel was in charge of the security operation in terms of what he called a “completion contract,” to provide services “up to the day the buildings fell down.”[2] McDaniel came to Stratesec directly from BDM International, where he had been Vice President for nine years. BDM was a major subsidiary of The Carlyle Group for most of that time. When Barry McDaniel started at BDM, the company began getting a large amount of government business “in an area the Navy called Black Projects,” or budgets that were kept secret.[3]

How Congress Has Signed Its Own Arrest Warrants in the NDAA Citizen Arrest Act By Naomi Wolf January 02, 2012

How Congress Has Signed Its Own Arrest Warrants in the NDAA Citizen Arrest Act

By Naomi Wolf

January 02, 2012 - "Naomi Wolf" --- December 12th, 2011 -- I never thought I would have to write this: but—incredibly—Congress has now passed the National Defense Appropriations Act, with Amendment 1031, which allows for the military detention of American citizens. The amendment is so loosely worded that any American citizen could be held without due process. The language of this bill can be read to assure Americans that they can challenge their detention — but most people do not realize what this means: at Guantanamo and in other military prisons, one’s lawyer’s calls are monitored, witnesses for one’s defense are not allowed to testify, and one can be forced into nudity and isolation. Incredibly, ninety-three Senators voted to support this bill and now most of Congress: a roster of names that will live in infamy in the history of our nation, and never be expunged from the dark column of the history books.

Unscientific American?

Scientific American magazine, through columnists like Michael Shermer, has supported the notion that the World Trade Center was destroyed by fire, just like the government said it was. However, a recent article in the magazine, "Castles in the Air" (September, 2011), discusses the building boom in high-rise steel superstructure buildings and does point out how ironic it is that these buildings continue to be built.

A letter to the editor about the article was published in the January 2012 edition from Luke Bisby, a Senior Research Fellow in Structures and Fire at the University of Edinburgh (see the link below). His letter comes to the conclusion that architects and engineers need to face the reality of what a fire can do to a high-rise building. Neither the letter writer, nor the editorial staff of Scientific American bothered to note that over 1,600 architects and engineers have faced the notion that fire destroyed all three buildings at the World Trade Center and rejected it.

Crackpot Anti-Islam Activists, "Serial Fabricators" and the Tale of Iran and 9/11 12/29/ by: Gareth Porter TRUTHOUT

Crackpot Anti-Islam Activists, "Serial Fabricators" and the Tale of Iran and 9/11
Thursday 29 December 2011
by: Gareth Porter, Truthout | Report

Behind a mysterious December 22 Associated Press story about "finding of fact" by a District judge in Manhattan Friday that Iran assisted al Qaeda in the planning of the 9/11 attacks is a tapestry of recycled fabrications and distortions of fact from a bizarre cast of characters.

Article is here:

New 9/11 Timeline Entries: Nuclear War Exercise on 9/11, NORAD Commanders' Delayed Response to Attacks, and More

From the History Commons Groups blog:

Numerous new entries have been added to the Complete 9/11 Timeline at History Commons, many of which deal with the US military's actions around the time of--and in response to--the 9/11 attacks, while other new entries provide important information about the military's responses to suspicious aircraft prior to 9/11.

New timeline entries describe how NORAD--the military organization responsible for defending US airspace--regularly launched fighter jets in response to suspicious aircraft in the years before 9/11, with fighters able to take off within minutes of a scramble order.

Implications of September 11 Flight Transponder Signal Losses

Since September 11, 2001, it has generally been accepted by the media and the 9/11 Commission itself, that the loss of Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) information for three of the four September 11 flights was caused by accused hijackers who allegedly seized control of the aircraft flight decks and manually turned off each plane’s Mode S (Mode Select) transponder, for the purpose of evading detection and interception by U.S. air defense systems. However, this conclusion appears to be based only on circumstantial information - the simple loss of SSR flight data to Air Traffic Control (ATC) – and seems unsupported by conclusive information. Moreover, ATC was nevertheless still able to tag and track three flight’s primary radar returns and estimate their location, direction, ground speed and even altitude changes.

Perhaps the most significant consequence of lost September 11 flight SSR data to ATC was a circumstantial impression of accused hijacker flight deck takeovers. As can be shown, aircraft Mode S transponder SSR information can be caused to vanish from ATC radar displays by other documented means. Coincidentally or not, the only September 11 flight with a continuously operative transponder (United 175), was also the only flight with a transponder able to warn away the only other flights in serious danger of colliding with a September 11 flight, thus facilitating it's subsequent impact with World Trade Center 2 (WTC 2).

Justifying War with Iran By Russ Baker December 27, 2011 "WhoWhatWhy"

Original article with LIVE links:

Justifying War with Iran

By Russ Baker

December 27, 2011 "WhoWhatWhy" -- A growing body of evidence points to a concerted campaign to prepare Americans and the world for war against Iran. This is not idle speculation. It fits a pattern that repeatedly preceded previous hostilities.

Here are the recent examples on Iran:

Iran rejects NY judge's ruling on Sept 11 attacks
Rest of Asia
Iran rejects NY judge's ruling on Sept 11 attacks
Associated Press
Tehran, December 25, 2011
First Published: 23:09 IST(25/12/2011)

Iran has rejected a New York judge's finding that Tehran is liable in the September 11 attacks along with the Taliban and al Qaeda. According to state TV, Iran's foreign ministry spokesman referred to last week's judgement as "clumsy scenario-making" by the US. The spokesman,
Ramin Mehmanparast, repeated Iran's insistence that al Qaeda has no presence in the country.

On Thursday, Judge George Daniels in Manhattan signed a default judgement finding Iran, the Taliban and al Qaeda liable in the 2001 attacks. The ruling came in a $100 billion lawsuit brought by family members of victims.

The findings also said Iran provides al Qaeda members a safe haven.

Dr. Jeffrey Kaye "Iron Man” & the OBL Cover Up.

From Corbett Report Radio: In the run-up to 9/11, a little-known military intelligence unit was tracking the movements and actions of Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. In late 2000, the military brass called off that work, and later the DoD lied to Congress about the unit and its work. As James says, get your pen and paper in hand, you might want to take notes on this one.

Kaye get's into military intelligence other then Able Danger prior to 9/11.


AE911Truth "The Blueprint" Monthly Newsletter | December 2011