Vets Sue CIA Over Mind Control Tests *WIRED" January 07, 2009

Vets Sue CIA Over Mind Control Tests
By Noah Shachtman Email January 07, 2009 | 6:05:29 PMCategories: Bizarro

Vol1_1 For two decades or more during the Cold War, the CIA and the military allegedly plied the unwitting with acid, weed, and dozens of psychoactive drugs, in a series of zany (and sometimes dangerous) mind-control experiments. Now, the Vietnam Veterans of America are suing the agency and the Pentagon for perceived abuses suffered under the so-called "MK-ULTRA" and other projects.

Six veterans are suffering from all kinds of ailments tied to this "diabolical and secret testing program," according to a statement from the vets' lawyers, passed on to SpyTalk's Jeff Stein.

Same Bat Time ...

Be sure to tune in to TMJ, channel 4 in the Milwaukee area, at 9am on Friday, January 23rd.

R. Michael Gull and Jason Williams will be guests on the show, discussing "New Day," an independent film being shot primarily in Milwaukee that involves around the 9/11 attacks and the government's potential involvement in them, a film in which yours truly will be making a cameo appearance.

If you aren't in the Milwaukee area, you can watch the show online at:

National Archives To Open 9/11 Commission Textual Materials

35%? - Jon


WHAT: The National Archives will open more than 150 cubic feet of records of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, known as the 9/11 Commission, an independent, bipartisan commission created by Congress. The Commission’s mandate was to provide a “full and complete accounting” of the attacks of September 11, 2001, and recommend how to prevent such attacks in the future.

On January 14th at 9 AM EST, Memoranda for the Record (summaries of 709 interviews conducted by the Commission), series descriptions, and folder title lists will be available online ( These records include information on the terrorists, past terrorist events, al Qaeda in general, and related subjects. The records also include information concerning the emergency responses to the attacks in New York City and Washington, DC.

WHO: Steven Tilley, Director of the National Archives Textual Archives Services Division, will brief the media about the review process and content of the records.

The Government Heavily Manipulates Social Media

The U.S. government long ago announced its intention to "fight the net".

As revealed by an official Pentagon report signed by Rumsfeld called "Information Operations Roadmap":

The roadmap [contains an] acknowledgement that information put out as part of the military's psychological operations, or Psyops, is finding its way onto the computer and television screens of ordinary Americans.

"Information intended for foreign audiences, including public diplomacy and Psyops, is increasingly consumed by our domestic audience," it reads.

"Psyops messages will often be replayed by the news media for much larger audiences, including the American public," it goes on.***

Peter Dale Scott: Martial Law, the Financial Bailout, and War

Martial Law, the Financial Bailout, and War

by Peter Dale Scott - January 7, 2008

Paulson's Financial Bailout

It is becoming clear that the bailout measures of late 2008 may have consequences at least as grave for an open society as the response to 9/11 in 2001. Many members of Congress felt coerced into voting against their inclinations, and the normal procedures for orderly consideration of a bill were dispensed with.

The excuse for bypassing normal legislative procedures was the existence of an emergency. But one of the most reprehensible features of the legislation, that it allowed Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to permit bailed-out institutions to use public money for exorbitant salaries and bonuses, was inserted by Paulson after the immediate crisis had passed.

According to Congressman Peter Welch (D-Vermont) the bailout bill originally called for a cap on executive salaries, but Paulson changed the requirement at the last minute. Welch and other members of Congress were enraged by "news that banks getting taxpayer-funded bailouts are still paying exorbitant salaries, bonuses, and other benefits." In addition, as AP reported in October, "Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. questioned allowing banks that accept bailout bucks to continue paying dividends on their common stock. `There are far better uses of taxpayer dollars than continuing dividend payments to shareholders,' he said."

Even more reprehensible is the fact that since the bailouts, Paulson and the Treasury Department have refused to provide details of the Troubled Assets Relief Program spending of hundreds of billions of dollars, while the New York Federal Reserve has refused to provide information about its own bail-out (using government-backed loans) that amounts to trillions. This lack of transparency has been challenged by Fox TV in a FOIA suit against the Treasury Department, and a suit by Bloomberg News against the Fed.

The financial bailout legislation of September 2008 was only passed after members of both Congressional houses were warned that failure to act would threaten civil unrest and the imposition of martial law...


Judge's Order Could Keep Public From Hearing Details of 9/11 Trials By Peter Finn WAPO January 7, 2009

Judge's Order Could Keep Public From Hearing Details of 9/11 Trials
Among the men about to undergo military trials at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is the self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind. (By Brennan Linsley -- Associated Press)

By Peter Finn
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, January 7, 2009; Page A02

The military judge overseeing proceedings against five of the men accused of planning the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks signed an order designed to protect classified information that is so broad it could prevent public scrutiny of the most important trial at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to lawyers and human rights groups.

Obama's Black Widow

Nat Hentoff
Obama's Black Widow
Thanks to Bush and Obama, the National Security Agency now knows more about you
By Nat Hentoff
Tuesday, December 23rd 2008 at 12:35pm
Most Popular

Barack Obama will be in charge of the biggest domestic and international spying operation in history. Its prime engine is the National Security Agency (NSA)—located and guarded at Fort Meade, Maryland, about 10 miles northeast of Washington, D.C. A brief glimpse of its ever-expanding capacity was provided on October 26 by The Baltimore Sun's national security correspondent, David Wood: "The NSA's colossal Cray supercomputer, code-named the 'Black Widow,' scans millions of domestic and international phone calls and e-mails every hour. . . . The Black Widow, performing hundreds of trillions of calculations per second, searches through and reassembles key words and patterns, across many languages."

In July, George W. Bush signed into law the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, which gives the NSA even more power to look for patterns that suggest terrorism links in Americans' telephone and Internet communications.

William Safire hinted White House “mole” may have aided 9-11 terrorists

Today's conspiracies were yesterday's facts on the ground
Part III
William Safire hinted White House “mole” may have aided 9-11 terrorists

By Peter Duveen

PETER'S NEW YORK, Jan. 5, 2009—The discovery in my personal archives of issues of The New York Times and the New York Post from the days immediately following September 11, 2001 has become the basis for a several-part series on early reportage of the events of that day. The use of the original issues as opposed to electronic media has the advantage of easy reference, and absolute reliability regarding the source. This third essay will explore the remarkable drama surrounding the activities of President George W. Bush on that fateful day. We find that once New York Times columnist William Safire came into possession of the facts related to Bush’s 10-hour absence from Washington, he concluded that a “mole” in the White House may have cooperated with the 9-11 terrorists. He is thus joined at the hip with Robert Novak, who came to a similar conclusion in his column of the same day.

Conspiracy in Perry, Oklahoma

Conspiracy in Perry, Oklahoma
By Wendy S. Painting
January 7, 2009
(Perry, Oklahoma. Picture by Wendy S. Painting December 2008)

On December 27th while at the airport, returning from a research trip from Texas and Oklahoma, I received a call from a friend who said he had just turned on the television and saw something he thought would be of interest to me. He excitedly told me that the FBI had just released a surveillance tape, long held in secrecy, to the Oklahoma City National Memorial commemorating the 1995 bombing of the Murrah federal building which killed at least 168 people. For unknown reasons this video was never released to the public, was not allowed in the three bombing trials of Terry Nichols or Timothy McVeigh and remained in the sole custody of the FBI until now. A spokesperson for the memorial said that the video will help to tell the story of the bombing more completely. I had just returned from Perry, Oklahoma where the footage was taken, a few days before learning of the release of the tape. My reasons for going to Perry were also to tell the story of the Oklahoma City bombing more fully, and an exploration of Perry seemed to be one of the ways to do this.

Criminal investigation of CIA video destruction "ongoing"

The destruction by Central Intelligence Agency officials of videotapes showing the interrogation of suspected terrorists is the subject of “an ongoing criminal investigation” that is expected to conclude in the near future, according to a prosecution official.

“Investigators are now in the process of scheduling interviews with the remaining witnesses to be interviewed in this investigation,” wrote John H. Durham, Acting U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, in an affidavit (pdf) late last month. “Based on the investigative accomplishments to date, we anticipate that by mid-February 2009, and no later than February 28, 2009, we will have completed the interviews.”