Congress Rethinks 9/11 Law On Military Force

Sen. Angus King, I-Maine:
"I've only been here five months, but this is the most astounding and most astoundingly disturbing hearing that I've been to since I've been here," King told the witnesses. "You guys have essentially rewritten the Constitution here today. The Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 clearly says that the Congress has the power to declare war."

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Hollywood and 9/11: The Movies and TV Dramas Resembling the Terrorist Attacks That Were Being Produced in September 2001

The famous Hollywood sign

"It represents capitalism. It represents freedom. It represents everything America is
about. And to bring those two buildings down would bring America to its knees."

- Line from Nosebleed, a movie originally set to start being
filmed at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001

A significant number of movies and television dramas were being produced at the time of the 9/11 attacks, which had storylines with some remarkable similarities to the events of September 11, 2001. These storylines featured incidents such as terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, terrorists hijacking a commercial aircraft, and terrorists causing a jumbo jet to crash in New York.

The movies and TV shows would have featured some famous actors, and were being made for major companies, such as CBS and 20th Century Fox. Furthermore, employees of the military and other U.S. government agencies are known to have assisted in developing the storylines of some of these productions. Unsurprisingly, after September 11, the movies and TV shows were either canceled or significantly rewritten so as to remove any resemblance to the 9/11 attacks.

The existence of these movies and TV dramas, at the very least, disproves claims that the 9/11 attacks could not have been foreseen. It is worth considering, however, whether these productions served a more sinister purpose in relation to 9/11, albeit unknown to most of the people working on them.

Philip Mudd (Former CIA/FBI) passes on question about WTC 7 free-fall

Philip Mudd on C-SPAN's Washington Journal program refuses to address my question about the free-fall acceleration of WTC 7 acknowledged by NIST. 5/12/13

I Have A Question About The NSA And 9/11

"You can do an investigation, and if you don't really want to research an area, you just don't look at it. If you don't ask them all of the questions, or you don't let them tell you the whole story, ya know... then you can write a report based on half-truths." - 9/11 Family Member, September Eleventh Advocate, "Jersey Girl" Mindy Kleinberg


Jon Gold
Updated: 5/5/2013

Hopefully, you remember the time right after 9/11. A time when we were told repeatedly that there were absolutely no warnings, and that no one had any idea something like that could happen. If not, feel free to browse the "9/11 Denials" section available at

New Articles at the Journal of 9/11 Studies

By Kevin Ryan

At the Journal of 9/11 Studies, we have published two new articles. The first is from Dr. Timothy Eastman and professional engineer Jonathan Cole. It is titled "WTC Destruction: An Analysis of Peer Reviewed Technical Literature." Here's the abstract:

"The importance of understanding the mechanisms of collapse for the three World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001 cannot be over-estimated, for these unusual collapses and their disputed causes raise questions regarding all future steel-frame building design. A literature review was conducted to identify the evolving trend in research results in this area, which have become increasingly diverse over time. Recommendations for further research are presented."

The second article is from German researcher Paul Schreyer. It is called "Radar loss on 9/11." Here's an excerpt:

"The radar coverage of the United States airspace is nearly complete. In particular the northeastern area, where all four hijackings took place on 9/11, has no “gaps” whatsoever in radar coverage. Nonetheless there was radar loss on 9/11 with respect to the third hijacked plane, American Airlines Flight 77, which was reported to have hit the Pentagon."

Report: U.S. Government and NATO Worked with Bin Laden and His Top Lieutenant 3 Months AFTER 9/11

FBI Translator Alleges that Bin Laden and His Number 2 Worked as Part of Operation Gladio

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has been deemed credible by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General, several senators (free subscription required), and a coalition of prominent conservative and liberal groups.

The ACLU described Edmonds as:

The most gagged person in the history of the United States of America.

And famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg says that Edmonds possesses information “far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers”.

Edmonds translated terror-related communications for the FBI right after 9/11. In that capacity, she read communications between terrorists and other radicals.

Edmonds said last week that Bin Laden – and his number 2 Al Qaeda lieutenant – Ayman al-Zawahiri – worked with the U.S. government for 3 months after 9/11 to coordinate destablization in the Caucus region:

9/11 Free Fall: Richard Gage, Bob McIlvaine, and Deborah Voorhees respond to Rachel Maddow

In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall Richard Gage AIA, 9/11 victim family member Bob McIlvaine, and journalist Deborah Voorhees respond to MSNBC host Rachel Maddow’s recent diatribe attacking 9/11 Truth. This interview includes Richard and Bob’s challenge to Maddow to bring them on her show, and Deborah’s insight regarding journalistic ethics and the obstacles to getting the 9/11 controlled demolition evidence into the corporate controlled media.

9/11 victim's family member and others insulted by Maddow's 9/11 Truth attack

9/11 Free Fall
By Andrew Steele

After hearing Rachel Maddow's recent attack on 9/11 Truth and her assertion that those who don't believe the U.S. government's official story get a satisfied feeling from their "conspiracy theories", 9/11 victim's family member Bob McIlvaine's immediate response was, "I wish she would say that to my face".

Breakthrough: High-level conference in Germany merges discussion about NATO policy with 9/11 truth

The German Section of the International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms (IALANA) and the Centre of European Law and Politics at the University of Bremen, Germany, organized a high-level conference that took place from 26 - 28 April 2013 at the University of Bremen. Title: "Quo vadis NATO? - Challenges for Democracy and Law"

Among the speakers were:

Dr. Hans-Christof Graf von Sponeck, former United Nations Assistant Secretary General
Prof. Dr. Christopher Weeramantry, former Vice President of the International Court of Justice
Dr. Dieter Deiseroth, Judge at the German Federal Administrative Court
Wolfgang Nescovic, former Judge at the German Federal High Court
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Merkel, Professor for criminal law and philosophy of law, University of Hamburg
Dr. Andreas von Buelow, former German Assistant Secretary of Defense
Dr. Daniele Ganser, Swiss historian and peace researcher

There were a lot more speakers, many judges, lawyers, professors and politicians, but also researchers like myself.

Among the discussed topics were:

- "Military interventions to protect human rights?"
- "Gladio and the strategy of tension"
- "Historical fact checking regarding the debate about 9/11"
- "9/11 and the invocation of Article 5 of the NATO Charter - Legal questions"

My own short presentation on April 27th covered the circumstances of the creation of the 9/11 Commission, the missing evidence regarding Bin Laden and the 19 alleged hijackers, and the anomalies of the air defense on 9/11. I also mentioned "Vigilant Guardian". And I informed the audience about the 9/11 Consensus Panel and their website.

Daniele Ganser, who spoke before me, covered Gladio and also discussed WTC 7, including a presentation of a videoclip of the tower´s collapse. Many of the conference´s participants acknowledged that they hadn´t known about these facts before.

The courageous decision of the organizers to include 9/11 truth into a high-level conference about NATO and legal aspects of war and peace is remarkable and a new step towards greater public awareness of these issues.

FBI Report Implicates Saudi Government in 9/11

But “We Can’t Afford to Irritate the Saudis” By Actually Looking Into Who Backed 9/11 … “Especially with Oil Prices Going Up Now”

Contrary to the official narrative, 9/11 was state-sponsored terror.  The only question is which state sponsored it.

A 9/11 Commissioner and Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 say in sworn declarations that the Saudi government is linked to the 9/11 attacks.

This week, the Miami Herald provided more evidence of a Saudi link:

A Saudi family who “fled” their Sarasota area home weeks before 9/11 had “many connections” to “individuals associated with the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001,” according to newly released FBI records.

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