Rehearsing 9/11: How Training Exercises Foretold the Attacks of September 11

The idea of such an attack was well known [and] had been
wargamed as a possibility in exercises before September 11.

- Professor John Arquilla of the Naval Postgraduate
School, Monterey, California

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks, senior U.S. government and military officials repeatedly claimed that what happened that day was unexpected. In May 2002, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said, "I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon; that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile." [1] Two years later, President Bush stated, "Nobody in our government, at least, and I don't think the prior government, could envision flying airplanes into buildings on such a massive scale." [2] General Ralph Eberhart, the commander of NORAD on September 11, said, "Regrettably, the tragic events of 9/11 were never anticipated or exercised." [3]

UN official: Enough evidence to prosecute Rumsfeld for war crimes

David Edwards and Stephen C. Webster
Monday January 26, 2009

Monday, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak told CNN's Rick Sanchez that the US has an "obligation" to investigate whether Bush administration officials ordered torture, adding that he believes that there is already enough evidence to prosecute former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

"We have clear evidence," he said. "In our report that we sent to the United Nations, we made it clear that former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld clearly authorized torture methods and he was told at that time by Alberto Mora, the legal council of the Navy, 'Mr. Secretary, what you are actual ordering here amounts to torture.' So, there we have the clear evidence that Mr. Rumsfeld knew what he was doing but, nevertheless, he ordered torture."

Video - 9/11 Truth – Leading People out of the Matrix

9/11 Truth – Leading People out of the Matrix

This video is dedicated to my neighbor, Greg, who woke me up to the truth about 9/11 and to all of the givers around the world who wake up others.

You don’t have to be a William Rodriguez, Steven Jones or even a Richard Gage to be a Hero in the Truth Movement. All you have to do is be willing to wake up others, including perfect strangers. It only takes a little bit of Truth to get people to question the reality that they have been fed. Give a DVD, Flyer, Info Card or a Conversation about Building 7 to a stranger and watch them come out of the matrix.

Even if they don’t wake up right away, you are planting a seed for the next person.

Go here to see it in High Resolution

Here is the Low Res.

The BBC Won't Play This Gaza Aid Appeal

The BBC has been joined by Sky News in their boycott of this aid appeal for the children of Gaza. But you can watch it on YouTube, as the Disasters Emergency Committee has posted the ad;

Please post it around the web, we'll just go around the Beeb.

Démolition du 11 Septembre * New French Video is HOT on Google Video

Démolition du 11 septembre - 20:13 - Dec 22, 2007
Reopen 911 Aldwinn

(1417 Ratings) Rate:

Comparaison de l'écroulement du wtc avec des démolitions contrôlées. Le building 7 est-il la clé de la compréhension des événements...all » Comparaison de l'écroulement du wtc avec des démolitions contrôlées. Le building 7 est-il la clé de la compréhension des événements du 11 septembre? wtc 7 ny new york 11 septembre reopen 911 démolition controlée contrôlée bush silverstein thermite thermate building tour tours jumelles wtc7 chute libre enron pyroclastique loose change

Obama and 9/11

(EDIT: please also see this related blog at American's Journey: Now what Exactly was the change you Obama voters hoped for?)

(Via Michael Hasty's "Radical Pantheist" blog)

Although I was as happy as most Americans that Barack Obama took the oath of office last week, rather than his Republican alternative, there is a major reason that he did not get my vote in November, which went instead to Cynthia McKinney: Obama is unlikely to re-open an investigation into what really happened on September 11, 2001—an investigation that needs to happen.

According to polls, about four in ten Americans are suspicious that the Bush administration was complicit in the 9/11 attacks—either by deliberately ignoring intelligence that warned an attack was coming and allowing the terrorists to strike, to gain public support for the neoconservative foreign policy agenda of increasing American military power in the Middle East; or by actively coordinating the attacks themselves, for the same reason. As Time magazine, in a rare acknowledgement of the 9/11 truth movement, said: “This is not a fringe phenomenon. It is a mainstream political reality.”

It’s easy to understand, however, why a majority of Americans have such a hard time getting their minds around the idea that their government may have some involvement in such a horrendous crime. Americans are conditioned from an early age to think of themselves as “the good guys,” living in a “democracy”—which, however imperfect, has always been primarily motivated by the desire to advance the core national principle of “freedom,” both at home and abroad. And the actions of the government are closely monitored by a diligent “free press.”

It’s a civics class myth. Yet this myth has the emotional resonance that comes with also being at the heart of what sociologists call America’s “civil religion.” And the myth was especially encouraged among us presently living generations of Americans, the citizens of the post-World War II national security state—although there has obviously been a greater public distrust of government since the Vietnam War and Watergate. The Bush administration brought this distrust to new heights, lying about everything to genocidal effect. But still, many people want to believe that the Bush mob was just too incompetent to have pulled off a sophisticated attack like 9/11 (although non-state actors living in caves in Afghanistan, half a world away, were perfectly capable)...


Letter to Editor

Once again, a search on "9/11 truth" brings up a new item. The Kennebec Journal bravely published a pro 9/11 truth letter.

Machiavelli wrote, "There are many who think a wise prince ought, when he has the chance, to foment astutely some enmity, so that by suppressing it he will augment his greatness."

This tactic has often been used or considered. Germany was blamed during World War I for an unprovoked attack on the "Lusitania," which was carrying arms to the British, and the Vietnam War was expanded based on a false report on Aug. 4, 1964, of an attack in the Gulf of Tonkin.

Operation Northwoods, a 1962 military plan to fake a Cuban attack on the U.S., proposed shooting down a civilian plane with Americans onboard.

9/11 Truth Street Action - 11 December 2008

9/11 Truth Street Action - 11 December 2008

From 911oz

On 11 December the Sydney 9/11 Action group were outside Parliament house, Sydney.

We had a chance to interview a representative of the Wilderness society protesting that day who gave us the thumbs up.

Review of Marc Estrin's novel: "Skulk"

Review of Marc Estrin's Skulk

Progressive Press, P.O. Box 126, Joshua Tree, California, 2009

by Charles R. Simpson - State University of New York, Plattsburgh

Marc Estrin's Skulk is a darkly entertaining comedy of misguided if well-intentioned political fumbling. Its unlikely pair of protagonists, coming from opposite ends of the political spectrum, hatch a scheme to make a complacent America ask, "Who really bombed the Pentagon and the World Trade Center?" But wait, wasn't the question of 9/11 answered in 2004 by a the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, otherwise known as the 9/11 Commission? Didn't they analyze 2.5 million pages of documents and interview 1,200 people to conclude that a global conspiracy operating under the name "Al Qaeda" orchestrated the attacks, helped along by U.S. intelligence failures? Why would Estrin push against this juggernaut of political analysis when expert scrutiny and our own eyes--via images of the day from the broadcast networks--have established the contours of this rubble-strewn landscape? And isn't a novel a rather lightweight vehicle with which to plow back the weight of settled history? Estrin's project is ambitious.

Terrorists Working for Western Countries

(Via Nafeez Ahmed's blog)

Norwegian Daily: Terrorists Working for Western Countries

It came to my attention that a senior correspondent, Kristin Aalen, working for a national Norwegian broadsheet - Stavanger Aftenbladet (Stavanger Evening News) - just recently printed a detailed article in the newspaper on Western covert operations sponsoring al-Qaeda after the Cold War... based almost entirely on my research in The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism.

Entitled "Terrorists Working for Western Countries" (24.11.08), it even gives a country-by-country summary breakdown complete with a handy geopolitical world map of the wide arc of these operations. It's a very useful piece from a mainstream national European paper that very effectively summarises the thrust of my research into this unpalatable subject. A shame that the British press is so reticient about such issues.
