Robert Wanek On The Corbett Report: Time To Wake Up!

WeAreCHANGE Wishlist

WeAreChange NYC are in dire need of materials and resources to keep us on the offensive on the front lines of the Infowar. We have had cameras damaged and stolen, in need of replacements and repairs. We are in need of new banners, preferably double sided, to be able to display to passers-by on both sides, or to carry in marches and parades. We also go through thousands of DVDs and fliers every month, and the supply line is running thin. Donations are wonderful, and we assure those who can donate that your money will go straight to our efforts to bring truth to power and to educate the public one person at a time.

Debate: Jason Bermas vs. anti-truther

163 minutes in duration. (Yup, it's long!) I'm about half way through right now. Jason is kicking ass. The host doesn't seem to be too impressed with Bennett's counter-arguments to Bermas. Bennett and his kind are not debunkers. They're anti-truthers. WE are the real debunkers, as we debunked the official story and proved it to be a lie. I refuse to any longer dignify them by using the word "debunker," even in scare quotes.


Top Counter-Terrorism Experts Question 9/11

Counter-terrorism experts presumably have some insight into terrorism, right?

In fact, numerous high-level counter-terrorism experts question the government's investigation of - and explanation for - 9/11.

For example:

Loss of Key US Airbase Major Setback for War on Terror

Geopolitics: For those interested in the bigger picture, after an apparent deal with the Russians involving two billion dollars worth of ‘aid’, the government of a Central Asia republic has insisted that a vital US airbase is to close, possibly placing the ability of the US and her allies to continue effective military operations in Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan, in serious doubt - JW


Inside US air base in Manas

By Daniel Fisher
BBC News, Manas air base

On Friday, BBC journalists were the first to get inside Manas - the last remaining US air base in Central Asia, after Kyrgyzstan announced earlier this week it was closing the base.

Manas is vital to US operations: it is both the gateway to Afghanistan for troops in the US and coalition forces, and where all the in-flight re-fuelling aircraft are based for supporting fighters in the air.

Thousands of troops including the British pass through the base every day to and from the war zone.

Thug Diplomacy - Bush Admin. Threatened the UK's "National Security" if they publish torture evidence.

In an effort to cover up evidence of the torture of Binyam Ahmed Mohamed, the Bush Administration threatened the National Security of the UK;

"Ordering the disclosure of the US intelligence information now would have only the marginal effects of serious and lasting damage to the US-UK intelligence sharing relationship, and thus the national security of the UK …"

The letters proving the threat were provided to the UK's Channel 4, who broadcast this segment on February 5, 2009;

The Foreign Secretary David Miliband (featured in the above video) denies that it is a threat, but this lie was put to rest by MP Edward Davey, who was also in the British Parliament on February 5th (but not sampled for Channel 4's broadcast);

News Anouncement: New 9/11 Truth Website called "Religious Leaders For 9/11 Truth"

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers,
I received this e-mail today with this announcement:

A new organization called "Religious Leaders for 9 /11 Truth" has been formed. A small group of charter members has posted a statement of concern and a petition for a new investigation of 9/11 at (David Ray Griffin has been serving as an advisor to this organization.)

These religious leaders---who include lay as well as professional religious leaders---have recognized the significant moral challenge posed by the discrepancy between the official account of 9/11 and extensive evidence, based on independent research, that has shown this official account to be false.

Congress Must Finally Fulfill America's Obligation To The Forgotten Victims Of September 11th

It's important to remember who forgot them because it wasn't us. - Jon


Saturday, February 7th 2009, 4:00 AM

A new study by researchers at Mount Sinai Medical Center confirms the terrible truth about the long-term damage suffered by many rescue and recovery workers who responded to the World Trade Center.

The serious ill effects caused by breathing the toxic cloud that draped The Pile are, to this day, persistent and chronic among thousands of brave men and women who pitched in heroically after the terror attack.

Tests on more than 3,160 cops, construction workers and others found that more than 24% showed abnormal lung function between 2004 and 2007, down only slightly from the 28% who exhibited reduced lung function in similar examinations from 2002 to 2004.

The findings reinforce a second truth: Congress must find the will and the wherewithal to provide health care, monitoring and compensation to all those who remain sickened by exposure to WTC dust.

Obama meets families of USS Cole, Sept. 11 victims By DARLENE SUPERVILLE, Associated Press

Obama meets families of USS Cole, Sept. 11 victims

By DARLENE SUPERVILLE, Associated Press Writer Darlene Superville, Associated Press

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama held an emotional meeting Friday with relatives of victims of the bombing of the USS Cole and the Sept. 11 attacks who are still waiting for justice to be served years after the deadly acts of terrorism.

Obama promised the roughly 40 family members who attended that the meeting would be the first of many.

Some of the victims' relatives said they welcomed Obama's gesture. Still, they aren't entirely convinced that his decision to close the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, facility, where terrorism suspects are being detained, and halt legal action on their cases is the right thing to do.

Obama has expressed concerns about the fact that detainees have been held for years without trial. He has signed an executive order to close the facility within a year while the administration reviews other options for seeing that the detainees get their day in court.

Why Lee Harvey Oswald Had to Die! Thursday, February 05, 2009

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Why Lee Harvey Oswald Had to Die!

Without a bullet that can be proven to have been at the scene of the crime, the government would have had no case against Lee Harvey Oswald, tried in absentia in the media because he was murdered and murdered before he could talk. Conveniently! The government needed a piece of hard evidence --a magic bullet'!

They got one! Conveniently!

The government needed a truly magical bullet that did magical things --the work of six or seven other bullets most which got beat up and deformed in the line of duty.

Arlen Specter must be credited with concocting the theory that a single 'magical' bullet could smash bone and cartilage and emerge with nary a scratch! Arlen Specter would pull a pull a 'magical theory' out of thin air while a friendly shill would pull an equally 'magic bullet' out of his ass.

OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism

FOX News is a propaganda outlet, far more than it is a "news" source. For those unfamiliar with this vile spigot, please watch this documentary by Robert Greenwald to get a sense of what they are all about;

(There is a less blurry upload here: but it can't be embedded.)