Bloomberg Says Silverstein Should Be Removed From WTC Role

More than four years into the rebuilding of the World Trade Center – and with little to show for the effort – Mayor Michael Bloomberg says developer Larry Silverstein should be booted from the site.

In an interview in the Daily News, Bloomberg says it would be in the city's best interest if Silverstein, who leases the site, were removed.

However, says the mayor, "nobody can figure out how to do it."

Silverstein has made it clear in the past that he has no intention of giving up his lease on the site, for which he pays $120 million a year in rent.

Possible Motives Of The Bush Administration By Dr. David Ray Griffin

Transcribed From "The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions & Distortions" - Chapter Ten

Thanks to Jon Gold for taking the time to transcribe this:

What Really Happened On 9/11?

William Rodriguez speaking in Atlanta, November 12-13. Follow this link, click Upcoming Events, then click 2005 ATLANTA FREEDOM CONFERENCE

William Rodriguez - maintenance workder who held the master keys of the Trade Center is suing President Bush & other high U.S. Officials to expose what really happened on that tragic day!

Event Times and Location
Saturday 9 AM till 5 PM
Saturday Banquet 7 PM till 10 PM
Sunday 9 AM till 5 PM

The Story of 9/11 Hero, William Rodriguez, Is Censored Again

The Story of 9/11 Hero, William Rodriguez, Is Censored Again As Savage Approach Taken To Caller on 'The Savage Nation' Radio Show Silences Real Truth Behind 9/11

By Greg Szymanski

The outright criminal censorship by the media continues to rock the foundations of our free speech rights as another mainstream radio personality, claiming to be independent, bites the dust, deciding this week to “shut up” a listener after she tried discussing the explosions in the WTC basement on 9/11 as the real cause of the collapse.

Oliver Stone film about Sept. 11 being filmed in Glen Rock

GLEN ROCK, N.J. -- Oscar-winning film director Oliver Stone is using the small borough of Glen Rock as a backdrop for some shots in his new film about the last two officers who made it out of the World Trade Center alive.

Stone checked out a barber shop, the Rock Cafe and the CVS drugstore on Thursday with his director's "finder" lens in hand, according to a story in The Record of Bergen County for its Saturday morning papers.

The film, which has yet to be named, will be based on the story of Port Authority of New York and New Jersey police Sgt. John McLoughlin and Officer William J. Jimeno who were trapped in the rubble on Sept. 11, 2001. Nicolas Cage, who won a best-actor Oscar for "Leaving Las Vegas," will star as McLoughlin.

Vermont Guardian Covers Griffin

Mission improbable: Author challenges the official story of 9/11

For more than four years, the public has repeatedly been urged to ignore “outrageous” conspiracies theories about the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that set in motion the so-called “war on terrorism.” However, the official explanation that has been provided — and widely embraced — also requires the acceptance of a theory, one involving a massive intelligence failure, 19 Muslim hijackers under the sway of Osama bin Laden, and the inability of the world’s most advanced Air Force to intercept four commercial airplanes.

Where the Hell is YOUR 9/11 Proof?

Believers of the Official Version of 9/11: Where the Hell Is YOUR Proof?

I believe that I, and every single person involved in the independent 9/11 research community must ask one question of the people who still believe the official 9/11 story. We must demand that those who accept the Bush/PNAC explanation of the events of that terrible day answer a single question:

Where the HELL is YOUR proof that PNAC’s call for a ‘catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor’ was only an unbelievably astounding and timely coincidence rather than a statement that should have raised reasonable suspicion?

Theologian Says Controlled Demolition Is Now a Fact, Not a Theory

This news comes amid another article mentioning a "Death Watch at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue" available here.

Have we reached the tipping point????

In two speeches to overflow crowds in New York last weekend, notable theologian David Ray Griffin argued that recently revealed evidence seals the case that the Twin Towers and WTC-7 were destroyed by controlled demolition with explosives. Despite the many enduring mysteries of the 9/11 attacks, Dr. Griffin concluded, "It is already possible to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, one very important thing: the destruction of the World Trade Center was an inside job, orchestrated by terrorists within our own government."

Jim Marrs 9-11 Conspiracies Familiar Pattern

9/11 is nothing new. What is new is that American's are more ignorant than ever!

New Video

Terror Alerts Manufactured?

Those repeated terror alerts from the Bush administration might all be part of a calculated manipulation from our own government. At least that is the speculation of Ray McGovern. A former CIA analyst under both Reagan and Bush 41, he was interviewed on an Internet radio program Monday, presenting indications that this could all be "manufactured fake terrorism," designed to deflect attention from the continuing encroachments on our civil liberties and the growth of the federal empire at home and abroad.