ACTION ALERT - STOP H.R. 645 - " establish national emergency centers on military installations."

(See also: Police State: New Legislation Authorizes FEMA Camps In U.S.)

ACTION ALERT - STOP FEMA CAMP - STOP HR 645 - A rather scary piece of legislation has been introduced in the House of Representatives entitled HR 645. Also known as the National Emergency Centers ...

January 30, 2009

The World is Facing the First Truly Global Economic Crisis by Vladimir Putin - Global Research, January 29, 2009

The World is Facing the First Truly Global Economic Crisis

by Vladimir Putin

Global Research, January 29, 2009 - World Economic Forum

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s speech at the opening ceremony of the World Economic Forum Davos, Switzerland January 28, 2009

Good afternoon, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to thank the forum’s organizers for this opportunity to share my thoughts on global economic developments and to share our plans and proposals.

The world is now facing the first truly global economic crisis, which is continuing to develop at an unprecedented pace.

The current situation is often compared to the Great Depression of the late 1920s and the early 1930s. True, there are some similarities. However, there are also some basic differences. The crisis has affected everyone at this time of globalization. Regardless of their political or economic system, all nations have found themselves in the same boat.

R.I.P Dan Wallace 1/2/84 - 1/29/07

From Luke Rudkowski and WeAreChange

Today is the 2 year anniversary of the passing of Dan Wallace, he is forever in our hearts and minds. We will never forget him and the tremendous impact he has on the WeAreChange organization. We will continue doing actions on every 11th, confronting politicians, helping those affected by 9/11 and fighting tyranny in his memory. If it wasn't for Dan Wallace we would not be here today.


In my facts article, I state, "a different kind of praise for the 9/11 Report has come in the form of requests for "9/11-Type Commissions" for other horrible events in America's history such as Katrina and the recent "financial crisis." For Nicholas to recommend a Commission based on the 9/11 Commission to get "a better understanding of our shortcomings" was no surprise. To hear him recommend Philip Zelikow to write the "conclusions" of that Commission nearly made me lose my breakfast. - Jon

Putting Torture Behind Us


Published: January 28, 2009

President Obama is resisting calls for an investigation into torture and other abuses during the Bush years, so the chance to learn from our mistakes is slipping away.

SEC: No Records Whatsoever Regarding Destroyed WTC 7 Investigation Files

The following is a January 28, 2009 Freedom of Information Act reply from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, within which they indicate that no responsive records were located pertaining to thousands of SEC investigative files reportedly destroyed on September 11, 2001 following the collapse of World Trade Center building 7.

Dallas MLK People's Parade of Jan.19th - Raw Footage - #2 (Get a load of that TRUTHMOBILE!)

Dallas MLK People's Parade of 19th - Raw Footage - #2

More on the Martin Luther King Parades here:
During the TWO Dallas Parades we gave away 1,600 DVDs and 4,000 Broadsheets.

North Texans for 911 Truth
North Texans for 911 Truth Meetup Site

"PBS: NSA could have prevented 9/11 hijackings" - Muriel Kane - Raw Story - January 27, 2009

PBS: NSA could have prevented 9/11 hijackings
by Muriel Kane - Published: Tuesday January 27, 2009

The super-secretive National Security Agency has been quietly monitoring, decrypting, and interpreting foreign communications for decades, starting long before it came under criticism as a result of recent revelations about the Bush administration's warrantless wiretapping program. Now a forthcoming PBS documentary asks whether the NSA could have prevented 9/11 if it had been more willing to share its data with other agencies.

Prosecute Bush and Company for their Criminal Negligence and Cover-Up Regarding 9/11

Preface: To those who believe that all 9/11 conspiracy claims are crazy, please listen to what the actual intelligence officers, military leaders, legal experts, and others in the know have to say. On the other hand, to those who believe that 9/11 was an inside job - so that talk of mere "negligence" is a cop-out, please read to the end before making up your mind about strategy. As David Ray Griffin has pointed out, nearly everyone who looks at the evidence regarding 9/11 with an open mind ends up being convinced that it was an inside job. Any prosecution related to 9/11 will force people to look at the evidence.

Gangsters have been jailed for life based on convictions for tax fraud.

Investigations into small misdeeds often turn up evidence of major crimes.