Truth in America

Perhaps the efforts of have paid off. The site doesn't list the actual date of broadcast, only that its in October. Thanks to Siropmiel:

An Oprah show special…what is the truth? 9/11, the war in Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, media reports…are we getting the whole story? Do you really want to hear it? A controversial hour. Share your thoughts and join in the discussion.

Update: It appears the show is this Thursday. Thanks Siropmiel!

That would be cool if we

That would be cool if we could get the right people. Try and keep the topics to the ones that are indesputable. Like the collapse of the world trade buildings. The shills always like to control the topic to the issues that are more speculative.

i seriously doubt they are

i seriously doubt they are going to go anywhere NEAR the truth about 9/11.

Oprah has too much to loose by looking into the void.  Expect a story about toxic dust and first responders.

Oprah lost her soul years ago... 

I'm going to guess that the

I'm going to guess that the show has already been taped and will simply air later this week. Whatever was talked about, whoever was on, etc, is already in the past.

This could be great

Look, the way I see it, if oprah does the toxic dust, she's a princess. If oprah does the toxic dust and the jersey girls, I have a boner, and if oprah mentions building seven, she is a black woman jesus. If ten women look up 9/11 on the internet the day oprah does that show, then she's great. But really, we all know, it would be more like a bajillion people looking it up. Tons of people could get sucked down the wormholle on this even if she only covers the toxic dust. It is people who would never have otherwise been exposed.

who knows...

This could be an important breakthrough, but most likely it will be very skeptical and cautious with 9/11 truth. I can't really imagine Oprah doing a hard-hitting exposé. The message will probably be more like "there's some unanswered's complicated...who knows what the truth is?"

LIHOP seems to be going almost mainstream right now, but in a strangely disaffected way, like people don't think it's a big deal if they let it happen. I'd say most of these people want to believe in some sort of "unconscious LIHOP" in order retain their illusions. We've got to keep pushing...

International Truth Movement

Oprah's Site blog

I went and took and initial look at the viewer participation on the link to the upcoming show, and needless to say, 9/11 is not really an issue that seems to be coming up, at least in the early posts, while Darfur is of greater interest. I would have to agree that with such a powerful list of issues on which to shed 'Truth', I just can't imagine 9/11 is going to really be analyzed by her audience, unless somehow the topic is brought up in the right way. Naturally, I think Oprah is smart enough to have her show, and yet tiptoe around any possible direct 9/11 discussions. I do not believe she is somehow immune from the general Media Taboo that seems to apply to 90%+ of the major media (give or take a few percentage points) regarding 9/11 investigation.

I think this link, and the unfolding comments, would be interesting to keep and eye as a means to gauge just where an audience like this is with regard to 9/11. I had the idea of writing a message, bringing up a few topics, but did not want to go through the somewhat longer than usual registration process. Maybe some else is up to the task? I was not clear as to whether it involved a subscription.


Well, Oprah's message board got the message

well, it appears that Oprah's message board got the message

very impressive from indmedia4u


Interestingly, no one so far has tried to ridicule or refute the 9/11 truth postings.

Sure, and Madonna Too

THAT would spread the word!

To much to lose??? I think for the most part this is a woman of princal.As far as to much to lose she's loaded!

Hellooooo, Oprah....

People still risk a lot by coming forward with their views and/or hard-hitting questions about 9/11. We risk it ALL, by not coming forward with our views and/or hard-hitting questions about 9/11.

Just figure that out..... all in and of itself, dear Oprah.

"The truth shall make you free." Why not make the truth free? We live on a priceless blue pearl, awash in a universe of fire and ice. Cut the crap.

Minus points?

Wonder what i said here to bring negative points?
The truth? Too much to lose?The woman could quit working right now ,and her great grandkids won't worry about money.
What about the firemen who have to keep there mouth shut or lose their jobs?
In that reguard ..Between the two
Who suffers the biggest loss?

A woman of princal.

I hope your right but money does strange things to people. Sometimes they forget their "Roots". This will be the acid test for her.

Oprah Show on Truth in America

The listings of the Oprah show say that this show is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 12 (see your local listings for time).

I too doubt that anything significant will be said about 9/11 - probably just another "expert" explaining to Oprah's audience why 9/11 truthers are psychologically wanting in some manner.

I'm curious enough to watch, though - Oprah's massive following is a significant factor for public opinion. Maybe she'll surprise us!

I will def tape this show...

She couldn't even handle interracial couples w/ grace, so I'm am curious as well to see how she handles this one...

I'll just know how compromised she actually is. I agree w/ a poster to my blog entry. Join that board and bombard w/ 911 truth.

Actually, this show is airing this Thursday 10/12

You can verify this by going to and click on the text

Tune in Next Week

See What's Coming UP!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I think there should be a

I think there should be a major organized drive to get DRG on that show. Sure she might not go near the real truth, but it's definately worth a try considering the viewership she has.

At least have DRG or someone like him sit in audiance...

I'd settle for having David Ray Griffin or someone like him at least sitting in the audiance to make a few comments!

you are the company you keep....

So much for Oprah, you are the company you keep....
we wrote Jesse Jackson off long ago.. a 33 degree mason sucking up playing games. Why doesn't he ask to knock Down Albert Pike's statue in DC? Albert Pike 33 Degree mason head big shot of the KKK in his time. WEll... duh...

Here is the tid bit on who is who with Oprah, fancy that ....


Ford is certain the young man was Armstrong Williams.

Williams is rich now, totally enmeshed as stakeholder and performer in the interlocking, spaghetti bowl of secular and Christian Right media. He is an indefatigable propagandist and organization-man, constantly spinning a web of connections between himself, the universe of Right foundations and think tanks, and their overlapping Black front organizations, manufactured at the drop of a grant. Williams' public relations firm, the Graham Williams Group, co-founded with Oprah boyfriend Stedman Graham, specializes in serving "public policy organizations" - the institutional Right. He is the Hardest Working Man in Ho' Business.

Armstrong Williams sets the agenda, as well as the tone, of America's Black Forum.

Full piece @

I will be astonished & elated if Oprah broaches 9/11 truth!

l'll be astonished & elated if Oprah broaches some 9/11 truth! I am also very skeptical, though.

Show "The 9/11 Truth Movement: pathological denial" by Anonymous (not verified)

Pathological Repeater...

Denial and self-deception helps those who fancy a world divided by confusion, misdirection, deceit, and lies. A world set upon one course and once course alone... WAR.... so long as truth is supplanted by lie.

"The truth shall make you free." Why not make the truth free? We live on a priceless blue pearl, awash in a universe of fire and ice. Cut the crap.

Show "I haven't forgotten 9/11" by Anonymous (not verified)

"Bush is a pretty extreme president!!"... u can say that again

I think that's some great writing. I mean that. However, the writers perspective is still looking at a world defined largely by "left vs. right" concepts. I'm not saying the writer is not considerate of shades, but yet handicapped by it non-the-less. Another thing, as commendably well composed the 9/11 material was for a time... it's over all thesis is based upon far too narrow a breadth of scope. (keep reading).

I can't help but imagine, how a clearly intelligent writer may conclude (or see things quite differently) otherwise, with a more complete metallurgy discussion, nod to the world of corporate-militarism (truly disturbing reality, be careful lass), and a deeper look in false flags.

btw, I thought the audio was great music, despite the included apologies for bad singing. It was really fun.

"The truth shall make you free." Why not make the truth free? We live on a priceless blue pearl, awash in a universe of fire and ice. Cut the crap.

767 - Not too hard to fly!

Scroll to the bottom of that blog and read his response to one of the first comments - he actually wrote the following sentence: "Seriously, those planes are easier to fly than they look with all their automatic doo-dads!"

Everything else he wrote is just as retarded and factually unsound - but the the fact that somebody would make the claim that modern jetliners are 'easy to fly' in support of the official story really cracks me up. Its like the Far Side cartoon where the pilot sits in a fighter plane with two buttons on the console: stop and go.

Seriously, just because new planes feature a 'glass cockpit' (all digital displays) makes them no easier to fly. Autopilot will not accept the command 'Fly into Pentagon'. The fact that some of the terrorists trained in a non- glass cockpit 727 simulator gives them no qualifications whatsoever to take on a 767, and some of the supposed pilots never even had that much experience...

People should not be able to get away with writing stuff that factually incorrect. Please, leave the disinfo to the professionals...


The 9/11 Truth Movement: pathological denial. posted by anaoymous
Your the one in denial pal. Pathological denial that is.

If denial is always untrue,

If denial is always untrue, then O.J. Simpson must be guilty, ain't he? Never mind he had an alibi for the alleged crime, and never mind his prime opponent Mark Fuhrman turned out to have no such alibi. But hey, denial is always just lying, everyone of these super honourable judges out there knows that.

Loose Change 3

Shove it up yours, anonymous

Loose Change 3

Your Citations Argue for the Veracity of 9/11 Truth Movement

Hello, Anonymous. Your assertions that "The 9/11 Truth Movement: pathological denial," and "Denial and self-deception helps the 9/11 Truth Movement" are non sequiturs that don't follow from the quotes you cite.

Indeed, the argument you present via the provided quotes actually strongly bolsters the veridicality of the 9/11 Truth movement, since it's far, far harder and much more depressing to come to terms with the fact that we are reigned over by a mass-murding ruling elite who don't hesitate to murder us en masse to obtain more power for themselves.

This is the same exact reason that governments have been able to murderously slaughter such hugely monolithic numbers of their very own subjects throughout history, because people avoid coming to terms with the hard, hated, and feared truth regarding their "own" government's malevolent usurpations and rapine against them.

More than four times the amount of non-combatants have been systematically murdered for purely ideological reasons by their own governments within the past century than were killed in that same time-span from wars. From 1900 to 1923, various Turkish regimes killed from 3,500,000 to over 4,300,000 of its own Armenians, Greeks, Nestorians, and other Christians. Communist governments have murdered over 110 million of their own subjects since 1917. And Germany murdered some 16 million of it own subjects in the past century. (The preceding figures are from Prof. Rudolph Joseph Rummel's website at .)

All totaled, neither the private-sector crime which government is largely responsible for promoting and causing or even the wars committed by governments upon the subjects of other governments come anywhere close to the crimes government is directly responsible for committing against its own citizens--certainly not in amount of numbers. Without a doubt, the most dangerous presence to ever exist throughout history has always been the people's very own government.

Needless to say, all of these government mass-slaughters were conspiracies--massive conspiracies, at that.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."--H. L. Mencken

More on the pathology of 9/11 Truth Movement Denial

Thinking Defense-Mechanisms Identified in the Scholars' Explanations and Justifications Which 'Allow' Them to Engage in Denial

On the basis of the responses received in the above study of the 69 scholars who had signed the advertisement questioning the Armenian Genocide, Fromer and I formulated a series of five conceptual characteristics of 'innocent denial.' These five categories emerged for us as a consensus of the independent content analyses we did of the texts of the respondents. As will be reported shortly, we have now successfully used these categories also for content analyses of two prominent academic deniers -- a Jew denying the Armenian Genocide, and a German denying the Holocaust, two top professors in their respective cultures. (The manifest usefulness of these categories in analyzing these two notable representatives of denial in the academic world gives a further indication of the content validity of the categories, but further research to test systematically the reliability of the definitions is indicated.)

The five categories of thinking defense mechanisms are the following:

1. Innocence-and-Self-Righteousness
The respondents claim that they only intend to ascertain the truth. Moreover, they do not believe that human beings could have been so evil as the descriptions of the genocide imply. Furthermore, even if many deaths took place a long time ago, it is important to put them aside now and forgive and forget.

2. Scientificism in the Service of Confusion
The position taken is seemingly an innocent one that we do not know enough to know what the facts of history were, and rather than condemning anyone we should await the ultimate decision of research. This is a manipulative misuse of the valued principle in science that facts must be proven before they are accepted in order to obfuscate facts that are indeed known, and to confuse the minds of fair-minded people who do not want to fall prey to myths and propaganda. The very purpose of science, which is to know, is invoked in order to justify a form of know-nothingness.

3. Practicality, Pragmatism and Realpolitik
Here the claim is made that dealing with ancient history is impractical, it will not bring peace to the world in which we live today. One must be realistic and live through realpolitik.

4. Idea Linkage Distortion and Time-Sequence Confusion
This is a dishonest linkage of different ideas, often out of time sequence, to excuse denials of the facts. Present needs, whether justified or not, are taken as a reasonable basis for censoring or changing the record of past history.

5. Indirection, Definitionalism, and Maddening
These are responses which avoid the issue by failing to reply, or no less by going off on tangents about trivial details that avoid the essential issue whether genocide took place. The avoidance can also be done in a seductive manner of acknowledging that the issue should be discussed, but then it never is.

I would be happy to discuss ALL of this with you......

However, I will not engage in this activity, so long as one party remains cloaked in anonymity. Anonymity is your right, that's for sure.... yet if you want to pick apart brains and the social dynamics of group-think.... count me out if you are going to try enjoying the upper hand while I am forced to stand my ground with my pants down.

Good luck.

"The truth shall make you free." Why not make the truth free? We live on a priceless blue pearl, awash in a universe of fire and ice. Cut the crap.

Let's see how this applies to 9/11 Truth...

I will respond to your categories, each in turn. In this response, I use the term "9/11 Denier" to mean one that defends the official story (19+Osama).

1. Innocence-and-Self-Righteousness
"The respondents claim that they only intend to ascertain the truth."

So your study has found that those that seek the truth about an event are in denial about its existence? Already your "study" is suspect.

"Moreover, they do not believe that human beings could have been so evil as the descriptions of the genocide imply."

The exact same description applies to many, if not all 9/11 Deniers. Many people that cling to the official story can't possibly believe that members of the U.S. Government could be so evil as to kill their own citizens.

"Furthermore, even if many deaths took place a long time ago, it is important to put them aside now and forgive and forget."

Forgiving and forgetting are two completely separate things. Forgiveness is virtuous, to be sure. Forgetting, however, is rarely helpful. In fact, if we are to progress as individuals and as a society, we need to learn from history, and try not to repeat any of the bad things that happened.

2. Scientificism in the Service of Confusion
"The position taken is seemingly an innocent one that we do not know enough to know what the facts of history were, and rather than condemning anyone we should await the ultimate decision of research. This is a manipulative misuse of the valued principle in science that facts must be proven before they are accepted in order to obfuscate facts that are indeed known, and to confuse the minds of fair-minded people who do not want to fall prey to myths and propaganda. The very purpose of science, which is to know, is invoked in order to justify a form of know-nothingness."

It is disingenuous to try and paint 9/11 Truth with this brush. Obviously there are a number of scientists (e.g. Dr. Steven Jones) working to come up with a hypothesis that can be scientifically proven or disproven about why the Twin Towers exploded. With regardst to 9/11 deniers, the U.S. government has yet to give a detailed and convincing account of why WTC7 collapsed in the manner that it did. Moreover, it is the government that quickly shipped virtually all of the WTC steel off to be recycled in order to curtail an adequate, comprehensive investigation. In light of this, who is engaging in "a form of know-nothingness"?

3. Practicality, Pragmatism and Realpolitik
"Here the claim is made that dealing with ancient history is impractical, it will not bring peace to the world in which we live today. One must be realistic and live through realpolitik."

This has nothing to do with 9/11 Truth. In fact, the 9/11 Truth community consistently states that it is practical, and indeed essential, to deal with the history of 9/11 and to hold those responsible to account.

4. Idea Linkage Distortion and Time-Sequence Confusion
"This is a dishonest linkage of different ideas, often out of time sequence, to excuse denials of the facts. Present needs, whether justified or not, are taken as a reasonable basis for censoring or changing the record of past history."

If you read David Ray Griffin's book "9/11 Commission Report, Omissions and Distortions", you will see that it is the 9/11 Commission (and by association, the 9/11 Deniers) that have censored or changed the record of past history. By way of another example, the Popular Mechanics editors said several times during their book tour that the accounts from the day of Sept. 11 and the few days thereafter are notoriously inaccurate and the newsmedia could only get it right by doing more 'reporting' and publishing later stories that completely contradict past reports (ie. change the record of past history). The "present needs" cited by 9/11 deniers to justify changing the record of past history is the need to bolster the official story in the face of credible evidence supporting an alternative version of events.

5. Indirection, Definitionalism, and Maddening
"These are responses which avoid the issue by failing to reply, or no less by going off on tangents about trivial details that avoid the essential issue whether genocide took place. The avoidance can also be done in a seductive manner of acknowledging that the issue should be discussed, but then it never is."

Clearly 9/11 Truth does not fall into this category. The very existence of this website is evidence that 9/11 truth members are willing and able to discuss the issues and respond to criticism and questioning. By the same token, 9/11 Deniers refuse to debate the issues. The NIST, for example, has stated that it will not participate in a national debate with the Scholars for 9/11 Truth and that "there is no winning such debates". Returning to WTC-7, there have been at least 3 or 4 reports that suggest further study and discussion of the collapse of WTC-7, yet no detailed and comprehensive study has been published by those charged with investigating it. Doesn't that sound like one of your "seductive avoidances"? Saying the collapse should be discussed, but it never is?


Thanks for demonstrating the very nature of your 9/11 Denial. What you have done is use those very 9/11 Deniers as justification for 9/11 Truth Movement denial of the facts and evidence. Imagine being dumb enough to use Griifin as a source and declare that the liars of Scholars for 9/11 Truth have standing equal to that of NIST!

It is amazing that you are so willfully in denial of all the evidence but thanks for illustating my point so well.


So long as NIST shirks its responsibility...

... to address the astonishing mathematical gymnastics required by the Official Narrative, I DO consider the Scholars as standing upon the higher ground.

Take care... that pain in your gut is just cognitive dissonance. You'll get over it, after reading a bit more and forgiving yourself for trying to advance the laughable crap pushed by this Government to support the abomination of endless war.


"The truth shall make you free." Why not make the truth free? We live on a priceless blue pearl, awash in a universe of fire and ice. Cut the crap.


NIST?.... would they even exist if it were not for government contracts?
they were commissioned to create a set of circumstances that would tell the story of what happened on 9/11 to the twin towers.... we all know that they had been hit by planes and then they fell at free fall speeds into a nice neat little pile.... they had the bread.

then their job was to spread the jelly... connect the dots

20 million and they didn't even perform experiments on the steel columns?

Take a look at what they have been commissioned to do since 9/11.

Last time I checked they had been given a couple very nice contracts from the government to create data mining storage facilities and to create better surveilance technology... cameras and microphones for you and me.

Not to mention their fine work with RFID technology and the implantable chip.

I think NIST has done very well with their compliance.

wouldn't be surprised if they were owned by the "Carlyle Group"

Hey Anonymous... you sound

Hey Anonymous... you sound really intelligent.... so instead of researching why people believe these outlandish things.

Perhaps you should look at the evidence that we bring to the table.

so before you put us all on the couch... maybe you should read the writing on the wall.

Please prove us wrong.... We get it.... you just don't believe that your government would ever hurt it's own people to achieve it's agendas..... they wouldn't even concieve of something that devious and evil.

then believe that there is no such thing as Operation Nothwoods....

screw operation northwoods,

screw operation northwoods, look at the gulf of tonkin.. denied by mcnimera vehemently for years, then last year they finally admit it never happened, and that lie caused the deaths of 10's of thousands of American troops and over a million vietnamese.

of course when it finally got declasified last year you'll notice noone was held accountable at all.

You're in pathological denial that 9/11 was an inside job!

You're in pathological denial that 9/11 was an inside job! Wake-up!

Here is my post...

Would love to see David Ray Griffin

...or Paul Thompson and the Jersey Girls on the show.


Has this been filmed yet..

Is her show live?

Why Conspiracy Theories are Patriotic

Oprah and upcoming

Here's my comment to
(I suggest everyone hammer with comments and requests for 911 scholars to appear on that show!)

I understand you will be taping an upcoming show on Thursday the 12th of this month on 911, etc. PLEASE contact , either Prof. James Fetzer and/or Prof. David Ray Griffin to come on that show to represent the nationwide 911 truth movement! Don't get somebody who will spin or whitewash the 911 truth movement!
You can also contact the "Loose Change" creator Dylan Avery at
PLEASE represent the truth on the subject of 9/11...Don't succumb to the establishment.
Thank you.
JR Guerra (

Oprah version of questioning

9/11 truth may come from recent revelations in Woodward's book alone. Did Condi really ignore the warning signs?

if Oprah's team haven't

if Oprah's team haven't already booked any prominent members of the 911 truth movement for the show, doesn't that give you an indication of what direction the show will be going in?

Good point. I'm sure it's

Good point. I'm sure it's going to be a total whitewash! If anything, they are probably going to focus on the Let It Happen On Purpose mindlessness...and have no evidence to even back that up. They are going to go anywhere near the truh! That said, I'm still going to tune in and see what 9/11 truthers will be in the audience to ask real questions...who knows.

Oprah 9/11 show

You have a point...But, screw it! Let's hammer her website with emails and requests regardless!
Our voice must be heard and this is a BIG opportunity to score some points against the NWO, even if it turns out to be a hit piece on the movement. Chicago and surrounding area truthers should sneak in as audience members and 'Let 'er Rip!' when the time is right!

Does Oprah care about the victim's families?

Has she even watched Press For Truth?

I hope so.


Tell me it isn't so...

Has Operh had any of the Jersey Girls on her show? Ever?

"The truth shall make you free." Why not make the truth free? We live on a priceless blue pearl, awash in a universe of fire and ice. Cut the crap.

loose change 2nd edition

Loose change is a great documentary see the dvd. It is trying to get debunked, I found many flaws with the ones who are trying to debunk.
Lets play? The First one that avoids the question and adverts to name calling looses.

1.George Tenet the former head of the CIA was presedent of Duetcha bank.
2.Who ever shorted Air Plane stocks used Duetcha bank.
3.I want to know who shorted the stock. (some one made a lot of money when the stock dropped)

I do not have to prove what I know to any one . They must prove to me .
I am sending every one I know the dvd loose change.

Alot of people have died for the right to speak the truth, I would be proud to die for the truth.

God is on my side ,in the name of his son and my Brother Jesus Christ .

With me or against me !

WTC towers down by nuc

I just had to share this

I just had to share this with everyone.

I know most of you have heard this, but I archived it for everyone in case you lost the link.

It's the legendary appearance of Davin Coburn from Popular Mechanics on the Charles Goyette show this past summer.

Goyette, the agnostic, picked him apart like Ron Jaworski used to pick apart the Cowboy defense back in the 70s..


They can't explain the Mineta Testimony:

It's already in the can!

Look at the photo in the above screen shot.

It's titled Truth in America!

Oprah shoots these things in two-to-three a day session, and then holds them for scheduled release when best for the season, usually in a current and topical fashion. I don't recall the name of the guy sitting next to her, but he's an NYT or WAPO guy I think, meaning the gatekeeper to keep to the global-elite script.

(EDIT: Actually, I think it's Frank Rich. Not a 911 truther, but he's got a few good arrows in his quiver, so we'll see)

You think Oprah wants to bite the corporate advertising system that feeds her billions?

Let's say a few of us go shoplift a bar of soap, and maybe a couple of breath mints, for that new job interview that may get us out of homelessness.

We are then highly derided by everyone including our mother for being the DIRECT reason for the god awful price increases in bars of soap and breath mints that go through the roof the next day.

You know, steal a bar of soap and we ALL pay for it.

Bullshit. We pay for the increase price of soap because Oprah charges Proctor & Gamble $750,000 for a thirty second spot for Ivory soap.

So, is it shoplifting, or Oprah's bankrolled ad rates, you make the call!

No, she'll make the call!!! This Thursday Oct 12th at 9am in Chicago.

Brought to you of course by the soap and mint guys. Who, at the end of the day, really make the call!

I wait with baited, not yet minted, breath on this one people...


P.S. And a glaring thing missing in her discovery for truth is that none of our 911 Truth Media Group stalwarts (Fetzer, Avery, Griffin, Berger, Jones x2, Barrett) have even discussed, much less mention if they were invited or contacted by her staff in regards to this show.

So we were left out willingly. Maybe I'm wrong, but I highly doubt it.

P.S.S. That Peter Gabriel site is bogus. Pete's a great genius and probaly a true 911 skeptic, but that site reeked of anything having to do with PG!

PG does things, with dignified class, his way, not the MySpace way. He needs MySpace like a fish needs a bicycle!

Saddly, I don't think this

Saddly, I don't think this will amount to much more than disinformation (as far as 9/11 is conserned)

O's main base is middle class mainstream housewife daytime soap opera-watching bobbleheads. She's not going to risk being called "crazy", not with the backing that has made her a billionare.

Don't hold your breath.

The date for Ophrah's show is Oct. 12th.

I learned this over at Loose Change forum today.

Well, Oprah's message board got the message

Someone has posted a very complete list of messages, maybe 20 or more regarding 9/11, covering virtually everything - nice work, although I cant tell if the Webmaster is unhappy as they seem to have a policy in the Oprah message board world of not allowing for URL's to be listed in the message......oh well, in any case, nice work indmedia4u

Now the only thing to see if any regular Oprah message board participants respond, if any curiousity is peaked, or if, well, there is any response...hopefully they are not too overwhelmed by all the messages, maybe they are...

again, nice work..



I'll just add my doubts to Oprah doing ANYTHING for the truth movement. Yeah, I'm pessimistic, but with good reason -- she's a corporatist and on THEIR side, not the public's. If she actually DOES try to expose what really happened, it will only be because the powers-that-be want to bring Bush down -- but, if that happens, it'll be LIHOP all the way, trust me.

And, if you think I'm down on Oprah, wait until you read what Phil Rockstroh has to say in his most excellent essay published yesterday over at

Check it out:

Oprah is a corporate capitalist, performance propagandist. Her rousing tales of personal redemption are very useful to the plutocratic order of the present day; an elitist order in which she's comfortably ensconced.

and this gem:

Oprah is a plutocratic enabler disguised as the populist underdog who made good. She is a shill for the status quo. She will never point a pampered finger towards the corrupt ruling elitist of the corporate class -- because that finger would end up pointing back at her.

and this:

Oprah Winfrey is a sleight-of-hand artist. One of an order of corrupt illusionists who have conjured an all-pervasive, corporatist narrative, a ceaseless mass-media phantasmagoria, wherein empty imagery deluges authentic apprehension and our minds are whirled within a virtual reality vortex that drowns out resonate experience. The Virtual States of America.

Oh yeah. Did I mention that Phil Rockstroh doesn't think much of Oprah? The entire essay is worth reading.

Our journey to fascism

Tried to post this on the boars but they are closed (darn)


First off thank you! Thank you for seeking the truth. My hopes is this, that this show tries to get to the bottom of the August 06, 2001 P.D.B. (Entitled “Bin Laden Determined to strike within the US”) I hope that we get to the bottom of the meeting between Condoleezza Rice and George Tenet on July 10, 2001 where George Tenet told Rice that “A serious attack is imminent.” Tenet felt that he got the brush off from Rice.

I hop we can learn if Rumsfeld and Ashcroft knew of these attacks as well and what if any were their actions to stop the attacks.

I hope we can get to the bottom of why the 9/11 commission learned that NORAD and the Pentagon lied to the commission and the American public for over 2 years, felt they had enough evidence to open a criminal investigation but didn’t do so. What was the point of the commission if they didn’t do their job to find the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

I hope we get to the bottom of why the film 9/11 Press for truth (Google it) needed to be made. Why did the family members of the victims of 9/11 have to FIGHT to get a 9/11 commission formed and why did this commission not find the truth for the families and the American public?

Oprah the mainstream media has been avoiding these painful truths for a long time, I hope in your quest for truth you are looking into these facts. Perhaps this show will open every ones eyes enough to start seeing more of the truth behind 9/11 and the Iraq war.

God bless us all,


The closed the boards down?

Oprah is Compromised w/ a capital C. I knew that though...

I imagine it will be 3

I imagine it will be 3 flakey and fluffy segments with little mini documentaries to introduce each item. Then each item will be deconstructed and debunked by a representative expert. Oprah will pretend to be concerned and actually ask some what appear to be hard hitting questions. Then it will be cut to commercials and then the show will be over and next week we'll have some show about Autum Harvesting and cooking.

Fresh WTC Analysis

Interesting analysis by German engineer regarding impact, trajectory and possbile amatuer video editing.

Morgan Reynolds may be correct.

Also see:

regarding fusion devices.

Tapped already

You guys, this has obviously already been taped (look at the picture)so there is no influencing this episode. That doesn't mean we can't influence her to do a show that is specific to 911 truth. This particular show has too many topics that are serious going on so I can't see it getting too indepth on any one of them. However, I am very happy to see that she is doing a show that is meant to open people's minds on these imoprtant issues. It will at least get mainstream america to say to themselves "gee, maybe we aren't being told the whole strory!".
ALSO: A place we CAN influence her AND her massive amounts of viewers is on the board that is posted after every episode. A board goes up on Oprah's website so people can discuss what they saw and we can totally get on there after the show and spread some truth to the massive amounts of viewers. YEE-HAW!!!!

Is that Rush?

Is that Rush Limbaugh in that photo? How ironic if it is. Funny to see him with a "truth in America" banner behind him.

-----From a decon @ my church: "I want to tell you something very serious...very serious, but I don't want you to say 'I told you so'. I want you to forgive me.......You were right. I know the truth about 9/11.

haha, no, i think its Frank

haha, no, i think its Frank Rich actually. hes a bit more realistic than Rush.

The site has closed the

The site has closed the forum.... go figure?

prepare for the whitewash

it seems that the people visiting the board were more informed and aware than I expected....

there have been some eyes opened.... good work

I wonder why these Truthers just won't go away?

Oprah 9/11 show

Hey guys,
Look at the bright side...This show will end up being either an expose' on REAL 9/11 Truth or an expose' on OPRAH herself!!

Hey dz?

Do you have a link for somthing on that subject? I have seen it around but have never gotten a link.

what is this in reference

what is this in reference to? you didnt respond to a specific comment..

nm, i assume you are talking

nm, i assume you are talking about the gulf of tonkin..

i believe that morgan reynolds went over the mcnimera quote in this video from madison:

that quote is quite eery in that it sounds exactly like the crap we get today from mccain and others, shows how some can lie straight faced so easily.

as for the gulf of tonkin, those were declasified 4th quarter of last year:

try the 'search' tab next time, i used it to find both of those, it actually works pretty good now :)

hope that helps!

Well?.... did anyone see the

Well?.... did anyone see the show?

no follow up on this post? any comments?

I missed the show

Anyone Record?

I've been looking for a recording of the show online but haven't been able to find one. Did anybody record it? I am guessing that 911 didn't come up much at all. Attempting to cram all of those topics into an hour long segment and then trying to cover 911 would be a near difficult task for an auctioneer on cocaine, let alone Oprah.