Focus Focus Focus

Some of you may have noticed that there are a number of wonderful distractions taking place within the 9/11 Truth Movement right now.

We have a "tiff" taking place within the "Scholars For 9/11 Truth." We have "investigations" taking place that are meant to discredit otherwise trustworthy, more productive members of this movement. We have wonderous "theories" being promoted by individuals that do not have the credibility of this movement in mind.

As a result of these distractions, people have spent a considerable amount of time focusing on them, rather than participating in activism.

On 9/11/2006, Donna Marsh O'Connor, Michelle Little, and Christina Kminek, along with Kyle Hence, and Paul Thompson, called for a new investigation into the attacks of 9/11.

Did they make this request for their health? Did they make this request because they had nothing better to do with their time?


They made this request because they want to end the nightmare brought on by the September 11th attacks, and because they want closure for themselves, this country, and this world.

This movement has always been about absolute truth and absolute accountability. Neither will be attained if we continue to focus on obviously deliberate, and manufactured distractions.

It is time for this movement to make its' collective voice heard. We want a new investigation, and we want it now. No is not an acceptable answer.

Get outside and hand out flyers. Pick up the telephone, and call your local media and tell them that you want a new investigation into 9/11. Call your representatives, and ask them for the same thing.

Personally, I think we should focus on convincing the public that there are MANY unanswered questions. Posed by the families, and the people. To stop trying to answer the questions, and instead, ask them. As a movement. I also think promoting anything that just sounds "crazy" should be avoided.

Focus, Focus, Focus... Keep your eye on the prize, and it shall be yours. Allow yourself to be distracted, and everything this movement stands for will be for nothing.

Hear! Hear!

Thank you, Mr. Gold.

You express my sentiments exactly.

I have turned my garage into a sign making shop.

The majority of the signs read:


This is the main message we need to push into the public eye to hook more people into the 9/11 Truth movement and then force the MSM to look at it.

Our numbers are increasing daily, get out and get active!

I hope that you and yours are well.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

(now, back to my sign making)

Show "sign idea - "Flights 11 and 77 did NOT exist on 9/11"" by Anonymous (not verified)

Very bad idea. Non-existent flights is a topic for advanced

truthers, not beginners or the newly curious, IMO.


WELL SAID!! Don't allow devide and conqueor. It does appeat that any opportunity is being taken to try to force wedges between members of the movement to fracture the cohesion! Clearly we can take some comfort in that they must be concerned/scared to feel it is necessary to try tho!


I wouldn't recommend that sign...


"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

That was...

Directed at Anonymous.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

vagaries of 9/11 truth movement

Mockingbirds have used many techniques to fragment and disrupt opposition groups. I have seen some of these possibly being used in the battle against 9/11 truth. As have many here.

All you can do is keep on.

"There are none so hoplessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free" (Goethe)..... a paraphrase from V: Cast aside the illusions. Only when you are finally hopeless can you truly be free.

Organized Disruption

Often involves seemingly legitimate activists who accuse other activists of being shills. IT is a divide and conquer technique.

These same activists commonly attack legitimte lines of research and insert anti-semitism or other non-issues ointo the dialogue.

How did you know that I just emailed

Congressman Steve Rothman from NJ again today ?

Yes -

Keep your eyes on the prize.

The official conspiracy theory is false.

This false story has been used to kill hundreds of thousands of people, and to redefine our futures and those of our children.

That is a greater crime, and we know who did it.


"THE" Kevin Ryan read my blog. :)

Thanks Kevin.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

What's a sycophant, Jon?

A what?


That references an "inside joke" between friends?

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."


What kind of activism are you going to do this weekend? Me? I'm going out with Fred Weber again to hand out flyers. We're still deciding on where.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

I need to find a local place to hold meetings and

I will be making more signs and may hand out flyers, too.

I will also see about getting some recent Truthers to show 9/11: Press for Truth to some of their friends and widen that circle.

Keep at it brothers and sisters!

Back to my signs.......

THe truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Be well.

Fellow Truthers, Jon is

Fellow Truthers,

Jon is correct; it is time to appeal to a larger audience - but specifically in a less-divisive way. The "911 is an Inside Job." does little to appeal to people's social responsibilities. There is no call to action, only insinuation. We need to move the truth movement to a message that is inclusive, mature and calls for action. Here are my suggestions…

"Got Truth? - Reinvestigate 9/11"
"America wants the Truth - Reinvestigate 9/11"
"70 Million Support a new 9/11 Investigation - Do You?"
"Support a New, Unbiased 9/11 Investigation"
"Real Patriots Support a New 9/11 Investigation"
"Don't Tread on 9/11 Truth - Support a Real Investigation"
"Defend America - Patition for 9/11 Re-Investigation"
"Your not Alone - Support 9/11 Re-Investigation"
"Take back America - Support 9/11 Re-Investigation"
“I believe the 9/11 Report – NOT!”

I believe the “chant” should be something like..
“America wants 9-11 Truth”
“2,4,6,8, How many lies can we take? Reinvestigate!” (can’t decide if I’m joking or not on this one)

Off Topic.... must see

I was looking for info on Freedom of Speech and I ran across this website..... I had never heard of the EFF

more hope for the defense of our rights and freedoms

State of the Union 2002

Finding all kinds of goodies.... here is the State of the Union speech after 9/11... chuck full of nice hints to their agenda

They're really trying hard...

I just got an email that said St. Mark's is being taken over by "Neo-Nazis" led by CIA Drug Runner Frank Morales, Urantia Worshipper Les Jamieson, and Eminem wannabe Luke (I can never remember his last name.)

The Scholars are being torn apart from within.

Ridiculous theories are being introduced left and right.

Truthers are fighting with each other over whether or not the buildings were brought down by Controlled Demolition, whether or not a missile hit the Pentagon (thanks to the timely release of the new video that doesn't show anything), etc...

See above...

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."


Did the e-mail describe those people in that way or is that your descrpition of them? Is Luke the guy who was standing next to (hanging out with) Alex Jones on the 5 year anniversary in NYC? I'm just a little confused by what you said. What about the rest of your post? Is that what the e-mail said or are those your words?

The email started with...

St. Marks Church taken over by Neo-Nazis (Drug Trafficking Frank Morales, Urantia cultist Les Jamieson, Eminem wannabe Luke Rudkowski) and their sympathizers (Tom Foti...etc.) Time for a boycott! Death to Nazism! Long live Globalism!

Later in the email, it said, "while Morales has reported links to CIA drug trafficking operations."

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

And no...

That is not my description of them.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

Thanks for clearing that up

Thanks for clearing that up for me.