The Minnesota Daily - Adri Mehra's Op Ed

In two parts;

Part 1:

"This unprecedented depiction of instantly initiated and perfectly executed total uniform collapse of unbelievably massive steel skyscrapers from proportionally isolated impacts and similarly localized fires is precisely what the U.S. government and mainstream media have attached to the rapid obliteration of three of the world's strongest buildings on the same day of Sept. 11, 2001 - World Trade Center towers 1, 2 and 7, the last structure never even touched by a plane - despite a mountain of suspicious forensic structural evidence indicating controlled demolitions and thousands of questions being repeatedly raised by hundreds of academics and scientists the world over.

Knocking out a few Lincoln Logs in the side of the middle of the stack doesn't turn the whole damn cabin into exploding sawdust, does it?"

Part 2:

"In September 2000 - one year before the attacks - PNAC released a 90-page report called "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources for a New Century."

In Chapter V of this document, titled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force," PNAC calls for the Department of Defense to "move more aggressively to experiment with new technologies and operational concepts."

But it states "the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor."

Fast forward one year.

According to The Washington Post, before President Bush went to bed on Sept. 11, 2001, he wrote in his diary:

"The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today … We think it's Osama bin Laden."

A Prayer for Our Brother Aaron Russo

The Best healing comes from every possible avenue. Let us please take a moment to send our Brother Aaron Russo this prayer below.


Our Father Creator,

We humbly come to you in Prayer for the good sakes of our Brother Aaron Russo. Please dear Father, bless this Good Man with your healing energies and helpful love that he may be cured miraculously of any sickness he has. For this we pray. Give unto our brother ALL, and EVERY possible help from every possible vector, from every possible dimensional level of existence, by any possible benevolence of medicine, or homeopathic healings. By Your Hand may he realize all his dreams, and that his cup of wishes is always empty. Oh Father Dear, by the good works of the Holy Spirit, let all your Loving care come forth to insure that all this heart Aaron Russo can ask for be granted unto him. Oh please be sure that all his childhood dreams of happiness come true and every aspiration in love be met. May our dear brother forever know true Contentment and that Grounded PEACE of mind, body, and heart that is the result. By your hand Oh Lord, let the Peace of the Holy Comforter into the heart and world of our brother Aaron Russo. Thou art all that is; Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omnipowerful, Infinite, and Vast. We are your loyal children and we are blessed by you. May we ask for this prayer to be granted. Let us please ask this; anoint, bless, heal, and help our good hearted American hero brother Aaron Russo for truly, he has done well at lying up his treasures in Heaven. Aman among Amen.


Let come the Comforter.

Dr Jay



a lot of those kind of articles and the sheeple will have a guts full and act.

sheeple are sooo alone. We need to help them unite.

Plane, NoPlane SchmoPlane!!

There is tons of evidence that the US military did 911.

I recommend we ALL (you, too, Nico) adopt the slogan:

911 surely was an inside job. Prosecute!

When the discussion becomes heated as to HOW EXACTLY it happened,
how they could have done it, well, let them defend the case. Let THEM talk
about the "way it happened". And then ridicule. Don't even take it seriously!!

Like the passport that was found in NYC streets

What made WTC7 collapse in 7 seconds?

Where are the radar logs?

come on,

Albanese and Nico will agree on the administration's obligation to publish the radar logs.


meanwhile in Iraq:


a lot of those kind of articles and the sheeple will have a guts full and act.

sheeple are sooo alone. We need to help them unite.

Plane, NoPlane SchmoPlane!!

There is tons of evidence that the US military did 911.

I recommend we ALL (you, too, Nico) adopt the slogan:

911 surely was an inside job. Prosecute!

When the discussion becomes heated as to HOW EXACTLY it happened,
how they could have done it, well, let them defend the case. Let THEM talk
about the "way it happened". And then ridicule. Don't even take it seriously!!

Like the passport that was found in NYC streets

What made WTC7 collapse in 7 seconds?

Where are the radar logs?

come on,

Albanese and Nico will agree on the administration's obligation to publish the radar logs.


meanwhile in Iraq: