Los Angeles Actions: (1) Saturday - April 14th Earth Day Demo! [15,000 expected) (2) LA Times Book Festival (April 28th & 29th)

Click for video message from Peter Thottam;

Above 911Truth Los Angeles Google video link : In the above March 2007 video clip, Peter Thottam, an attorney & Green Party activist with 9/11 Truth LA, comments at a national March 2007 9/11 conference on the progress of the 9/11 movement, it's connections to various political parties, pro-peace/anti-war groups, and the range of individual actions that citizens can and are taking across this great nation.

April 14th & 28th/29th Outreach Organizational Meeting: 911Truth LA
- Saturday @ 1:00 - 2:30 pm -
911TruthLA will have the first of its now regular monthly meetings, this first Saturday of the Month. Light Refreshments and discussions about local 911Truth actions. 1:00 AM to 2:30 PM. The Location? --> The Unurban Café located at 3301 Pico Blvd (@Pico & 33rd, Santa Monica, just west of Bundy and Pico) . Please call Peter at (310) 497-7255 for more details. < peterthottam@yahoo.com>. www.911truth.us.
If you can make it please attend tomorrow's organizational meeting for April 14th's Earth Day Action. Please review the below April 14th & 28th/29th sign up sections and e-mail me at peterthottam@yahoo.com with regards to your availability for our upcoming actions as well for the Republican Presidential Debate (Simi Valley – Reagan library – May 3rd).

About 6 to 8 people have already committed to attending various time slots for the April 14th Earth Day event! I've ordered several thousand flyers and information cards. Randy Cox and Ed Brotherton will be helping up with the set up. Monica, Mildred, Barbara, Eric and others have committed to time slots later in the day.

Another four or five Truthers helping in our outreach efforts that day would be perfect. We plan to have a full booth, to sell merchandise and engage in professional and well planned public outreach efforts. Our booth will be adjacent to some prominent progessive groups (Pacifica, etc.). 15,000 are expected to be in attendance providing a terrific opportunity to extend 9/11 awareness to Westsiders and key influencers in Los Angeles' media and news circles. Similar actions are planned for April 28th & 29th at the L.A. Times Book festival (expected attendance of 30,000 to 50,000 people over two days ; covered by C-SPAN).

As misrepresentations in the corporate media reamp up, events in the Middle East continue to be manipulated according to a nefarious scheme. The schemes -- as with 9/11 are concocted by the forces behind September 11, 2001, Neo Con Corporate Fascists and related interest groups. 911TruthLA has had a terrific string of successful actions in the last two months and we plan to ramp this up further as the Corporate/Secret Government moves into the next phase of its martial law infrastructure buildout. Don't passively submit to authority stuctures. I urge each of you to read the Commission Report, Tarpley's book, to see "V for Vendetta", "Syriana", "Babel", "Shooter", "911 Mysteries", "911 Press for Truth", "The End of Suburbia" & "The Oil Factor", and "The Money Masters" -- and to get involved in our actions and those of other political action groups/forces (Los Angeles and National). We don't have time to waste.

____ **Saturday, April 14th – LA Earth Day -- Please put your initials next to available time slot(s) that you can commit too**.

(Location à 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica) w/ 15,000 influential/affluent people expected!

1. 9am -10 am ____ ; 2. 10 am -12pm ______; 3. 12 pm – 2pm ______; 4. 12 pm – 2pm ______;

4. 2 pm – 4 pm ______ ; 5. 4pm – 6pm ______; 6. 6pm – 7:30 pm ______;
Your Cell/Tele #s: _______________________ 2nd Tele #: ________________


___ Flyering on April 28th & 29th : LA Times Festival of Books (if you are available that weekend please email or call me ( peterthottam@yahoo.com / T: 310.497.7255 )). The Los Angeles Times Festival with 130,000 to 150,000 book lovers of all ages, 400 authors and participants, and 300 book sellers and exhibitors. April 28 & 29. 10 AM to 6 PM. UCLA Campus, West LA. (800) LA-TIMES ext. 7BOOK (528-4637 ext. 72665).
Book Festival Website : http://www.latimes.com/extras/festivalofbooks/
For this last weekend in April, well over 130,000 people will be in attendance. They ove books are politically engaged and civically minded. Numerous CSPAN covered panel discussions will be there for 9/11 Truthers to attend and ask questions at. Put simply, there's nothing like it anywhere.

* 130,000 to 150,000 attendees expected
* 400+ authors ; 300+ exhibitors
* 900+ volunteers
* 97 author panels – covered by CSPAN! (Great opportunity for 911Truth Squads)
* 6 outdoor stages

If you want to continue to enjoy your once constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, please email or call me regarding your availability to join Los Angeles 911TruthLA activists in taking a stand against the takeover of our government and media.

911Truth & Accountability Now,

Peter L. Thottam, Esq. (JD MBA)
Green Party - Committed to Global Peace, Environmental & Social Change
(Websites: www.peterthottam.com/911 ; www.peterthottam.com/2002 )
T: (310) 497-7255