
Media Roots Radio- Libya, Nuclear Power, Religious Environmentalism

Media Roots Radio- Libya, Nuclear Power, Religious Environmentalism by Media Roots

bbie and Abby Martin host this edition of Media Roots Radio and cover news about the Libyan bombing, Obama's newest White House pick, nuclear energy, peak resources, religious environmentalism and the political hijacking of the "green" movement.

Los Angeles Actions: (1) Saturday - April 14th Earth Day Demo! [15,000 expected) (2) LA Times Book Festival (April 28th & 29th)

Click for video message from Peter Thottam;

Above 911Truth Los Angeles Google video link : In the above March 2007 video clip, Peter Thottam, an attorney & Green Party activist with 9/11 Truth LA, comments at a national March 2007 9/11 conference on the progress of the 9/11 movement, it's connections to various political parties, pro-peace/anti-war groups, and the range of individual actions that citizens can and are taking across this great nation.

April 14th & 28th/29th Outreach Organizational Meeting: 911Truth LA
- Saturday @ 1:00 - 2:30 pm -
911TruthLA will have the first of its now regular monthly meetings, this first Saturday of the Month. Light Refreshments and discussions about local 911Truth actions. 1:00 AM to 2:30 PM. The Location? --> The Unurban Café located at 3301 Pico Blvd (@Pico & 33rd, Santa Monica, just west of Bundy and Pico) . Please call Peter at (310) 497-7255 for more details. < peterthottam@yahoo.com>. www.911truth.us.