“Activism is Terrorism” According To The Police In NYC

NYC 9/11 Truth Jam Contest and 11th of Every Month Action


The activists of NY911TRUTH and Change were taking part in street actions for the Eleventh of every month. They started at the new WTC Building 7, in which Larry Silverstein was present in his office. Luke Rudkowski and Tom Foti held the banner up that stated that 911 was an inside job. They were peacefully demonstrating giving out flyers and DVDs to whoever was willing to listen. Soon after undercover police officers and Port Authority officers arrived. They told the activists that the space and Greenwich Street is privately owned by Larry Silverstein. Therefore, the officers ordered the activists to cease and desist and to leave the premise or be arrested. The activists refused since they were not breaking any laws and were constitutionally upholding their civilian duties.

The officers then intimidated the activists by going face to face with them and tried to restrict them from filming the incident. The officers expressed amusement as they stated that the activists were going to jail. The officers quickly labeled us as terrorists and claimed that we had backpack explosives. The officers said, “You could be a terrorist, how should I know you don't have a bomb in your book bag?” They continued saying that Luke Rudkowski’s string on his Northface book bag contained explosive material. Soon after many more police officers arrived and surrounded the activists from a distance.

Another group of police officers detained the activists for an hour, until they were approached directly by the Port Authority officer in charge, who escorted them from the premises. As Luke was filming the incident, about 10 officers surrounded him as well as Tom and actually confiscated Luke’s camera when it was filming and alleged that it was a gun. It should be noted that the officers never identified themselves and many did not show their badges to the activists. When a citizen stated that they have every right to record police altercations, the officer replied, “Yes, but you could have a gun in your camera.” The officers did not return Luke’s camera until the activists were set free.

When Luke tried to use his cell phone to contact Alex Jones on his radio show to make a public statement about what was happening, the police officer snatched Luke’s phone and labeled it a gun as well. As the activists were stating their rights, the police officers mimicked them by bullying and questioning whether they went to law school. Although the activists did not leave the area they moved away from the NYPD and continued holding the banner that stated 911 was an inside job. This altercation shows how far the NYPD can go to hinder free speech.

We stand in defiance and in the memory of one of our fallen members of NY911TRUTH and CHANGE, Dan Wallace. The activists of NY911TRUTH and CHANGE will not stop until the truth about 911 comes out. They will continue to demonstrate on the 11th of every month at locations like the Path Station at Ground Zero, Pace University, the Brooklyn Bridge and Times Square in the hopes of spreading the message that 911 was an inside job.

Please Donate to www.WeAreChange.org so we can buy a hidden camera, so next time the police snatch away our cameras we will be able to show the world these illegal acts.



I love that you got video and took it to the crowds...

May the force be with you.


The guys did awesome!!!!!! But that "na..na..nana..na" loon needs a straight jacket.

I put together a vid from Winnipeg for Marks youtube truth jam

Go Winnipeg!

nice job, I've been doing lots of the same at the U of W in my classes. I've been able to convince atleast two of my profs and I have yet to have anyone challenge my arguments. It seems like most people know, but don't want to speak about it...thats where we come in!

What's that assclown talking

What's that assclown talking about "I see wires", what a prick.

We should be thanking that

We should be thanking that prick for displaying his intimidating and ignorant tactics for the masses. Thank you ignorant prick! Ignorant pricks like him can make the absurdity of where things are going in this country more obvious to the sleeping masses. BTW: I'd like to see him in court for slander too. If any lawyers can confirm he broke a law PLEASE speak up. Lucus could sue him and turn the money around to support the movement even more!! Keep at 'em like a determined pit bull Lucus!! Dan was lucky to have a friend like you! I know you're making him proud!

"... In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual." (Galileo Galilei, 1564 - 1642)

I'm wondering....

How come there are no lawyers, legal advisors around 911 truth movement. Those cops are simply abusing of their "power" isn't it? Can someone advise us on this?


You can't hide a lie for long. Truth shall come out.


To be Luke and Tom. I am so proud of you guys you have no idea.

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton

WOW... New York City !!!

Gotta say guys, especially Luke, way to stand-up to Silverstein's hired goons / thugs outside WTC7.

They were nasty pieces of work, your steadfastness alone deserves Mark Dice's Truth Jam Award...

Gotta say that video was the most intense 9/11 Truth activism I have seen.

I salute you all, damn that got my blood pumping.

Best wishes and TOTAL RESPECT !!!!

You get my vote for the "Truth Jam Award" - hands down


Luke and Tom taking it to the front lines. Great video. It just shows the courage of some Truthers. Going up against the schlep screaming about wires is just a great example of the idiocy which has infiltrated the security ranks of our nation. From now on, you should always recognize the idiot in the goon squad and basically ignore him or goad him into making ridiculios and threatenting use of power statements like this bozo did by calling you guys terrorists. The wild thing is that that bozo actually thought he was being a smart guy by making blatant threats illustrating obvious abuse of power. Luke and Tom are professionals about keeping cool. This video should win the Mark Dice contest on sheer guts alone.

This is absolutely horrific.

This is absolutely horrific. That one guy claiming he sees wires and singing "Someone's going to jail!" is straight out of 1984. This was all about intimidation. Way to stand your ground, NYC!


They have balls of steel.
I would have shit a brick.

If Martial Law is ever declared, I comforted myself in the past with the idea that the police/national guard/army wouldn't turn on the people. After watching this bullshit and seeing what those who have sworn to uphold the law act like in this sort of situation, I can only imagine how easily they'd start firing bullets at us.

These aren't normal people,

These aren't normal people, though. These are hired goons. I think there's a big difference between the average officer and corporate hired muscle. These guys are scouted for their lack of conscience. You can't have goons who sympathize with those they are supposed to push around.

I agree

You could tell the difference between the "rent-a-cops" and real police department guys. Even that one on security detail asking to have the camera turned off (dude with glasses) wasn't anywhere near as bad as that bully, Mr. Wannabe Intimidator.

Luke is quickly becoming one

Luke is quickly becoming one of my favorite 9/11 Truthers.

i like would to say to a cop if ever harassed like that......

"im only here to bring justice to your murdered comrads and their families" then see what they say. didnt 50 cops die on 911?


Note to Luke:

I sincerely admire you for what you are doing!



Here's the list of names:


LEONARD W HATTON Special Agent Federal Bureau of
21-W: 23

RONALD P BUCCA Fire Marshal New York City, New York,
22-W: 23

JOHN G COUGHLIN Sergeant New York City, New York,
18-W: 23
MICHAEL CURTIN Sergeant New York City, New York,
17-W: 23
JOHN D'ALLARA Police Officer New York City, New York,
19-W: 23
VINCENT G DANZ Police Officer New York City, New York,
19-W: 23
JEROME M DOMINGUEZ Police Officer New York City, New York,
16-W: 23
STEPHEN P DRISCOLL Police Officer New York City, New York,
18-W: 23
MARK ELLIS Police Officer New York City, New York,
20-W: 23
ROBERT FAZIO Police Officer New York City, New York,
18-W: 23
RODNEY C GILLIS Sergeant New York City, New York,
18-W: 23
RONALD KLOEPFER Police Officer New York City, New York,
17-W: 23
THOMAS LANGONE Police Officer New York City, New York,
16-W: 23
JAMES LEAHY Police Officer New York City, New York,
19-W: 23
BRIAN G McDONNELL Police Officer New York City, New York,
18-W: 23
JOHN WILLIAM PERRY Police Officer New York City, New York,
17-W: 23
GLEN PETTIT Police Officer New York City, New York,
19-W: 23
CLAUDE RICHARDS Detective New York City, New York,
16-W: 23
TIMOTHY ROY Sergeant New York City, New York,
17-W: 23
MOIRA SMITH Police Officer New York City, New York,
19-W: 23
RAMON SUAREZ Police Officer New York City, New York,
18-W: 23
PAUL TALTY Police Officer New York City, New York,
19-W: 23
SANTOS VALENTIN Jr Police Officer New York City, New York,
17-W: 23
JOSEPH VINCENT VIGIANO Detective New York City, New York,
19-W: 23
WALTER WEAVER Police Officer New York City, New York,
17-W: 23

THOMAS E JURGENS Senior Court Officer New York State Office of
Court Administration
21-W: 23
WILLIAM HARRY THOMPSON Captain New York State Office of
Court Administration
21-W: 23
MITCHEL SCOTT WALLACE Senior Court Officer New York State Office of
Court Administration
21-W: 23

CLYDE FRAZIER Jr Crime Specialist I NY State Department of
Taxation & Finance
20-W: 23
CHARLES M MILLS Director of Investigations NY State Department of
Taxation & Finance
20-W: 23
RICHARD R MOORE Revenue Crimes NY State Department of
Taxation & Finance
20-W: 23
SALVATORE PAPASSO Revenue Crimes NY State Department of
Taxation & Finance
20-W: 23
WILLIAM H POHLMANN Assistant Deputy NY State Department of
Taxation & Finance
20-W: 23

CHRISTOPHER C AMOROSO Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
9-W: 23
MAURICE VINCENT BARRY Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
13-W: 23
LIAM CALLAHAN Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
15-W: 23
ROBERT D CIRRI Sr Lieutenant Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
15-W: 23
CLINTON DAVIS Sr Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
12-W: 23
DONALD A FOREMAN Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
14-W: 23
GREGG JOHN FROEHNER Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
11-W: 23
THOMAS EDWARD GORMAN Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
15-W: 23
UHURU GONJA HOUSTON Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
14-W: 23
GEORGE G HOWARD Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
12-W: 23
STEPHEN HUCZKO Jr Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
11-W: 23
ANTHONY P INFANTE Jr Inspector Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
11-W: 23
PAUL W JURGENS Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
11-W: 23
ROBERT M KAULFERS Sergeant Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
10-W: 23
PAUL LASZCZYNSKI Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
14-W: 23
DAVID P LEMAGNE Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
11-W: 23
JOHN J LENNON Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
12-W: 23
J D LEVI Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
9-W: 23
JAMES F LYNCH Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
12-W: 23
KATHY N MAZZA Captain Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
16-W: 23
DONALD J McINTYRE Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
9-W: 23
WALTER ARTHUR McNEIL Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
15-W: 23
FRED V MORRONE Superintendent Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
10-W: 23
JOSEPH M NAVAS Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
13-W: 23
JAMES A NELSON Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
16-W: 23
ALFONSE J NIEDERMEYER III Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
10-W: 23
JAMES W PARHAM Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
14-W: 23
DOMINICK PEZZULO Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
14-W: 23
BRUCE A REYNOLDS Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
12-W: 23
ANTONIO JOSE RODRIGUES Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
13-W: 23
RICHARD RODRIGUEZ Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
15-W: 23
JAMES A ROMITO Chief Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
12-W: 23
JOHN P SKALA Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
15-W: 23
WALWYN W STUART Jr Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
13-W: 23
KENNETH F TIETJEN Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
13-W: 23
NATHANIEL WEBB Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
10-W: 23
MICHAEL T WHOLEY Police Officer Port Authority of New York/
New Jersey, P.D.
10-W: 23

RICHARD JERRY GUADAGNO Refuge Manager U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 21-W: 23

CRAIG JAMES MILLER Master Special Officer U.S. Secret Service 16-W: 23



CRAIG JAMES MILLER, U.S. Secret Service, is said to have died in WTC 7.

"But truthfully, I don't really know. We've had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7."
~~ Dr. Shyam Sunder - Acting Director Building and Fire Research Laboratory (NIST)

NYC9/11Truth & Change - Make a sign with this list

and always have it if you think you may get harassed by the police.

On 9/11/07 we need THOUSANDS of people in NYC to surround the building and silently walk with signs and wearing shirts with a variety of 9/11-related messages on them. It's time we brought serious numbers of people to NYC and put them all on notice that their days in power are numbered.

You also need to get the city to verify IN WRITING what is public and what is private property and what the relevant NYC ordinances are and have those with you.

I would also have small booklets of the Constitution to offer the private security and NYPD.

I commend your civility and composure while they are trying to intimidate you. You absolutely do not want to say anything to antagonize them, let them be the ones to debase themselves and be recorded harassing you or even committing assault (assault is verbal) You can also make it clear to them that if they touch you, you will charge them with battery.

Let them be the ones to lose their cool.

I would've opened the backpack to show them that it was harmless, diffuse the situation and totally undercut that guy.

I would've identified myself and then asked them to do the same. Get names and badge numbers. Ask the private security guys who they work for.

Have someone video tape from a distance and until you can get a hidden camera you can audio tape or just leave the camera running but act like it's off. They have no legal basis for taking your camera that I know of (I have yet to read the entire Patriot Act, though).

We really need some civil rights attorneys in the movement to help document the harassment and take legal action when appropriate.

Great job, guys!

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

thanks and better yet,

on 5/11 is my cousins wedding, he also happens to be a police officer outside of Philly. im sure half his department will be at his reception, ill take this list and hand them out with DVDs.

Very nice job, these guys

Very nice job, these guys are dedicated. Thinking, the award maybe should go to Dan Wallace ~ a posthumous award ~ and I sure do hope someone is keeping track. I don't know if he's the first to suddenly die. But it would be good to know, how many have died, how many have "resigned", how many have been fired ~~~ after speaking up about 911.
Well done, New York people! I have the greatest respect for you.

"Someone's going to jail"?!?!

Boy, that's some security detail they've got over at Silverstein Properties. They're really pulling from the bottom of the barrel with that guy. You guys do us all proud! This is the kind of stuff that motivates people. Well done guys, well done.

BTW...isn't that wires=terrorist comment grounds for taking someone to court? Slander, indeed.

I agree, it IS slander. But

I agree, it IS slander. But these goons are immune from the law because they are psychological mercenaries for the 9/11 perps. I have to confess that I think these guys (the 9/11 truth guys) were somewhat weak in their replies. Toward the beginning when the WWF-looking goon said "get that camera out of my face", I would have replied by saying..."get your face out of my camera...I was here first" (my very first thought while watching it). These kids are brave and wonderful and well-loved, but they need to hone their verbal-counterreaction skills. I'm sure they were a little bit scared which is understandable.
When the same goon sang in his pre-pubescent way that they were going to jail, personally I would have asked..."jail or a concentration camp?" OR..."Today or after Martial Law is called?" I would have given him a verbal boxing match.
Great job comrades!!!!

I won't even mention what I would have said to that one aggressive "sheeple". ;-)

It's easy to be tough...

...from behind the keyboard. It's different on the street.

Don't get me wrong though. I'm sure that you are a tough guy and could hold your own against these goons. However, despite the fact that Luke is young and lacks much experience in confrontation with hired goons, one thing is sure. This is not the same Luke I saw just a few short weeks ago.

Luke is absolutely amazing. He has matured dramatically. His confidence level has soared. And there is good reason for this. Luke knows his game. He's been studying the evidence very hard. He's also been reading the rules of infowar in detail.

This is the first time I have seen him so aggressively assert his Rights. Luke knows his Rights. Luke knows that one can't possibly defend their Rights unless they even know what they are. And, Luke knows that he only has those Rights he is willing to defend.

Luke isn't waiting for orders from headquarters. He's is racing toward the sound of the guns. Luke is a patriot, a modern day minuteman who is becoming an infowarrior leader right before our eyes. No doubt, Luke is driven by his love of his country and the loss of his good friend Dan Wallace. But, he is also being driven by the support and encouragement he is receiving from the 9/11 Truth community. And soon, because of this, others will follow him.

"But truthfully, I don't really know. We've had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7."
~~ Dr. Shyam Sunder - Acting Director Building and Fire Research Laboratory (NIST)

I dunno...

You've got video evidence here. I'd like a lawyer to weigh in on this issue. Seems to me like a GREAT way to not only get some publicity, but to fight back against that kind of thuggish oppression.









Wow, that was powerful. Way to stick in there. I'm hoping it was staged, those guys at the WTC7 were so F%$##@@ scary. Glad their pretty faces are on the video. You might want to go look them up when/if we win. If we lose, these are the guys that are going to put bullets through our heads without a second thought!!!

OK, I accept this really happened. But then I remember footage of the civil rights protests, and Vietnam, and can't forget Kent State. You're doing okay.

I'm definitely joining in next month, if I'm the only one in the Free Speech area of campus. Thanks for the inspiration.

I think we need to go back

to that same spot with about 1 Million protesters and see what they have to say then.
After all 1 Million terrorist in the same spot should make the national news wouldn't you think?

An increase by one order of magnitude per month...

...would be nice and maybe even realistic.

Starting with ten.

10 May
100 June
1000 July
10000 August
100000 September

"But truthfully, I don't really know. We've had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7."
~~ Dr. Shyam Sunder - Acting Director Building and Fire Research Laboratory (NIST)

1 million protesters.

"After all 1 Million terrorist in the same spot should make the national news wouldn't you think?"

I don't mean to burst your bubble but it would get a 15 second flash on the news with the comment, "thousands protested near Ground Zero." leaving the uninformed viewer to wonder what the fuss was about. That is until the media is controlled by the citizens.
This (the internet) is the media tool for Truth. The old media is becoming more redundant daily as more peoples minds are opened.

Do you

Do you know what 1,000,000 people standing around that building would look like?

I'm guessing that at the very least that 1,000,000 people would fill the streets from building to building around two to three city blocks.

They thought two guys holding a sign was a protest. All the police and equipment in New York could not sway a crowd of 1,000,000

I want to see everyone in New York this September. We have to do this now. Start saving your pennies. Do what you need to do to get there. We will organize busses if we need to. We can find a campground outside the city if necessary.

I will sleep in Central Park if I have to
Together in Truth!

I admire and respect these young people so much...

This is my first post and I felt I just had to sign up and say that my heart goes out to these young people. In this huge city of New York we see this remnant going out on the 11th of every month to face the public with 9-11 truth, and now they are hitting the streets with no materials to hand out.

I have read on the Change website that there has been a split and this small group has no access to any funds. I sent a small donation and hope others who are able will do the same.

I had sent a small donation a while back. The other day I got an envelope from Luke. Enclosed was a CD, a sticker and some reading material that could be reproduced. I don't doubt he paid for it out of his own pocket. This was his way of giving something back. He did not ask for one cent. I may be an old softy but this really touched my heart.

I just wanted to say how much I respect these young people for what they are doing. They do not have to do it. They are putting themselves on the line in doing it, and they sure aren't getting paid to do it. I know they do it because they really care. God bless and keep them all.

Luke, you and your "Change" group are awesome.

This is NOTHING new

Animal Rights Activists and Environmental Rights Activists (and other activists) have had to deal with this crap for years and years.

If it is new information and/or a surprise to you, then I suggest that is not a good thing. It shows your level of awareness about these issues. (which, for most people, is pretty low, so you are "in good company", so to speak)

Of course, when it happened (and happens) to "radical animal rights kooks" and "radical environmentalists psychos", then "that's okay" and "no big deal". And it was "funny" (and/or convenient) to refer to them as "animal rights terrorists" and "environmental terrorists".

The "problem", of course, is that fighting for peace and non-violence and social justice and other forms of justice and similar and related issues is all the same.

One of the added benefits of the 9/11 Truth and Justice Movement, and people's involvement in it, those that don't have prior experience in other movements, is to increase general awareness and education and information about these things across the board. And all of the important related issues and ideas and all the rest, one really important one being, that, literally, all things are connected, and it is important to be supporting and supportive, informed, aware and educated, as much as possible, about all of them.

Do I really need to append this well-known quote? (unfortunately, I probably do)

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.


Senior 9/11 Bureau Chief, Analyst & Correspondent


"When the game is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box."

9/11 Truth is the Path to Peace





NYC Truth squad, you honour Dan Wallace.

My heart swelled with emotion watching you guys face Silverstein's goons.
You are brave and wonderful young men. I will be donating to your efforts.
You make all of us proud!

Thank you NYC 9/11 Truth

This video is both inspiring and saddening at the same time.

NYC 9/11 Truth members trying to exercise their rights/duties as U.S. citizens under our laws and then you have Rent-a-Cops and NYPD officers who have taken a sworm oath to uphold and defend our laws under our Constitution blatantly failing to do their duty.

This looks like a scene out of The Sopranos and definitely not what a democratic republic is meant to resemble.

Don't ask questions. Just shut up and be a good consumer.

"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves" – Edward R. Murrow