Outreach opportunity at Friday's movie premiere of "War, Inc."

John and Joan Cusack happen to be two of my favorite actors, so I may just go inside and watch the movie in the theater (as opposed to renting it on DVD later).

This is an excellent opportunity to do public outreach as this should be a very well-attended and popular movie, especially this first weekend.

Here's the url for the official movie site: http://www.firstlookstudios.com/films/warinc/

Be friendly, bring plenty of literature and think about how you want to connect the subject of the film to 9/11 truth (not much of a stretch, if you ask me).

You may want to consider making some fliers from some of your favorite people at patriotsquestion911.com, as I find that quick, easy and quite effective.

Every little bit counts, brothers and sisters, let's get busier!

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Cool! I hear ya! Every action helps!

Man! No kidding! You got it down right.

I always have flyers and DVDs in the car. I make it a point to place some on the windshields of cars next to me in the retail parking lot. Or put them in the "Free Paper" bin, or put some in a shopping cart. I try to bring up 9/11 Truth in my conversations with whomever I am in contact. Every little action becomes part of an aggregate. Joe and some others do the same thing.

You got it right! This is how we will really win.

If one does not thoroughly LOOK, the TRUTH is not visible.

I'm a bit surprised to see this on the front page,

but I'm not complaining (LOL@myself).

Thanks Rep!

Apparently my radio interview is now available at : http://libertasmedia.org/new/index.php

Just look under "This Weeks Audio" and wait for the name "John Wright" to scroll up.

I will post something separately about this later.

Cheers, y'all!

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

At the Dallas Premiere of "Sicko"...

I gave away 180 DVD Copies of September 11 Revisited in 2.5 hours by myself.

I labeled most of them; " Fahrenheit 9/11 Revisited: Goes Where Michael Moore Fears to Tread".

People at movie theaters are very receptive to free DVDs.

The theater has since told us we cannot do this on their private property.

North Texans for 911 Truth (new site)
North Texans for 911 Truth Meetup Site