AE911Truth Airs All Across Southern CA Tune in to the Live Stream on KPFK Friday, October 8, 4:00 pm PT

AE911Truth Airs All Across Southern CA
Tune in to the Live Stream on KPFK
Tomorrow Friday, October 8, 4:00 pm PT

Greetings fellow AE911Truth Supporters:

AE911Truth’s Richard Gage, AIA, will be on air live for one hour tomorrow. If you are in the LA area you can listen to KPFK on 90.7 FM radio. Everyone else can listen online at at 4pm PT Friday October 8.

KPFK will be playing portions of the AE911Truth San Francisco Press Conference DVD, which includes David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, Erik Lawyer and myself. The DVD will be offered as a premium for pledges.

Join the Architects & Engineers for 9/11Truth along with distinguished speakers at this historic AE911Truth Press Conference on February 19, 2010, as they announce the critical milestone achievement of 1,000 architect and engineering professional petition signer – all demanding a real investigation into the explosive demolition of the 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11/01. Watch the riveting multi-media examination of the most recent scientific forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony.

Also included is the Speakers Luncheon Event where you will hear from the AE911Truth petition signers themselves about the specific evidence which altered them and what they are now doing about it.

Please support the station during that hour to show appreciation for Christine Blosdale’s dogged efforts to put 9/11 truth on the air! The number to call is 818-985-5735 that’s 818-985-KPFK between 4-5pm PT. KPFK has been around for over 50 years and has 112,000 watts of power and can be heard from San Diego up to Santa Barbara.

911 Investigator

You may have missed our most exciting AE911Truth publication ever – our broadsheet newspaper. This is the latest great tool for helping your friends realize that you are not just a conspiracy theorist – that you have the facts!

This 4-page newspaper is in full color, graphically oriented and contains over a dozen articles about our most important evidence.

The “911 Investigator” goes where no mainstream newspaper has dared by detailing the witness testimony and scientific forensic evidence behind the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11. This handy publication presents the compelling case for explosive controlled demolition in a graphically oriented easy-to-read format, while maintaining the scientific integrity that is honored by technical professionals around the globe.

It is a compact, fact-filled source for people on the run. The essential info is all in one place, making it easy to learn more and to educate others.


Richard Gage, AIA, Architect

And the dedicated AE911Truth volunteers

WoW!! Drive Time on Friday!! from San Diego up to Santa Barbara

This is dynamic news! The volunteers at AE911Truth put together some fantastic projects!!

Per Wiki ... With its 110,000 watt main transmitter atop Mount Wilson, KPFK is one of the most powerful FM stations in the US. ...KPFK program producers are accorded the maximum amount of editorial freedom possible. The only requirement is that they adhere to KPFK's mission statement, which states that all programming must be educational and non-commercial, must "serve the cultural welfare of the community", and must "contribute to a lasting understanding between nations and between the individuals of all nations, races, creeds and colors".

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice...

Can't help but make the point that the concept of...


...has helped fullfill some of the above noted "requirements" for KPFK...and hopefully, will do the same for many other progressive radio stations all across the country.

Please do not confuse KPFK and other progressive radio stations with NPR, PBS and the local "Public????" affiliates all across the country because they are under even MORE control by the wealthy "contributors"

[along with their offspring and other relatives all of whom 'volunteer' as gatekeepers...OOPS...did I just say gatekeepers?]

...than even the mainstream-corporate media that overtly inhibit our messaging.

Anyway, its gonna be pretty hard to stop the concept of:

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

...wherever we choose to take it anywhere in the world...

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA

Pushing the story into the mainstream...

Michael Moore could end this whole thing with a documentary on 9/11. His site just recently began accepting comments and so far they are allowing 9/11 truth statements on there as well. Worth checking out if any of you are considering it.

Also. Judge Napolitano said that this weekend on his Fox Business Channel show he is going to have Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer on and they will discuss the 9/11 Commissioners of the 9/11 Commission Report. Could be interesting.

Hopefully this will pay off and more people will be exposed and be active in the truth efforts of 9/11.

P.S. Way to go Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. This is big!!

anyone have any idea of how Michael Moore thinks.......

of the 9/11 truth movement?
Can anyone think of any reason he woul be against exposing the information from the truthers?

Confronting Michael Moore with 9/11 Truth P2

Confronting Michael Moore with 9/11 Truth P2

About three years ago Michael Moore announced he would make a second 9/11 Documentary.
Since then, it was never brought up.

I'm guessing he was dissuaded by the PTB.
May 16th, 2008 4:39 PM
Moore: `Fahrenheit 9/11' follow-up is not a sequel

By David Germain / Associated Press

CANNES, France — With his follow-up to "Fahrenheit 9/11," Michael Moore wants to examine America as an empire, study its standing since the Sept. 11 attacks and present revelations to surprise audiences as much as the first film did.

But he doesn't want to make a sequel.

"To just say it's a sequel is so wrong," Moore told The Associated Press on Friday at the Cannes Film Festival, where he met with potential international distributors for the film, due out in 2009.

The documentary announced this week at Cannes will be a broader chronicle than "Fahrenheit 9/11," which took President Bush to task over the terrorist attacks and the Iraq war.

"It would be easier and safer to make a sequel, if that's all it was, but this isn't about Bush. We all know this. Regardless of who the president is come November, we have a big mess, a big, big mess to be cleaned up, and I don't know whether it can be cleaned up," Moore said. "The toxicity of the spill may be so great that there's nothing we can do about it. If that's the case, where are we now as America and as Americans?"

"Fahrenheit 9/11" won the top prize at Cannes in 2004 and went on to top $100 million at the domestic box office, the only documentary to hit that mark.

Moore plans to keep details of the film to himself, saying he regretted talking too early about his health-care documentary "Sicko." Health insurers were able to mobilize against him, which "made it impossible for me to get in anywhere" for interviews, he said.

The new film, which doesn't yet have a title, is being financed by Overture Films, which is handling the U.S. release, and Paramount Vantage, which is overseeing international distribution....


Mike Rivero from WRH says Michael Moore's agent is Ari Emanuel

- none other than Rahm Emanuel's brother. Could he be exerting influence on MM not to dig too deeply into the 9/11 inconsistencies and lies.

Rahm Emmanuel, former Clinton adviser, current congressman from Illinois, staunch supporter of Israel, and suspected by many of being "Mega", the Mossad mole in the Clinton White House, has a brother, Ari Emmanuel, who just happens to be Michael Moore's agent.

Ariel "Ari" Zev Emanuel (born March 29, 1961 in Chicago, Illinois) is an American talent agent, founder of the Endeavor Talent Agency in Beverly Hills, California, and now CEO of William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, Endeavor's successor by merger.[1] As of December 4, 2009, he was purportedly representing Martin Scorsese, Larry David, Michael Moore[2], Matt Damon, Sacha Baron Cohen, Conan O'Brien and Mark Wahlberg, among others.[3] His special relationship with his clients coupled with his stature in the industry has led to various homages and parodies over the years, including Bob Odenkirk's character, Stevie Grant, on The Larry Sanders Show,[4] and Ari Gold, played by Jeremy Piven on the HBO television show Entourage.[5] He also currently serves on the board of Live Nation.[6]

So, can we get past Hollywood stars breaking through now?

Truthers...have you REALLY read the above post regarding MM's agent?

Does ANY of this make things clear that we are up AGAINST the forces in Hollywood too? How's daniel Sunjata doing after his work for 9/11?

Manhattan...Hollywood...The Pentagon...the Intel Agencies...the Corporate Media...BOTH houses of Congress...the White House...

...and most of our grandparents...

Hello, is anybody home?...ANYBODY "gettin stuff" yet?


OOOPS...I forgot...the 9/11TM is chock full of Truthers who still believe that Ron Paul is a Truther...and...that We Are Changes are NOT political store fronts for the Libertarian Party...

So, I respectfully withdraw my questions and so sorry about my sobriety here...anyway...

STILL...the 9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice Movement moves on... reminds me of:

Remember THAT organization for Peace and Justice?

Anybody connecting DOTS out here?

Like...The Dancing________

Yet STILL...we move ahead... spite of what has to be the WORLD'S GREATEST set of blockages that have EVER been set against any movement anywhere at anytime...inside and outside the movement itself...

Quite the match I'd say...its just a "truthy thing"...

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
kingston, WA

I expect nothing from Moore

'Can anyone think of any reason he woul be against exposing the information from the truthers?'

I can. He's a typical liberal coward. He's birds of a feather with the typical Huffington Post/ Daily Kos/ Common Dreams /Alternet crowd. He can handle being attacked by Republicans and Fox News. But when it comes to the risk of alienating and being ostracized by his usual friends and associates--that's a different matter.

One thing I would venture is so about all 9/11 truthers is that we are all people who have been wiling to take the risk of alienating not just people we never had much use for anyway, but also some of the very people we'd been closest to--family, friends, political or other groups we may have been active in. I don't think Moore is that kind of person.

(And I say this while appreciating a lot of what he puts in his movies. There was a lot of good stuff in 'Capitalism, A Love Story,'--but then he had to go all swooning over Obama when he got to the '08 elections--who brought back Timothy Geithner to the Treasury department, who had much to do with the very same deregulation that was passed in 2000 that was at the root of so much of the crooked dealing outlined in the rest of the film.)

I'm listening NOW

6:pm central time

Pledge drive, Gage Live

The HOST is ONE of US!

The HOST is ONE of US!

They are offering DVDs as pledge premiums.

I did it!

Tuned in and only heard the last 5 minutes, but I was able to call in and pledge $75 during the last 30 seconds of the show. DVD and tee-shirt too! They said copy as much as you want, so I will.

Senior Producer at KPFK...

Christine Blosdale - Senior Producer at KPFK

I listened & I think Gage did

I listened & I think Gage did well,but I would have preferred it if it had not been preceded by an hour of DR. Snakeoil colon cleanse though.

[edit - added "not" - LW ]

In my post above I forgot the

In my post above I forgot the word 'not'. I wasn't calling Gage a snake oil salesman. The 3-4 PM hour just before Gage featured a Vitamin supplement/colon cleanse supplement selling 'doctor'. If,like me, someone who had yet to be convinced of 911 truth had tuned in a bit early to hear Gage that's what they would have heard. I would have preferred that someone/thing more 'respectable' had preceded gage. That's all.