Afghan war

Can Obama say 9 Orwellian lies in 3 Afghanistan speech sentences? Yes, he can!

*hyperlinks live at source:

Upon US public critical mass recognition of the “emperor has no clothes” obvious facts that current US wars are not even close to lawful, President Obama will be a leader among an oligarchy of War Criminals that go back several Administrations.

Until such time, Americans have opportunity for unique heroism, intellectual integrity, and public service to explain, document, and prove that speeches such as Mr. Obama’s are tragic-comic Orwellian lies. The tragedy is the millions killed directly by unlawful war lies and indirectly by lies that allow a million children’s deaths every month from preventable poverty, the billions made to live in misery, and the trillions of our dollars looted.

The comedy is dark, and coming: Americans will achieve critical mass to punch-through the paper-thin propaganda, such as the 9 lies Mr. Obama told in just 3 sentences:

Why America Cannot Win in Afghanistan

Why America Cannot Win in Afghanistan

An interview with Pakistani General (ret.) Hamid Gul, by Bonnie Faulkner, “Guns and Butter,” KPFA-FM, Wednesday, September 8, 2010

In this important interview, Gen. Hamid Gul explains that the US war in Afghanistan was doomed from the start. As a military professional with a distinguished career, he identifies the key factors that determine success or failure in war, and shows that the US is failing in almost every area.

Here is his initial point: “So first, the premise has to be correct for going to war. That wasn’t correct at all. And I think it was based on lies. 9/11 is, in my opinion, still a huge, big fraud which has been perpetrated on the world, but more than that, on the American people themselves. And because they could not win a vote to support a war of this kind, so they had to create an excuse so that there would be world sympathy, which there was after 9/11, and the American people would be so angry, annoyed and alarmed that they would not question their government about their credentials and the veracity of what happened on 9/11.”

Leaks provide ground-level account of Afghan war


WikiLeaks page:,_2004-2010

The Associated Press
Sunday, July 25, 2010; 7:44 PM

WASHINGTON -- Some 90,000 leaked U.S. military records posted online Sunday amount to a blow-by-blow account of six years of the Afghanistan war, including unreported incidents of Afghan civilian killings as well as covert operations against Taliban figures.

The online whistle-blower WikiLeaks posted the documents on its website Sunday. The New York Times, London's Guardian newspaper and the German weekly Der Spiegel were given early access to the documents.

The White House condemned the document disclosure, saying it "put the lives of Americans and our partners at risk."

In a statement, White House national security adviser Gen. Jim Jones took pains to point out that the documents describe a period from January 2004 to December 2009, during the administration of President George W. Bush.