
11th Day Action in Melbourne on Sunday April 12, 2009

We've been doing our 11th Day Action ever since November 2007. ;O)
We even made "Ask me about 9/11" badges with messed up DVDs!

My daughter's

and mine,

I put mine on my "Investigate 911" cap that I bought in NYC last September on the side, and it's been working really well like, to get others' attention, or start conversation with strangers. Using a DVD was a real good idea cause it's BIG, so easily catch others' eyes.

Anyway, this month's action will take place(as usual) from around 12noon, at corner Swanston and Burke.

Bring along any flyers, banners, DVDs and CD-ROMs to wake up more citizens!!
And let's sing this loud and clear together. ;O)