
TELL THE TRUTH - Mos Def - Immortal Technique - Eminem

I haven't seen this posted here yet. Strong language warning.

"Bin Laden didn't blow up the projects
it was you nigga
tell the truth nigga

bush knocked down the towers..."

Thx to Conspiracy Factualists

New Eminem Track References Wire Tapping, Political Assassinations, and 9/11

A track entitled 'Public Enemy #1' on Eminem's upcoming mixtape The Re-up caught my ear this afternoon. The track features a simple almost militant style beat somewhat similar in tone to his last politically motivated track Mosh. While Mosh (which New York magazine called “the most important piece of mainstream dissent since the 60s”) alluded to 9/11 via caricatures of Bush reading 'My Pet Goat' and newspaper clippings on 9/11 (including the infamous 'Bush Knew' New York Post article), this new track goes into much darker subjects.

Frames referencing 9/11 in Eminem's 'Mosh' music video

The track makes references to his phones being tapped, how an FBI van might pull up and he might just disappear, or maybe get taken out by a sniper one day. He goes on to say how he is focused on writing as many tracks as he can just incase something happens, and takes it one step further saying that he has already accepted he would be killed and then painted negatively for his actions. This is the point where the track briefly references 9/11 (after mentioning tremendous tremors) before going on to talk about 2 Pac predicting his death, and JFK's assasination - an allusion to them both being killed for being 'public enemy #1' in the past.

(more after the break..)