
Anthrax Attack on Train is coming (False flag attack blamed on Pakistan)

Anthrax Attack on Train is coming (False flag attack blamed on Pakistan)

May 1 - Media reports Bin Laden killed.

May 2 - U.S government orders millions of fresh Anthrax vaccine (Spending millions it can not afford)-


Time line-Feb 20 - Yahoo news reports Raymond Davis gave bomb material to al-Qaeda in Pakistan-

April 19 - Small town in U.S holds Anthrax drill-

April 26 - Media reports al-Qaeda plots biological attack if Bin Laden killed-

May 1 - Media reports Bin Laden killed.

May 2 - U.S government orders millions of fresh Anthrax vaccine (Spending millions it can not afford)-

May 3 - Media reports Anthrax vaccine never tested on children and they would be first to receive it.
Millions of Anthrax vaccine bought in 2007 has a shelf live of 3-4 years-

False Flag News.com on the Radio Today

Dan Abrahamson of False Flag News will be giving a complete Terror Drill/Wargame rundown today at 5pm EST on RBNlive. (he's guest hosting for John Stadtmiller)

Webster Tarpley and other researchers believe that on 9/11 drills were flipped to "live" events to facilitate the attacks. The hope is that by being aware of these upcoming and in-process drills, "we don't get fooled again".


Something That Seems To Quiet All Debunkers

Simple question:

Could you please explain to me why a terrorist would plant evidence to incriminate themselves?


Many of the investigators believe that some of the initial clues that were uncovered about the terrorists' identities and preparations, such as flight manuals, were meant to be found. A former high-level intelligence official told me, "Whatever trail was left was left deliberately—for the F.B.I. to chase."
"Oh, What a tangled web we weave, when we wish to decieve."

FOR CONTEXT, please see:

  • "Let's discuss the 9/11 hijackers"
  • "Or were there hijackers?" - A rebuttal
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