stewball's blog
Tony Szamboti, latest news of WTC 7_ on 9/11 Free Fall
Tony Szamboti returns to discuss his latest discovery involving an analysis done of WTC 7 during a lawsuit, and his presentation at a university in New Jersey in November and the pressure the university faced as a result of hosting him.
Listen here to 9/11 Freefall with guest Tony Szamboti M.E. on No Lies Radio (1hr):
Press Release: The Undying Role of 9/11 Family Members in Calling for an Independent Inquiry into 9/11
Media Relations/Interviews: 250-889-4559
Halifax, March 28, 2014 – Yesterday in Parliament Megan Leslie, NDP Deputy Leader and Halifax MP, was blasted by Conservative backbencher James Bezan for a community event that was posted by a constituent on her website.
Bezan was referring to the Halifax stop of a 17-city Canadian tour by architect Richard Gage, leader of 2100 architects and engineers who question the collapses of World Trade Center buildings 1, 2, and 7. Many people do not know that an investigation was resisted by the Bush administration, and that the building collapses were never scientifically investigated.
Following major disasters such as the Titanic, Pearl Harbor, the JFK assassination, and the Challenger tragedy, commissions of inquiry have been appointed within a few days.
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Tell the NY TImes: The Evidence Isn't Hard to Find...
The text below was contained in an email action alert received this evening (Dec 23rd) from :
Tell the NY TImes:
The Evidence Isn't Hard to Find...If You Just LookYesterday New York Times Chief Washington Correspondent David Sanger was the guest on CSPAN’s Washington Journal, where he had this to say about Building 7’s collapse:
“We have not found any evidence so far – that doesn’t mean there’s none there – but we’ve not found any evidence so far to suggest that the building collapses were caused by anything other than the two airplanes that flew into them.”
Sanger was responding to a question from a caller who wanted to know why, despite the massive billboard standing right outside the New York Times Building, the paper of record had failed to “fairly and objectively cover this crucial issue.”
Now with a senior representative of the New York Times on the record saying, “We’ve not found any evidence so far,” it is time to let Sanger and the editors know that the evidence is there. All they need to do is look and they’ll easily find it. Contact the NY Times Today!
Last week over 1,000 people contacted the BBC in response to our action alert regarding the BBC’s one-sided article on the ReThink911 campaign. Let’s surpass that level of support today. Please take 2 minutes right now to contact David Sanger and the NY Times editors. Just copy-paste the letter below, or write your own. Please be sure to Bcc us at AE911Truth so that we can keep a count of how many emails are sent.
Dear Mr. Sanger and Editors of the New York Times,
On Sunday, December 23, 2013, you, Mr. Sanger, told a caller on CSPAN’s Washington Journal that the New York Times had not found any evidence so far to suggest that the collapse of WTC Building 7 was caused by anything other than an indirect result of the airplanes flying into the Twin Towers. I am writing to tell you that the evidence is indeed there, and I urge you to look into it. 2,100 architects and engineers have signed a petition at calling for a new investigation based on this evidence. The following points are just a few from among the growing body of evidence that overwhelmingly supports the conclusion that Building 7 came down by controlled demolition.
Building 7 accelerated downward at absolute free-fall for the first few seconds of its 7-second symmetrical collapse.
However, a building cannot undergo free-fall if it is meeting any resistance from any of the columns below it, as any resistance would slow the building’s descent.
Therefore, the lower section of the building could not have been “crushed” by the upper freely falling section.
The destruction of at least 8 stories of the lower section of the building had to have been accomplished by other means, i.e. explosives or incendiaries, to allow the upper section of the building to fall through it in free-fall. Learn more about the free-fall of Building 7.
There is clear evidence of melted steel at Building 7, first reported on by the NY Times, and incendiaries in numerous dust samples from Ground Zero.
As you well understand, the implications of the controlled demolition of Building 7 are extraordinary, since it is integral to the 9/11 events, and therefore the question of what happened to Building 7 is of the greatest importance. I thank you in advance for taking the time to seriously examine this crucial issue.
[Name, address]
Thank you as always for your tremendous support.!
ReThink911 Asks Canadians to Take Action
Take Action: Urge Ottawa MP Paul Dewar to Submit the 9/11 Justice Canada Petition to Parliament
During the December Ottawa ad campaign, ReThink911 together with 9/11 Justice Canada is encouraging all Canadians to contact Ottawa MP Paul Dewar (Official Opposition Critic for Foreign Affairs) and urge him to deliver the 9/11 Justice Canada petition to the Canadian Parliament.
It only takes 2 minutes!
Simply copy and paste the text below and make sure to add your signature to the email.
[Subject Line:]
Petition #5248504
Dear Mr. Dewar
I urge you to submit to Parliament petition #5248502, signed by over 1,400 Canadians, requesting a parliamentary review of the omissions and inconsistencies in the 9/11 Commission Report. Delivering a petition to Parliament does not imply that an MP endorses it. Here are three reasons to submit this petition:
(1) 26 Canadians were killed in the 9/11 attacks.
(2) Canada has been a major ally in the War on Terrorism, yet no proof has ever been delivered to the Canadian government that the 9/11 attacks were carried out as alleged by the U.S. government.
(3) A recent poll commissioned by the ReThink911 campaign found that a plurality of Canadians are in favor of Canada opening its own investigation into the 9/11 attacks. As the NDP Foreign Affairs Critic, it is incumbent upon you to submit this petition.
Please fulfill your duty to the Canadian people.
[Your Name]
Thank you!
Thanks to all our supporters for making this ReThink911 Campaign in Canada a real success.
BBC News Article on the ReThink911 Campaign in Canada
December 17, 2013 — Yesterday the BBC published an article about the ongoing ReThink911 ad campaign in Ottawa. Featured on the BBC’s News homepage, the article was seen by hundreds of thousands of readers.
This piece marks the fifth mainstream news article about ReThink911’s Ottawa campaign since the announcement of the campaign on November 20. But unlike its Canadian counterparts, the BBC has a tendency for falseness and one-sidedness rivaled only by the likes of Fox News.
Read the article:
Tell the BBC Editor Their Reporting Is a Journalistic Disgrace
Please take 2 minutes right now to let the Editor of the BBC’s North America edition know how you feel about their reporting. Just copy-paste the letter below, or write your own. Please be sure to Bcc us at AE911Truth so that we can keep a count of how many emails are sent.
Link to this item at with sample letter and email addresses:
Australian TV gives sympathetic hearing to TWA800 whistleblowers
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation's 60 Minutes program (not to be confused with the CBS program of the same name) recently aired a 20 minute segment on the TWA 800 crash investigation controversy in which they gave a quite sympathetic hearing (I thought) to the whistleblowers (who are alleging an intentional government coverup of a missile strike on the aircraft) and allowed them to make their case to the audience. You can watch the ABC video of this episode at the link:
TWA Project Files Lawsuits Against Navy Seals and Missile Defense Agency
Email and press release received 19 Aug 2013 at, see below:
Email received today ...
We¹ve filed some interesting lawsuits (see below). We filed one against the CIA earlier, asking for them to give us un-redacted versions of the documents showing how they came up with their (inaccurate) animation discrediting the eyewitnesses. The NTSB is paying attention. We¹re corresponding with them and they are seriously considering the petition. Their 90 days to decide will be up mid-September. This will NOT be over if they decide not to re-open. The film¹s release has garnered us free legal help and lots of support not just from people around the country, but victims' family members and large numbers of former TWA employees‹there are thousands of them. This fight is not going away. We're looking for truth and accountability. We just want you to know we¹re in it for the long haul.
If any of you want to see the documentary and petition that started the rukus, just go to EpixHD and sign up for a free two-week trial. You can watch it for free. It took us 15 years to make the film.
Kristina Borjesson
Director, TWA FLIGHT 800
– Ed.
CONTACT: Tom Stalcup
774 392-0856
More at link:
WP Reporter Confirms Identity of 2 CIA Officers Involved in Suppressing Pre-9/11 Intel
From Sibel Edmonds @
Washington Post Reporter Confirms Identity and Roles of Two CIA Officers Involved in Suppression of Critical Pre-9/11 Intel & The Post’s Knowledge of Secret Inspector General Report
On Wednesday, Peter B. Collins interviewed Washington Post reporter Joby Warrick, who writes on the Middle East and National Security at The Post’s national desk, about Warrick’s new book that recounts the deadly attack on the CIA base near Khost, Afghanistan at the end of 2009.
Warrick’s book, The Triple Agent, focuses on Jennifer Matthews, the CIA station chief at forward base Chapman who was among those killed by a Jordanian suicide bomber. In discussing the role of Matthews in the CIA’s withholding of critical pre-9/11 intelligence from the FBI and counterterrorism official Richard Clarke, Collins asked if Jennifer Matthews had connections to Alfreda Frances Bikowsky—the CIA officer recently identified here at Boiling Frogs Post. Warrick responded:
10 Youtube videos from the 9/11 Toronto Hearings
Here is a link to 10 Youtube videos from the recent 9/11 Hearings of Sep. 2011. They include addresses by 9/11 researchers like Kevin Ryan, David Chandler, Graeme MacQueen, Neils Harrit and others.
Click here for list of available Toronto Hearings Videos
Here is one of the videos: David Chandler on WTC 7: A Refutation of the Official Account
Where were you on 9/11, wants to know
When a third plane crashed into the Pentagon, and a fourth into a field in rural Pennsvlvania, the thought that it might all be a terrible coincidence faded as quickly as fear and horror grew.
How do we recall that day, and those acts of terror? Where do they lie inside our memories?
To mark the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, we're asking you to find those memories, and to share them.
Tell us where you were when you first heard of the attacks on Sept. 11.
Were you at work, at home, in hospital, at school, or somewhere in between? What was your first reaction? What did you think? How did you react? How did you feel?
Note that the top rated comments appear to be mostly by those not buying the OCT
NY Ch 2 News: 2 men with explosives caught at GW Bridge on 9/11
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The US-Al Qaeda Alliance: Bosnia, Kosovo and Now Libya. Washington’s On-Going Collusion with Terrorists
by Prof. Peter Dale Scott
Twice in the last two decades, significant cuts in U.S. and western military spending were foreseen: first after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and then in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. But both times military spending soon increased, and among the factors contributing to the increase were America’s interventions in new areas: the Balkans in the 1990s, and Libya today.1 Hidden from public view in both cases was the extent to which al-Qaeda was a covert U.S. ally in both interventions, rather than its foe.
U.S. interventions in the Balkans and then Libya were presented by the compliant U.S. and allied mainstream media as humanitarian. Indeed, some Washington interventionists may have sincerely believed this. But deeper motivations – from oil to geostrategic priorities – were also at work in both instances.
In virtually all the wars since 1989, America and Islamist factions have been battling to determine who will control the heartlands of Eurasia in the post-Soviet era. In some countries – Somalia in 1993, Afghanistan in 2001 – the conflict has been straightforward, with each side using the other’s excesses as an excuse for intervention.
But there have been other interventions in which Americans have used al-Qaeda as a resource to increase their influence, for example Azerbaijan in 1993. There a pro-Moscow president was ousted after large numbers of Arab and other foreign mujahedin veterans were secretly imported from Afghanistan, on an airline hastily organized by three former veterans of the CIA’s airline Air America. (The three, all once detailed from the Pentagon to the CIA, were Richard Secord, Harry Aderholt, and Ed Dearborn.)2 This was an ad hoc marriage of convenience: the mujahedin got to defend Muslims against Russian influence in the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, while the Americans got a new president who opened up the oilfields of Baku to western oil companies.
US Recognizes Al-Qaeda War Criminals As Libya's Official Government
Bangkok, Thailand July 15, 2011 - Associated Press reports that, "U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says the Obama administration has decided to formally recognize Libya’s main opposition group as the country’s legitimate government. The move gives foes of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi a major financial and credibility boost."
In an act of utter desperation as the brutal, though entirely ineffective Libyan rebels flounder in their NATO-backed offensives against Libya's ruling government in Tripoli, the US has now recognized the Libyan rebels as the country's "legitimate government" allowing the US to directly fund, arm, and support with US troops, the Al-Qaeda tied war criminals operating out of Benghazi. The recent farcical move indicates that France's Foreign Minister Alain Juppé has failed in his threats and posturing to get Libya's Qaddafi to stand down, and that the NATO-backed war of aggression is about to reach new heights of brutality most likely including the involvement of US, UK, and French troops on the ground.
Source of terror threat is in UK Government, says a police Principal Intelligence Analyst
Tony Farrell had been employed for twelve years as ‘Principle Intelligence Analyst’ for South Yorkshire Police, 13th largest of the 44 police forces in the UK. His job involved producing a yearly ‘Strategic Threat Assessment Matrix’ to determine how the police force had to prioritise its activities. Assessed ‘threats’ ranged from ASBOs (anti-social behaviour orders) to the terrorist threat presented by local mosques. Having a statistics degree, it was his job to translate the different ‘strategic threats’ into a ‘matrix’ of relative numerical weighted probabilities.
In 2010, one week before the 5th anniversary of 7/7, Tony (who had never previously doubted government versions of events) stumbled across ‘9/11 Truth’ material on the web. Like so many millions before him, he was shocked to the core by this experience. He quickly realised that there was a great mass of evidence relating to 9/11 kept hidden by the mainstream media. As a Christian, Tony consulted his church minister, who suggested that he consider, whether the same might be true for the London 7/7 bombings?
Something he had not suspected ‘in his wildest dreams’ then started to unfold. After reading much of the available but publicly-unreported witness statements and other evidence relating to 7/7, Tony found that he could only conclude that the official 7/7 narrative was ‘a monstrous lie.’ Instead of the official ‘suicide bombers’ narrative, which he and all of his colleagues had believed without question, he realised that the weight of evidence strongly points far more towards 7/7 being an event stage-managed by British intelligence than anything else.
The unthinkable but inescapable question thus intruded: Does there exist an ‘internal tyranny’ worse than any external foe?
Daniel Hopsicker: Truth, Lies and the Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Not since nearly 50 years ago when the CIA tried to pass off a man shown in two black and white photographs taken outside the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City as Lee Harvey Oswald, has the truth been so openly and casually violated as during the ferocious campaign to roll back some of what was already known and on the public record about Mohamed Atta in the aftermath of the 9/11 attack.
At one point a man even came forward to insist he, not Mohamed Atta, lived with Amanda Keller at the Sandpiper Apartments in Venice.
Well over six feet tall (Atta was 5'10) he looked far more like a young Jean Paul Belmondo than the dark glowering visage of Atta’s described by eyewitnesses.
In fact, the man, who avers Amanda Keller mistook him for Mohamed Atta, looks as if he might be hard-pressed to glower his way out of a paper bag.
No matter. The idea was a trial balloon, one of many sent up. The idea seemed to be that if you throw enough mud on the wall some of it will stick.
In more innocent times, this may have even been true.
But the after-image burned behind a billion eyeballs of bodies hurtling out of 100th story windows to escape encroaching flames insured the effort was not just unsuccessful, but was never even taken seriously.
The Persistence of Memory
The revelation last week that a key eyewitness to the activities in Florida of the 9/11 hijackers never changed his story about Mohamed Atta being drunk and belligerent in his bar four days before the 9/11 attack raised new questions about major news media coverage after the attack.
Continued at: