The Great Derangement

Just Fyi . . . 9/11 "Mentions" in Recently Published Books . . . and ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11 (DVD) . . .

Just fyi -

1. "Goodnight Bush" - by Erich Origen & Gan Golan ('An unauthorized PARODY' of "Goodnight Moon" - the children's classic) - On one un-numbered page, the children's blocks spell out "BLOWBACK" and "LIHOP" - fun book to discover all the symbolic images of our times - darkly funny. Don't miss.

2. "The Great Derangement" - by Matt Taibbi - Chapter Eight: Conspiracy Interlude I, or 9/11 and the Derangement of Truth, pg 148 - Reading in between the lines, I think Matt may be questioning 9/11 now and is subtly apologizing to 9/11 truthers . . .

3. The Uprising: An Unauthorized Tour of the Populist Revolt Scaring Wall Street and Washington, by David Sirota - One "9/11 Truth" mention - pg 55

4. "ZERO: (An Investigation into) 9/11" (DVD) - 5 stars (out of 5 stars) - Buy it - give it out. If Bob McIlvaine's account in this can't move the American people, nothing will. This newest 9/11 movie, documentary, is excellent, IMO.

Summer of Truth, 2008