Manuel Valenzuela

Of Crazies, Neocons and the Enemy Within


Of Crazies, Neocons and the Enemy Within

by Manuel Valenzuela


An all too familiar and ominous echo is reverberating through the American landscape, once more blasted into the airwaves, and our minds, through the Ministry of Propaganda and its merry bunch of sycophants and stenographers. For yet another consecutive year since three monolithic towers were demolished, imploded and systemically brought down onto their own footprints in a catalyzing event unleashing a new American century, Americans are hearing the fiery rhetoric of imminent danger, a cocktail of fear, terror and warmongering fed our enemy-addicted culture, aimed both at stirring conflict with Iran and conditioning our minds into accepting the coming attack on yet another Muslim nation that poses no threat to the mighty Empire.

Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Manuel Valenzuela


This week, Visibility 9-11 welcomes Manuel Valenzuela. Manuel is a social critic, commentator, Internet essayist and author of Echoes in the Wind, a novel now published by His essays appear regularly at various alternative news websites from around the globe. Mr. Valenzuela welcomes comments and can be reached at He encourages readers to surf the collection of over 100 essays he has written which can be found visiting his archives and by searching the Internet. His next book, Beyond the Smoking Mirror: Reflections on America and Humanity, a collection of his essays, will be published in early 2007.

One of Manuel's recent essay's titled The Unearthing; An Awakening Has Arrived, recorded and narrated by Michael Wolsey, can be heard by clicking here.

Intermission music from MySpace Music by Khaos Theory.

Listen here.


Manuel Valenzuela on Kevin Barrett's radio show tonight - 9-11pm Central

UPDATE - DOWNLOAD SHOW: Barrett-Valenzuela-MP3 (28MB)

Sorry about the short notice. Barrett sent out an email and mentioned that Valenzuela will be his guest on the debut of his new Tuesday radio show, "9/11 and Empire". (The show changes changes hosts and names and shares the 9-11 Central Time slot).


"We The People Forum" airs week nights at 9-11 PM Central Time. On Mondays Carol Brouillet Co-founder of 9-11 Truth Alliance. Tuesdays will feature 9/11 scholar Dr. Kevin Barrett, founder of MUJCA. On Wednesdays, Peymon Mottahedeh founder of the Freedom Law School. Thursdays and Fridays Randy Kelton, a longtime Judicial activist instructing and forcing Prosecutors and Judges to follow the law.

Call-in number is 888-202-1984

9-11pm... just a coincidence, no doubt.

New Essay by Manuel Valenzuela- "The Great American Catalyzing Event"

At first you may think of the PNAC-agenda. But this is in fact a long essay about the birth of our movement.


The new Pearl Harbor was such a horrific event, of such profound importance and mind-changing dimensions for the American people, and its lies and deceptions so obvious and apparent, that its criminality has completely transformed the views and beliefs of millions of Americans.
