
In the Houses of Shadow.

Open Letter
To the Office of Mr Cass Sunstein.
White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA).
Co Author of 'Conspiracy Theories' with Adrian Vermeule
[free download [Social Science Research Network]]


With regard your paper "Conspiracy Theories" [University of Chicago Law School Law & Economics Research Paper Series #387],
In which you discuss the Mental Health of citizens seriously investigating alternative 9/11 Conspiracy Theory, [ie:those 'other than' the 911 Commission Report Theory]
as examples of 'Crippled Thinking' or 'Crippled Epistemology'.

Incumbent on you, sir, as co-author of the above; since the matter so important to our mental Health; would be to revisit the central premis of your paper - that the KSM 19-hijacker Commission Theory is the ONLY permissible account - given the TESTIMONY of Former FBI Language Specialist Behrooz Sarshar this January 2011 regarding his CENSORED testimony to the 911 Commission, that FBI fore-knowledge of the attack was well established and understood.