
Take Action :STOP.THINK.CONNECT : Submission Deadline Feb 14th 2011

God bless the censors for pitching this ridiculously co-optable meme.

This is an easy way to Challenge Power With Truth, using their own tools and words against them.

From the official website
“Stop. Think. Connect.” is a simple, actionable message for online safety, and it applies to everyone. A coalition of government, industry and nonprofit organizations chose “Stop. Think. Connect.” as the first unified message for online safety after extensive research – a yearlong endeavor that included focus groups, opinion polling, and government-industry collaboration.

Challenge Deadline

The Challenge kicks off on Monday, November 8, 2010, at 12:01 p. m. ET and ends on Monday, February 14, 2011, at 11:59 p.m. ET.

The Department is looking for public service announcements that are directed towards any of the following audiences:
Teenagers (13-17)
Young Adults (18-24)
Parents of Teenagers
Older Americans
How to Enter

Upload the Video to the DHS Channel on YouTube at www.youtube.com/user/DHSEngage in response to White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt’s video. NOTE: This is the only way we will accept submissions.

911 Humour Offensive -- 911ho.org

Humor is richly rewarding to the person who employs it.
It has some value in gaining and holding attention,
but it has no persuasive value at all.

John Kenneth Galbraith

Is a 9/11 humor-offensive offensive?

Shouldn't we dare to ridicule our doctrinal system that fosters cognitive dissonance, schizophrenia and presumably laughs at us sheeple? Isn't it a jolly good tradition to make fun of the powerful?

With today's single-digit-second attention spans isn't it kosher to engage in a humourous counteroffensive? What do you think??? Too touchy a subject?

Imagine the jokes that Bill Hicks would crack!

Laughter may not change anything, but it can help to overcome fear, right?

Please post links to your favourite cartoons (jpg, gif) , stand-up routines (mp3) and videos that ridicule the doctrinal system.

If you find a good cartoon on the web, right-click, "copy image location" and then, in your comment-posting here, paste the {link} like so: