unspun newz

Hold the Phones…Richard Gage WAS NOT Detained by NIST

July 20, 2009 Cheri M. Roberts – Producer, Unspun Newz

First thing Monday morning, 9/11 truth activist group We Are Change released a developing story regarding the possible detention of Richard Gage, AIA - founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, at the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).

UnSpun immediately made contact with Richard Gage, additional members of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth as well as NIST itself to clarify and or confirm the details of this incident.

NIST’s Press Officer, Michael Newman was kind enough to comment stating Richard Gage, AIA arrived at NIST’s Visitor Center where he was refused access to the building by guards due to his lack of an appointment. Gage arrived with a CD and letter for Dr. Shyam Sunder which he left with the guards at the front gate under their assurance said material would be delivered to Dr. Sunder as requested by Gage.

By 11:30am pacific time NIST’s Press Officer for Public Affairs, Michael Newman confirmed for UnSpun Newz that Richard Gage’s material had in fact been delivered directly to Dr. Sunder as promised.