wireless detonation

Wireless detonation in the course of history

A side note of history I ran across the other day that might prove to be helpful. One of the biggest complaints I hear from skeptics is that “it would have taken miles of wire” to set charges in the WTC’s. Not necessarily true. Certainly by now we all know about commercial wireless blast systems, but as I’ve just learned, militaries have been using forms of wireless detonation for explosives at least since WW II.

I thought I would share this because I’ve heard no one in the 9/11 movement mention the history of Kiev, Ukraine September 19 – 26, 1941 and found it ironically important. If the bulk of the WTC's had been rigged with wireless detonation devices, that sure would take a lot of the manpower out of the conventional wired method. It is also historical record that buildings - not just one or two, but dozens - have been successfully destroyed by wireless detonation since at least 1941. I found the information in 2 different books and the published Nuremberg Trial testimony.