Some can't forget 1st World Trade Center attack

Sure, everyone remembers what happened in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001, but who recalls the date of the first attack on the World Trade Center?

Almost no one, in fact. For the record, the center was bombed on Feb. 26, 1993, at 12:18 p.m. Six people were killed and about a thousand more wounded.

Yesterday, some of the people who have that date etched in their brain forever talked about a horrific event, about narrow stairwells, the lack of safety lights in them, and the chaos and confusion that ensued that day.

9/11 Conference in Cork, Ireland

Conference in Ireland, attend if you can:

Farrakhan's 9/11 Conspiracy Remarks Unreported by Washington Post

Staff writers Robert E. Pierre and Hamil Harris report today in the Metro section of the Washington Post on Louis "Farrakhan's Message of Defiance and Unity"* in his march planned for tomorrow in Washington, D.C., commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Million Man March.

Pierre and Harris bury Farrakhan's conspiracy theory rhetoric about the government bombing the levees in New Orleans deep into the article, and they completely ignore Farrakhan's charge that the federal government was involved in 9/11. As reported by's Marc Morano yesterday:


If you're in the Montreal area, sign up for this one:


This event will be held at the Lebanese Community Mosque, 60, Port Royal Ave., Montreal at 7:45 on Saturday, October 15th, 2005. It will feature an in-depth exposure of the lies behind 9/11, and a detailed examination of Canada's involvement and importance. The danger posed to human rights, the impending pandemic are among issues that will also be discussed.

Karl Schwarz For President

Think a Truther has got what it takes? Take a look:

9/11 Revealed : The Unanswered Questions

Here's an interesting looking book available at

And here is an interesting review of the book:

A straightforward, scholarly written, even handed, well researched and logically presented presentation of the many anomalys surrounding the 9/11 atrocities.
The authors keep their terms of reference very tight and do not refer to the increasingly awkward questions like: Why do the mainstream media not carry this story?

Levee Breaks, 9-11 Part of Govt. Plot, Farrakhan Implies

Sometimes the truth shows up where you least expect it.

Forty-eight hours before the Louis Farrakhan-led march of African Americans through the streets of Washington, D.C., the controversial minister Thursday repeated his charge that levees in New Orleans were intentionally blown up on Aug. 29, following Hurricane Katrina. He also implied that the Bush administration may have orchestrated the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the U.S.

9/11 Parts Split by Good and Evil

Can someone explain to me what the statement in bold means?

The city scientist who led the effort to identify 9/11 victims said officials made sure to keep the remains of the three terrorists identified away from those of the innocents killed.

The remains of the killers were removed from the medical examiner's makeshift memorial park on the East Side and "put in another place," Robert Shaler, former head of the medical examiner's forensic unit, told the Daily News.

Behind Every Terrorist - There is a Bush - New 9/11 Related DVD

There have been a few new 9/11 related DVDs that have come out. I wanted to mention them as they come out so that those interested are aware, and to hopefully provide some sales for those working hard to create new methods of spreading 9/11 news.

Here are the details of the new DVD produced by Carol Brouillet:

Behind Every Terrorist - There is a Bush was a benefit show for the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11. It featured talented comics, great music, brilliant flash movies, spoken word, and the confessions of a 9-11 truth activist. Going Out of Business

Just got an email from stating that they are going out of business. They offer a bunch of different shirts including the 9/11 related shirt shown below. They are offering 50% off of all of their merchandise, so if you haven't checked them out now would be a good time.

(use the coupon code 'halfoff' during checkout)
