Bush Denies Ever Claiming 9-11/Saddam Link Now


President George W. Bush said on Friday that he wrestled for months over the decision to go to war in Iraq but that he remains convinced it was the right decision.

In the latest in a series of comments in which he has gone further than in the past to acknowledge heated debate over the war, Bush told PBS in an interview that he never tried to guess casualty numbers before the March 2003 invasion but said he understood the risks.

Weldon to Get His Chance to Prove 9/11 Accusations


In a recent interview on Lou Dobbs Tonight, Representative Curt Weldon made the following statement:

"We've received assurances that the hearings will go forward.

But the other thing that we have to look at, Lou, and you have had another guest on your show recently, why did the 9/11 Commission pick 1996 and not go back beyond that? There is some very interesting material that needs to be tied in. The '93 attack on the Trade Center. The blind Sheik's trial. None of that was looked at by the 9/11 Commission, and the American people need to ask the question why.

Patriot Act renewal fails in Senate

This is definitely good news. Its interesting how the Bush Administration can't be bothered to investigate the worst terrorist attack on American soil in history, and at the same time will fight this hard for laws that impact American civil liberties.

Why is it so important to infringe on the rights of tax paying Americans, and so unimportant to fully investigate the supposed terrorists that orchestrated 9/11?

Read on, there are so many good quotes in this article, I can't highlight them all:


Rep. Curt Weldon Refers To The 93 Bombings As Something We Should Know About


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I would like to know why you and others in your administration invoke 9/11 as justification for the invasion of Iraq... when no respected journalist or other experts confirm that such a link existed?

BUSH: And I made a tough decision. And knowing what I know today, I would make the decision again. Removing Saddam Hussein makes this world a better place and America a safer country.
WELDON: We've received assurances that the hearings will go forward.

Friday Grab Bag

I fully expected the James H. Fetzer story to break wide open today, but nothing yet. Spread it around if you can, this can be as big as the Steven Jones article.

So, while we're waiting, here are a few links to check out:

Anyone know if official airline manifests exist out there somewhere that prove beyond any reasonable doubt that no hijackers were on those planes?

Wounded Iraq Veteran Sends Praises of Loose Change and 9/11 Researchers

The creators of Loose Change were sent in the letter above from a former soldier in Iraq. This person is not alone by any means, many Iraq veterans have come to terms with the lies of the war in Iraq, and have in turn come to question the events of 9/11.

This is a great letter, and I thought it should be shared. It should also be noted that this veteran will be sent a free copy of the DVD, he definitely deserves it.

Professor at University of Minnesota Duluth Supports 9/11 Truth Movement


James H. Fetzer
Distinguished McKnight University Professor
University of Minnesota Duluth

As an expression of support for those who are attempting to expose the truth about the events of 9/11 for the benefit of the American people, I am posting the penultimate version of a chapter I have submitted to David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott for publication in their volume, 9/11 AND THE AMERICAN EMPIRE (forthcoming). I stand with Steve Jones, Professor of Physics at Brigham Young, David Ray Griffin, Professor Emeritus of Theology at Claremont, and other students and scholars of 9/11, who believe that extraordinary times require extraordinary measures. Further discussion may be found at NIST's Evasion.

Open the NORAD Pandora's Box

Just one item to note in this article:


NORAD has been the foundation of the Canada-United States defence
architecture since 1957. Its surveillance systems detect airplane and missile threats inside and outside North America's airspace.

Oh really??? According to Popular Mechanics, Norad can't be bothered with internal threats.

Open Thread

Been a few days since the last open thread. Have at it!

P.S. Special thanks to SBG for basically running the entire show for the last week!

The 9/11 Trivia Thread

Play along, think you've got what it takes?
