Temple911Truth's blog

John Bolton Truth-squaded on PNAC, Bilderberg, & Sibel Edmonds - Philly 9/11 Truth

Article: Truth-squaded on PNAC bio-weapons, Bilderberg, and Sibel Edmonds
January 29, 2008

Michael Shermer of Skeptic Magazine & Contributer to History Channel Hit-Piece Confronted by Philly 9/11 Truth

Michael Shermer is on tour nationwide, be sure to confront him wherever he may go.
Click here for book signing locations ====> http://www.michaelshermer.com/tour/

11th Day of Every Month Street Action - January 2008 - Philly 9/11 Truth

Another productive outreach across from the Engine 11 firehouse on South Street in Philadelphia. We signed up a dozen new contacts, distributed four dozen DVDs and hundreds of fliers. Not in the video, we also gave DVDs and literatures to police officers and a firefighter across the way.

Randy Who? Philly 9/11 Truth Exposes Senator Bob Graham

Philly 9/11 Truth Exposes Senator Bob Graham

Untitled Document

Randy Who? Philly 9/11 Truth Exposes Senator Bob Graham -Article Continues Below-

Philly 9/11 Truth Confronts 9/11 Commission Vice Chair Lee Hamilton on 'Angel Is Next' Threat Against Air Force One

Lee Hamilton's Alzheimer's Attacks When Asked About 'Angel Is Next'

Article: Lee Hamilton's Alzheimer's Attacks When Asked About 'Angel Is Next'
On the evening of December 6th, 2007, the one-year anniversary of the Iraq Study Group (ISG) Report, 9/11 Commissioner Lee H. Hamilton and former Secretary of State James A. Baker III spoke at the Lowe’s Hotel where they were honored for their work on the ISG. The Iraq Study Group has been scrutinized because of its membership that consists of individuals with questionable bias towards the war. One such member is Vernon Jordan Jr. who admits frequently attending Bilderberg conferences in his ISG biography. Also Lawrence Eagleburger of the ISG was previously a board member of Halliburton.

Philly9/11Trruth Confronts Former U.S. Middle East Coordinator and Current Ambassador Dennis Ross on Brzezinski Warning

Philly 9/11 Truth Confronts Ambassador Dennis Ross on Brzezinski Warning

Former U.S. Middle East Coordinator and Current Ambassador Dennis Ross Confronted on Brzezinski Warning
Dennis Ross is relatively unknown political figure to most Americans however he has been instrumental in forming U.S. Middle East policy since the Reagan Administration. Currently, Ross is a counselor for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a think tank founded in 1985 by Martin Indyk, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel and former executive at the highly influential AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee).

Philly 9/11 Truth Confronts John McCain on Popular Mechanics Endorsement & Terrorism Financing

Monday 11/19/2007

Presidential hopeful John McCain held a “town hall meeting” in Philadelphia last
week at the University of Penn hornswoggling youthful minds with fear-based
propaganda. Over 900 students packed Penn’s Zellerbach theatre to hear the
Republican candidate's agenda and to ask questions. Former 9-11 commissioner John Lehman and
Utah Governor Jon Huntsman sat in solidarity while McCain delivered chilling
warnings about “Islamo-fascism”, global warming, and the Iraq war.

Phony liberals and aspiring neocons dominated the forum with softball questions and
inquiries based on false paradigmatic information. Only a handful of the dozen and a
half or so questions posed were of a challenging nature. Fortunately Philly 9/11 Truth
members were able to interpose significant
questions to disrupt the monotony of the session. One challenged the senator’s
endorsement of the Popular Mechanics issue “Debunking 9/11 Myths” elucidating the

Philly 9/11 Truth Confronts the Clairvoyant Rick Santorum on New 9/11 Prediction

Philly 9/11 Truth Confronts Rick Santorum (Short Clip 10 min)

Philly 9/11 Truth Confronts Rick Santorum*** (Extended Clip 20 min)

Philly 9/11 Truth Confronts the Clairvoyant Rick Santorum on New 9/11 Prediction

Philly 9/11 Truth Drexel Debates 10/30/07 Howard Dean, David Bonior, Elizabeth Kucinich

Howard Dean asked about sponsoring a real investigation into 9/11, David Bonior - John Edwards' campaign adviser - asked about Edwards' attendance at the Bilderberg conference, and Elizabeth Kucinich on the status of her husband's 9/11 congressional subcommittee.

Philly 9/11 Truth confronts former Terrorism Analyst Jonathan Schanzer

Fear mongering, dismissing, and pleading ignorance; these are commonplace tactics used by propagandists of the fascist era. Former U.S. Department of Treasury intelligence analyst Jonathan Schazner is one such individual of the Goebbelian school of thought. He currently holds the title of Director of Policy at the Jewish Policy Center (J.P.C.) in Washington, DC. As a representative of the J.P.C., Schazner recently visited Temple University in Philadelphia for a speaking engagement about “Financing Terrorism.” Apparently he was unaware that his commission to come and speak at the university was a hypocritical violation of the subject of the discussion.

Philly 9/11 Truth Confronts NY Senator Chuck Schumer

"We gotta build stronger buildings." - Senator Chuck Schumer

Philly 9/11 Truth Confronts Rudy Giuliani 10/1/07

Five solid minutes of emaciation however the butcher of 9/11 escapes with only minor psychological injuries. To those of you who intend on confronting Giuliani, develop some original questions and try to shake his hand so he cannot escape your grasp.