greenback's blog

How, not why, did World War Three start?

Niels Harrit has been Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, for 37 years. This is a translation of a feature article printed in the Danish Newspaper, Information, on 31 March 2007 (requires subscription). Images have been added below to support the text.

... "WTC7 collapsed exactly like a house of cards. If the fires or damage in one corner had played a decisive role, the building would have fallen in that direction. You don't have to be a woodcutter to grasp this."...

How, not why, did World War Three start?
We are not talking about conspiracy theories, absolutely not. We are talking about elementary physics and chemical processes, Newton's laws, gravity, the melting point of steel, and the like.

Bloomberg Freedom of the Press Subway Ride

We Are Change Brings It!

Bloomberg Freedom of the Press Subway Ride

Change Confronts Mayor Bloomberg on Subway News
August 6, 2007
Mike Knarr

Bloomberg Takes the Ride of His Life

Mayor Bloomberg takes the subway periodically, about once a month according to his staff, so that he can be with the people. Unfortunately he picked the day when and reporters were outside City Hall. The ride lasted about 15 minutes and Luke, Tom, Nate and several other concerned citizens used every minute to bring up questions from parking tickets to 9/11.

Luke started in with an attack on the Ground Zero Memorial. Why are you disrespecting the family members by moving the memorial off the grounds of the World Trade Center? Read a great article about this and the massive money spent by Pataki and Bloomberg after 9/11 here by Debra Burlingame.

The Cheney Affair
The Cheney Affair
By Ted Lang
Exclusive to

Now that mainstream media bias is an established fact and recognized as such by the mainstream reading and viewing public, the revelation of Vice President Dick Cheney's total unilateral control over all levels and branches of American government has not only raised eyebrows and concerns of dictatorship, but for those politically astute, begs the question as to why theWashington Post would be the journalistic vehicle to publish the four-part June 24 through June 27 series exposing this reality.

The Post's publisher, Donald E. Graham, has once again participated in the annual secret Bilderberg conclave, the latter the principal organizational player whose membership is made up of extremely high-level international bankers, mass media publishers, corporatists in both the oil industry and the military-industrial complex, and other principal international political movers and shakers. Bilderberg's primary objective is a one world global government, the New World Order. And the NWO will be phased in via the European and then the North American Union.

The Central Role of Al Qaeda in Bush's National Security Doctrine: "Revealing the Lies" on 9/11 Perpetuates the "Big Lie"

The Central Role of Al Qaeda in Bush's National Security Doctrine: "Revealing the Lies" on 9/11 Perpetuates the "Big Lie"

by Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, July 12, 2007
- 2004-05-27

Text of Michel Chossudovsky's keynote presentation at the opening plenary session (27 May 2004) to The International Citizens Inquiry Into 9/11, Toronto, 25-30 May 2004. (First published by Global Research, 27 May 2004

The Bush administration had numerous intelligence warnings. "Revealing the lies" of Bush officials regarding these "intelligence warnings" has served to uphold Al Qaeda as the genuine threat, as an "outside enemy", which threatens the security of America, when in fact Al Qaeda is a creation of the US intelligence apparatus.
America’s leaders in Washington and Wall Street firmly believe in the righteousness of war and authoritarian forms of government as a means to "safeguarding democratic values".

Prof Jones Accepts Validity Of Forensic Fusion Evidence Testing For Ed Ward, MD's WTC Micro Nuke Theory

Prof Jones Accepts Validity Of Forensic Fusion Evidence Testing For Ed Ward, MD's WTC Micro Nuke Theory
By Ed Ward, MD

The information is out there now. Prof Jones has lent his credentials to my basic neutron activation isotope ratio sample testing theory. We disagreed significantly on what should be tested. I will definitely rib/rip him with pointed humor when he states some credentialed BS since I'm not a "Muon Nuclear Physisict".

Jones efforts on thermate are commendable and legendary as breakthrough confirmation of 911 was an inside job. The world could see thermate and squibs on film so they weren't really a surprise with knowledge of basic demolition. Forensic evidence of thermate was a key turning point in the 911 movement. But even a legend must consider All of the evidence and first it must be consistent with basic physics for all of the evidence.

Prof Jones is also a fellow supporter of Presidential Candidate Representative Ron Paul, MD, and the Constitution so I respect him for all those attributes.

US Marines Demand 911 Truth & Justice - 4th of July Special

US Marines Demand 911 Truth & Justice

The good people of have a brief interview with US Marine & proud patriot Johnny Wave as he demands Truth & Justice while encouraging other service men and women to take a stand for Truth.

How the Bush Family Profits from Endless War

How the Bush Family Profits from Endless War

Note: The beginning of this film is in Dutch.
English language content starts at 1:45 - one minute and 45 seconds into the film


Ellen Mariani Back in Court to Find Out Whether Judge Will Hear Her 9-11 Case

By Jerry Mazza
On June 14, in Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein’s spacious courtroom atop the Daniel Patrick Moynihan U.S. Courthouse at 500 Pearl Street in New York, a true David-versus-Goliath story played out. It involved a case that is being brought by the remaining plaintiffs who did not take the 9-11 Victim Compensation money following the Sept. 11 attacks.

Lawyers from United Air Lines, American Airlines, Boeing Corporation, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and World Trade Center Properties filled half the paneled courtroom. A packed gallery filled the other half. Among these attorneys was a smaller number of lawyers for the plaintiffs who did not take the government’s handout.

Eligibility for the Victim Compensation Fund required victims’ “physical harm or death” as a result of one of the crashes, or being the personal representative of a deceased victim. But the hook was the waiver of a claimant’s right to file a lawsuit if he or she filed for fund money.

Ex-CIA Man Exposes Hysteria Of UK Car "Bomb" Terror

Ex-CIA Man Exposes Hysteria Of UK Car "Bomb" Terror

Keith Olbermann talks with ex-CIA operative Larry Johnson about the London bomb scare.

Freedom Next Time - John Pilger's Perspective on Propoganda & Our Media/Political Reality

John Pilger - Freedom Next Time

Journalist, author, film maker John Pilger speaks in Chicago at Socialism 2007: Socialism for the 21st Century.

A must see talk. This should help all of us, Democrats, or Republicans, or Independents, get a grip on our media/political reality.

Empire Of Oil: The Hidden History Of 9/11

Empire Of Oil: The Hidden History Of 9/11

Learn the secret history behind the events leading up to the September 11 attacks, seldom revealed to the public and who actually may have benefited the most from the attacks and why.

9/11 `Hero' Lewin tied to Israeli Intelligence cell

9/11 `Hero' Lewin tied to Israeli Intelligence cell
A report in Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz on September 17 identifies Lewin as a former member of the Israel Defense Force Sayeret Matkal, Israel’s most successful special-operations unit. [United Press International, 3/6/2002] Sayeret Matkal is a deep-penetration unit...

Sayeret Matkal is best known for the 1976 rescue of 106 passengers at Entebbe Airport in Uganda.

Lewin founded Akamai, a successful computer company, and his connections to Sayeret Matkal remained hidden until the gun story became known.

Amazingly Hot Party Girl in a Socio-Politico-Porno

Amazingly Hot Party Girl in a Socio-Politico-Porno

A new subversive video which brings awareness to Whistle-blowers, specifically Sibel Edmonds, in an attempt to do what mainstream media should be doing – standing up for the righteous.

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