Jon Gold's blog

Kean Says Forming Organization With 9/11 Families To Present "Unfinished Business" Regarding 9/11 To New President

He's probably referring to the 9/11 Commission's "recommendations." - Jon

REPUBLICAN CONVENTION: Tom Kean disappointed neither convention addressed 9/11


by Bob Braun/ The Star-Ledger
Monday September 01, 2008, 12:34 PM

Former Gov. Tom Kean, best known outside the state as chairman of the 9-11 Commission, says he is disappointed that neither party's convention devoted time to the work of his panel.

"But I'm not surprised,'' says Kean. "We're very easily distracted. This is an issue that has gone off the radar.''

He says he has not been asked to speak about the 9-11 commission at Republican any convention or caucus, including New Jersey's. When Bill Baroni, the delegation chairman, introduced Kean, he did mention the commission-- but Kean himself didn't.

In an interview, Kean said he is working with 9-11 family groups to form an organization that will present the new president with "the unfinished business" of the commission.

Satire: Cheney Waits Until Last Minute Again To Buy Sept. 11 Gifts


September 1, 2008

WASHINGTON—Busy dealing with important paperwork and other vice presidential duties in recent weeks, Dick Cheney was forced to put off until the last minute a cherished annual tradition: gift-shopping for his favorite holiday, 9/11.

"I looked at the calendar yesterday, and I couldn't believe my eyes—9/11 is almost here!" a rosy-cheeked Cheney said upon returning to the White House Sunday with two giant bags overflowing with gift-wrapped boxes and big red bows. "It's the most wonderful time of the year."

The vice president strolls happily down New York's Park Avenue, picking up the last few 9/11 presents for his friends at the Pentagon.

Our Loss Of Civil Liberties

I was inspired to make this after reading this report today.

Documentary Dedicated To Late 9/11 First Responder

My sincerest condolences to the Quibell family. I haven't held a fund-raiser for the responders in quite a while. Mostly what I've done is convince others that their efforts should include fund-raising for the first responders. Mark Peters told me the other day that he makes an effort every month to at least send something to the FealGood Foundation. That sounds like an excellent idea, and one that everyone should try to do. - Jon



Racked by pain and the ravages of leukemia, first responder Gregory Quibell of North Babylon allowed film crews to record poignant moments of his life.

For weeks, his visits to doctors and his struggles to pay medical bills were captured for a documentary called "Save the Brave," which premiered last night at the Bellmore Theatre in Bellmore.

The film's opening is dedicated to Quibell, 53, who died Wednesday night at his home, friends said. The film features three other first responders living with Sept. 11-related illnesses.

Was The 9/11 Commission Bribed?

Jon Gold

Recently, Mike Berger from was interviewed by the "Conscience of Kansas" Conservative Paul Ibbetson. During the interview, Mike mentioned the alleged bribery of the 9/11 Commission by Pakistan to omit any incriminating information about them. I figured a lot of people weren't familiar with this story, so I was inspired to write this "recap."

Their Words On Paper

Jon Gold

As 9/11 Family Member, and "Jersey Girl" Patty Casazza said, "one of the reasons why we still continued to fight with... for the Commission, even as we knew it was a farce, is we wanted their words, their lies down on paper."

As most of you know, I have never been a huge advocate for the idea that a "Controlled Demolition" took place at the World Trade Center. Reason being, I'm simply not qualified to tell someone if that did, in fact, happen. Also, for years, the media has tried to paint us as a movement filled with "conspiracy theorists" that think "explosives brought down the World Trade Center", and a "missile hit the Pentagon" without mentioning the 1000's of other problems with the official account. As a result, I can't tell you how many times during activism I've had people come up to me and say, "you're one of those people that think explosives brought down the buildings" as if to say, "you're one of those crazy people that I should ignore." So, I've always tried to push other incriminating information that the media and others DON'T like to talk about.

'Fair And Balanced' Dialogue

Excellent interview. Good job Mike. - Jon


Click Here

Senate Candidate Works With 9/11 Truth Group


Allison Bruce and Dan Kelley, Rocky Mountain News
Originally published 12:11 p.m., August 25, 2008

Gates Crescent Park -- Buddy Moore, independent candidate for U.S. Senate, showed up in a baseball cap and paint-splattered shorts at the park this morning to help members of We Are Change Colorado set up the site.

The organization, which has a permit for the week, will increase its presence during the week and occupy the picnic tables and parking lot across the interstate from Invesco Field as Barack Obama makes his anticipated acceptance speech Thursday night.

Moore said he was “loosely affiliated” with We Are Change. He supports the 9/11 Truth campaign, which calls for new investigations and raises questions about the 9/11 attacks.

He said he was living in France after 9/11 and saw a very different view of America.

“Our aggression towards Iraq was completely unfounded,” he said.

He has been campaigning for about six months, attending small events and peace rallies.

A Few Questions For Joe Biden That Should Be Answered, Preferably Under Oath

The following question was submitted to the 9/11 Commission by the 9/11 Family Steering Committee.

Why did Mahmood Ahmed, Director of Pakistan's secret service, the (ISI) order Saeed Sheikh to wire $100,000 to hijacker Mohamed Atta?

  • What was Mahmood Ahmed's relationship with Al Qaeda?
  • Where did the money come from?
  • Did officials in Pakistan know in advance about the terrorist attack?
  • On September 11 th , Mahmood Ahmed had a breakfast meeting in Washington, D.C., with House and Senate Intelligence Committee chairmen, Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham. What were they discussing?

The 9/11 Commission also presumably heard about Lt. Gen. Ahmed from FBI Whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds during her 3 1/2 hours of testimony. At the insistence of the families. They may have also heard of Lt. Gen. Ahmed during a meeting with the Pakistani ISI. The 9/11 Commission did not answer the families' question, and did not mention Lt. General Mahmood Ahmed in their report even though they were mandated to give a "full and complete accounting" of the 9/11 attacks.

Why did you meet with an alleged paymaster of 9/11, and alleged participant in the nuclear black market after the 9/11 attacks?

Were you aware of his alleged activities? If you weren't aware of these activities at the time of your meeting, did you hear of them afterwards? Did you make any effort to expose them? If so, who did you inform of your intention to expose these activities?

Will you support an entirely new investigation into the 9/11 attacks?

These questions, and many more should be answered by Barack Obama's Vice Presidential running mate.

Some Fantastic News!!!

I heard from Ray last night. His cancer has gone into remission. If you aren't familiar with who Ray McGovern is, here is a "tribute" I made for him after he confronted Donald Rumsfeld.

Thank You

Thank you to everyone that has made a sincere effort, and helped us to make a difference.

Paul Zunno Release's Single "Hold Me Up" - All Proceeds Go To 9/11 First Responders

All proceeds to benefit gravely ill 9/11 first responders through the FealGood Foundation.

Our goal is to raise a million dollars from the download of this song. The only way this will be possible is with your help. Please tell your friends and family so we can all join together and support these men and women!

Bush Covered Up Musharraf Ties With Qaeda, Khan


Analysis by Gareth Porter*

WASHINGTON, Aug 19 (IPS) - Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf's resignation Monday brings to an end an extraordinarily close relationship between Musharraf and the George W. Bush administration, in which Musharraf was lavished with political and economic benefits from the United States despite policies that were in sharp conflict with U.S. security interests.

It is well known that Bush repeatedly praised Musharraf as the most loyal ally of the United States against terrorism, even though the Pakistani military was deeply compromised by its relationship with the Taliban and Pakistani Islamic militants.

What has not been reported is that the Bush administration covered up the Musharraf regime's involvement in the activities of the A. Q. Khan nuclear technology export programme and its deals with al Qaeda's Pakistani tribal allies.

Sibel Edmonds

Thank you Sibel.

Sibel Edmonds Case: FBI Files "Formal Complaint" With Sunday Times


Luke Ryland
Mon Aug 18, 2008 at 06:36:06 AM PDT

Last week, Scott Horton interviewed (audio) investigative journalist Joe Lauria. Lauria was one of the co-authors of the three-part (1, 2, 3) series on the case of former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds for the UK's Sunday Times.

In the interview Lauria discusses the Sibel Edmonds case, the state of the US media, and the Military Industrial Complex in the context of his new book with presidential candidate Mike Gravel: "A Political Odyssey: The Rise of American Militarism and One Mans Fight to Stop It"