Jon Gold's blog

Save The Brave

This is a trailer for a film about the plight of the 9/11 First Responders made by 9/11 First Responders. Produced by the FealGood Foundation. Look for its release in the coming weeks.

I've Tried Talking To Dennis Lormel

I've tried corresponding with Dennis Lormel. If you don't know who he is, you'll learn by reading the following emails I sent to him. As the story goes, I found out where he works now. I called his offices to speak with him, and did so. He told me that a quote of his was taken out of context, and based on the available information, it appears that it was. However, he didn't elaborate any further. He asked me to send him information in an email. I did send him information to his work email, and he asked me to send it to his private email. I did so, and it got bounced back to me as a bad email address. I sent him another email to his work address telling him that the email address he gave me was bad. I never heard back from him. He is definitely someone that should be brought forward in a real investigation to testify publicly, and under oath. The following is the first informative email I sent to his work address, and to the "private" email address he gave me:

Some Recommended Blogs Of Mine From

The music doesn't have any significance other than I love this particular version of this particular song. :)

It's Not The Crime That Gets You, It's The Cover-Up

In case you couldn't tell, I picked this song for two reasons. It's really long. Both books are "thick as a brick," and about as useful as one. Ha Ha. Thank you to Michael Wolsey and Justin Martell for helping me to make this video. You may have to pause on occasion. With regards to the cover-up of 9/11, there is so much information. I had to reluctantly remove a lot of clips. Almost enough to make another movie. Thanks to Please spread this video far and wide, and vote it up at youtube. Thank you.

Federal Legislation May Give Up To $13Billion To 9/11 First Responders




Federal legislation to help those suffering health problems from the World Trade Center terrorist attacks could cost taxpayers up to $13 billion, The Post has learned.

The bill, which will go before a House hearing today and is strongly backed by Mayor Bloomberg, would reopen the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund and would provide funding for medical care for downtown residents and for firefighters, cops, EMTs and construction workers who worked at Ground Zero.

The preliminary estimate of the cost of the measure by the Congressional Budget Office ranged from $8 billion to $13 billion, congressional sources said.

The staggering cost figure hasn't been publicly disclosed yet but was revealed to The Post by sources.

Under the bill, roughly 35,000 people living within 1.5 miles of Ground Zero would be eligible for medical benefits at a projected cost of $3.1 billion. Thousands of first-responders would also receive medical aid at a cost of $2 billion.

History Commons Is An Important Tool For 9/11 Truth

You may have noticed that lately I've been making movies that "force" people to go to ( sorry, it's a habit). I'm hoping people will see just how important a tool it can be.

They Wanted War, And They Got It

The Warnings

Decide for yourself whether or not this information is important with regards to the 9/11 attacks. I think it is.

Blocked And Promoted

In my opinion, one of the most important aspects of the 9/11 attacks.

The Grand Illusion

Don't believe everything you hear. Are there people that promote nonsense? Sure. Are there people that do stupid things? You bet. However, they are a VERY small percentage of people.

They Wanted War, And They Got It

They have EARNED the title of suspect for the crime of 9/11.

Leaking Crimes Of State: Daniel Ellsberg's Lessons For Our Time



Daniel Ellsberg is the kind of American who should receive a Medal of Freedom. Except that the Medals of Freedom are distributed by presidents who routinely give them to “useful idiots” and apologists for their wars and power grabs. It should be renamed the Medal for Enabling or Applauding Official Crimes in the Name of Freedom.

Ellsberg knowingly risked spending a life in prison to bring the truth about the Vietnam War to Americans. He had hoped truth would set Americans free from the spell of official lies. But the experience in Iraq indicates that Americans have learned little if anything from the Vietnam-era deceits.

Flora Lewis, a New York Times columnist, writing three weeks before 9/11, commented in a review of a book on U.S. government lies on the Vietnam War, “There will probably never be a return to the discretion, really collusion, with which the media used to treat presidents, and it is just as well.” But within months of her comment, the media had proven itself as craven as ever.

We Deserve Better

If it's one thing I learned making this film, it is that we are doing the right thing.

Al-Qaeda Commander Claims Responsibility For 9/11 Attacks

Accuses Pakistan of inflicting more damage on his organisation; Mustafa says al-Qaeda men also attacked Danish embassy in Islamabad


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

KARACHI: Senior al-Qaeda commander Mustafa Abu al-Yazid has claimed in an exclusive interview with Geo News that Pakistan has damaged the terrorist organisation more than any other country.

The operational chief of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan also said that the recent attack on the Danish embassy in Islamabad was conducted by his organisation. He also claimed that al-Qaeda was growing in strength in Afghanistan and would soon occupy the entire country.

He strongly debunked the view that al-Qaeda was actually protecting American interests and said it carried out the 9/11 attacks on the US and that 19 of its supporters launched the devastating attacks. He added that many of his comrades were involved in training the hijackers.

Cynthia McKinney Is Coming To New York For This Year's Anniversary


Click Here (MP3)

Cynthia McKinney announced that she's coming to New York City for the anniversary for a candle light vigil, and a series of fund-raisers for 9/11 First Responders with We Are Change.