May 2013

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Israeli Bombing of Syria An Act Of War Declares President Assad

Damascus, Syria (CNN) -- A series of massive explosions illuminated the dark sky over Damascus early Sunday, igniting renewed claims that Israel has launched attacks into the war-torn country.

Syria's government said the explosions were the second Israeli airstrike in three days. The latest target, officials said, was a military research facility outside the Syrian capital. A top Syrian official told CNN in an exclusive interview that the attack was a "declaration of war" by Israel.

Arab League Secretary-General Nabil Elaraby condemned what he called Israeli strikes on Syrian territories and called for the United Nations Security Council to "move immediately in order to stop and prevent Israeli attacks on Syria." Foreign ministers in Egypt and Iran also condemned the reported Israeli attack.

Ban's spokesman said the U.N. secretary-general "calls on all sides to exercise maximum calm and restraint, and to act with a sense of responsibility to prevent an escalation of what is already a devastating and highly dangerous conflict."


Stephen Poloz, New Bank Of Canada Governor, Predicted Financial Crisis, Blamed Housing Bubble On 9/11

Poloz has made other arguments that are even more likely to raise eyebrows. As the financial crisis unfolded in 2008, he wrote an article positing a very interesting theory for what caused the crash: Blame 9/11, he said.

Bush Official: Syria Chemical Weapons Attack Could Be “Israeli False Flag Operation”

Hawks Desperate to Drum Up an Excuse for War

It is likely that Al Qaeda rebels – and not the Syrian government – carried out the chemical weapons attack which the hawks in Washington are trying to use as a reason to invade.

Haaretz reported on March 24th, “Jihadists, not Assad, apparently behind reported chemical attack in Syria“.

Te Syria Tribune released a video in December allegedly showing Syrian rebels killing rabbits with chemical weapons, and threatening to use them against supporters of the Syrian government. (It is impossible at this point to say whether this is genuine or propaganda).

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson – the former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell under President George W. Bush – said yesterday that the Syrian chemical weapons could be a “Israeli false flag operation”.

New Articles at the Journal of 9/11 Studies

By Kevin Ryan

At the Journal of 9/11 Studies, we have published two new articles. The first is from Dr. Timothy Eastman and professional engineer Jonathan Cole. It is titled "WTC Destruction: An Analysis of Peer Reviewed Technical Literature." Here's the abstract:

"The importance of understanding the mechanisms of collapse for the three World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001 cannot be over-estimated, for these unusual collapses and their disputed causes raise questions regarding all future steel-frame building design. A literature review was conducted to identify the evolving trend in research results in this area, which have become increasingly diverse over time. Recommendations for further research are presented."

The second article is from German researcher Paul Schreyer. It is called "Radar loss on 9/11." Here's an excerpt:

"The radar coverage of the United States airspace is nearly complete. In particular the northeastern area, where all four hijackings took place on 9/11, has no “gaps” whatsoever in radar coverage. Nonetheless there was radar loss on 9/11 with respect to the third hijacked plane, American Airlines Flight 77, which was reported to have hit the Pentagon."

Report: U.S. Government and NATO Worked with Bin Laden and His Top Lieutenant 3 Months AFTER 9/11

FBI Translator Alleges that Bin Laden and His Number 2 Worked as Part of Operation Gladio

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has been deemed credible by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General, several senators (free subscription required), and a coalition of prominent conservative and liberal groups.

The ACLU described Edmonds as:

The most gagged person in the history of the United States of America.

And famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg says that Edmonds possesses information “far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers”.

Edmonds translated terror-related communications for the FBI right after 9/11. In that capacity, she read communications between terrorists and other radicals.

Edmonds said last week that Bin Laden – and his number 2 Al Qaeda lieutenant – Ayman al-Zawahiri – worked with the U.S. government for 3 months after 9/11 to coordinate destablization in the Caucus region:

9/11 Free Fall: Richard Gage, Bob McIlvaine, and Deborah Voorhees respond to Rachel Maddow

In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall Richard Gage AIA, 9/11 victim family member Bob McIlvaine, and journalist Deborah Voorhees respond to MSNBC host Rachel Maddow’s recent diatribe attacking 9/11 Truth. This interview includes Richard and Bob’s challenge to Maddow to bring them on her show, and Deborah’s insight regarding journalistic ethics and the obstacles to getting the 9/11 controlled demolition evidence into the corporate controlled media.

9/11 victim's family member and others insulted by Maddow's 9/11 Truth attack

9/11 Free Fall
By Andrew Steele

After hearing Rachel Maddow's recent attack on 9/11 Truth and her assertion that those who don't believe the U.S. government's official story get a satisfied feeling from their "conspiracy theories", 9/11 victim's family member Bob McIlvaine's immediate response was, "I wish she would say that to my face".

The Chichester Observer (UK) interviews Tony Rooke and mentions WTC7 free fall evidence

On 25th of February this year Tony Rooke went to court in Horsham in the UK. He was refusing to pay the TV licence which is used to fund the BBC on the grounds that paying would constitute funding an organisation which was supporting terrorism.

Tony’s local newspaper, The Chichester Observer, has recently had the courage to interview him and print a more accurate account of his case than the one they initially printed. The interview appeared in the April 25th edition of the printed paper and includes a mention of the free fall collapse of Tower 7. The paper may only have a circulation of 30,000 but this is the first time this damning evidence has appeared in any British news paper.

Unfortunately the paper declined to publish the interview online but a PDF copy can be found on Tony's website at