
Justice Rising: Online 9/11 Conference, September 11–13


It isn’t often that a conference features so many respected voices in the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is thrilled to announce “Justice Rising,” an online conference on the continuing struggle for 9/11 justice and the destructive trajectory of the post-9/11 world.

The conference will run from Friday, September 11, to Sunday, September 13, marking the 19th anniversary of the day that changed our world so profoundly.

The international lineup features some of the most highly regarded figures in the movement, including pioneers David Ray Griffin, Niels Harrit, and Steven Jones. It will also offer a deep look into AE911Truth’s upcoming feature documentary SEVEN.

The conference will go for three hours each day and will be open to all free of charge at AE911Truth.org.

More details about the schedule, the speakers, and their topics will follow in the weeks ahead. This will be a historic online gathering you won’t want to miss!

Friday, September 11: 6 to 9 PM Eastern (12 to 3 AM Central European Summer Time)

Presentation by Colorado 9/11 Truth


For this year’s 9/11 anniversary presentation, Colorado 9/11 Truth is pleased to present Richard Behan, author of the upcoming book, Fraud and Apocalypse: the Backstory of George Bush’s Global War on Terrorism, to be published by Ryan Grim’s Strong Arm Press. Much of our own focus has been on the physical evidence at the World Trade Center that proves 9/11 was an orchestrated event that took high level planning and preparation. Richard Behan’s work comes from a different angle. He gives us a peek behind the curtain in the months leading up to 9/11.

Did you know that when George W Bush entered office, he had a standing offer from the Taliban to arrest, extradite, or assassinate Osama bin Laden (based on his prior embassy bombings and the Cole bombing)? This offer was turned down by the Bush administration four times in the months leading up to 9/11 and one more time after 9/11. Richard Behan’s research is entirely based on publicly available documents. Without the backstory we don’t have the full story.

SEVEN: Explosive 9/11 Documentary Trailer Begins Airing This Month

from: https://thewashingtonstandard.com/seven-explosive-9-11-documentary-trailer-begins-airing-this-month-video/

trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL9CCZFuDFY

A new 9/11 documentary titled SEVEN is soon to be released, but in the meantime, a five-minute version of it began airing on Public Broadcasting System on Thursday. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth released the information.
PBS affiliates across the country today will begin airing a five-minute version of the new documentary SEVEN directed by Loose Change creator Dylan Avery about the explosive findings of the recently completed University of Alaska Fairbanks study on the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7. The short film, titled Spotlight On: SEVEN, will run for a minimum of three months on up to 200 local PBS stations, reaching at least three million viewers.

History Commons May Disappear

What is the History Commons?* One of the most important and invisible, useful and unknown websites on the internet — and without better funding, it may disappear from the web. You might not have heard of it, but it’s been used and referenced by an array of well-known investigative authors and journalists, including Glenn Greenwald, Craig Unger, James Ridgeway and Peter Lance; see section at this article’s end. HistoryCommons.org is a documentation & research tool driven by a relational database and public input, with editorial oversight. It’s proof-in-practice of the Mosaic Theory of Intelligence Gathering, but for the public interest, the people, our posterity and future generations. HistoryCommons.org is best known for the Complete 9/11 Timeline, but the site hosts over 30 timeline projects on diverse subjects such as elections, wars and foreign interventions, civil liberties, health care, climate change, and other important domestic and foreign policy issues.

New 9/11 Timeline Entries: Hijackers Arrive at Dulles Airport, FBI Behaves Suspiciously, Cheney Gives Shootdown Order, and More

From the History Commons Groups blog:

A large number of entries have been added to the Complete 9/11 Timeline at History Commons, many of them providing important details about the events of September 11, 2001, and others describing notable incidents that took place before and after 9/11.

Hijackers Were Recorded on Video at Dulles Airport

The majority of the new entries describe events that took place on September 11. A number of them describe the arrival of the five alleged hijackers of Flight 77 at Washington's Dulles International Airport.

Khalid Almihdhar and Majed Moqed were the first of the hijackers to check in at the American Airlines ticket counter at the airport. Minutes later, the two men entered the airport's west security checkpoint and, despite setting off alarms when they walked through the metal detectors, were cleared to proceed on their way.

Carbon Nanotubes in WTC Dust


Here's a concise reminder about the important discovery of carbon nanotubes in WTC dust, 9/11 first responder lung tissue, and nanothermite ignition residues.


At the Toronto Hearings in 2011, Professor Niels Harrit described a new discovery related to the World Trade Center (WTC) dust. That new discovery was the presence of carbon nanotubes in the residues of nanothermite ignition. The importance of these results relates to the health of 9/11 first responders, whose fatal illnesses have remained largely a mystery to the medical profession.

Professor Harrit’s presentation in Toronto is available online in its entirety. Here is the shorter segment related to the finding of carbon nanotubes (CNTs).



The Strange Story of Daniel Lewin, the First Victim of the 9/11 Attacks

The North Tower of the World Trade Center

Daniel Lewin is believed to have been the first person killed in the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001. The 31-year-old from Brookline, Massachusetts, was a passenger on American Airlines Flight 11, the first plane to be hijacked that day. He was reportedly murdered by Satam al Suqami, one of the alleged hijackers, while the terrorists were taking over his plane.

Even before September 11, though, Lewin had secured his place in history. He was unusually intelligent and talented, and had excelled as a soldier, a student, and a businessman. Examination of his story, however, reveals many anomalies, contradictions, and odd coincidences that deserve scrutiny.

October 1, 2017 (9:29pm-9:33pm), Mandalay Bay Hotel: Implications of Las Vegas Shooter’s Recorded Hotel Room Door Lock Activity

Door lock interrogations of rooms 32-134 and 32-135 of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas, NV, then assigned to accused shooter Stephen Paddock, performed subsequent to the mass casualty shooting event at the Las Vegas Village, Route 91 Harvest Festival of October 1, 2017, are assessed here. Door lock event times and descriptions are presented here as provided within the LVMPD’s post event report “LVMPD Criminal Investigative Report of the 1 October Mass Casualty Shooting”.

According to the said LVMPD post event report, "No evidence exists to indicate Paddock conspired with or acted in collusion with anyone else." With a room key user possessing Paddock’s room key, apparently in the hallway outside of Paddock’s cited rooms between 9:31pm and 9:33pm (32 minutes before the shooting began) and with no apparent evidence of entry into either of these two adjoining rooms by a key user between the same 9:31pm to 9:33pm period, who opened the door to room 32-135 at 9:33pm from the inside?

University Study Concludes: Fire Did Not Bring Down Building 7 on 9/11 (University of Alaska Fairbanks/AE911Truth)



A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7


"The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse. The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building."




Budget: $316,153


More info: https://www.ae911truth.org/wtc7