WeAreChange Debunks the BBC at Ground Zero 9/11/08

Brian Kenny, Gary Talis, Matt Kazee, and others confront the BBC at Ground Zero on September 11, 2008. BBC recently did a documentary about WTC7, the third tower to collapse on 9/11.


Special thanks to Matt Kazee and TruthMovement.com for giving us the footage.

9/11 Truth Norway: 9/11 Truth nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2008

From Torstein Viddal;

Dear friends,

this is the auto-translated Google English version of the story currently heading our truth site 9/11 Truth Norway.


9/11 Truth nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2008
4 October 2008

Reason for the nomination of
David Ray Griffin and the 9/11 Truth Movement to the Nobel Peace Prize 2008
Supported by 10 professors, or current or former MPs

The wars of the 21st century – what the U.S. President has called 'The global war on terror' - are justified with a tragic event: the attacks against New York and Washington 11 September 2001. This event would come to justify pre-emptive war on enemies who seemed to be everywhere and nowhere. From 2001 terrorism was presented as the biggest threat to Western society, and the foremost evidence of this threat, we were told, were the events of 11 September.

Bin Laden in Soviet-Afghan War, Day of 9/11 - Additions as of October 5, 2008

Several new entries have been added this week about Osama bin Laden during the anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan. In 1986, his brother Salem asked the Pentagon to supply him with missiles, but received no reply, although a Pentagon official did later ask Afghan commanders if resources should be diverted to the Arab Afghans. The bin Laden brothers purchased some anti-aircraft missiles in London and, in May, Osama led a group of Arab fighters into Afghanistan, but the mission ended in failure.

The Truthers' New Friends

The Weekly Standard is the newspaper I used to refer to as the "PNAC Newspaper." The editor is William Kristol, co-founder of the Project For A New American Century. The same man who reminded us about the double standard that it was "ok" to blame Bill Clinton for 9/11, but Bush was hands off. The same man who asked, "are we really to believe that Bush just sat around after 9/11 thinking, "How can I aggrandize my powers?" The Weekly Standard has described Cynthia McKinney as a "leftist conspiracy wacko," and has attacked her on more than one occasion. Their "opinions" can not, and should not be trusted. - Jon

The Russian government warms up to 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Source: weeklystandard.com

by Cathy Young
10/13/2008, Volume 014, Issue 05

Klein: Bush admin creates crises to 'enrich themselves and their friends' (9/11 is mentioned as one of them)

Rawstory | October 3, 2008

On Thursday's edition of The Colbert Report, bestselling author Naomi Klein argued that the Bush Administration creates crises in order to "enrich themselves and their friends," drawing parallels between the torture of prisoners and the economic bailout being provided to Wall St. by US leaders.

Previously, Klein called out the sprawling economic crisis as just another example of the Bush 'shock doctrine,' a key component to the ruling regime's corporate agenda.

Article by Aidan Monaghan published in the Journal of 911 Studies; also a reminder to PREPARE

We are pleased to announce that an article by Aidan Monaghan (B.Sc., EET) article has successfully passed the peer-review process at the Journal of 9/11 Studies. The article was published Oct 3, 2008: Plausibility Of 9/11 Aircraft Attacks Generated By GPS-Guided Aircraft Autopilot Systems. Link here: http://journalof911studies.com/volume/2008/AutopilotSystemsMonaghan.pdf

The editors continue to accept submitted scholarly papers, with the proviso from the Introductory page at this Journal, which states that we encourage contributors to first consider submission to mainstream established journals. And frankly, the editors themselves are busy doing research and writing on such papers (one of which is now undergoing the peer-review process with such an established journal, on the subject of anomalous red/gray chips observed in the WTC dust).

Khalid Almihdhar and His Connections to the USS Cole bombing

Why are the links between alleged Pentagon hijacker Khalid Almihdhar and the USS Cole bombing important? Because, according to recent revelations, officers at Alec Station, the CIA’s bin Laden unit, protected Almihdhar and his partner Nawaf Alhazmi from the FBI in January 2000, and this protection seems to have continued after this. If the CIA had simply been allowing Almihdhar to operate to see what connections they might uncover, then the Cole bombing showed clearly that this policy had been a complete disaster—a terrorist under their protection participated in the murder of 17 US sailors. However, the CIA continued to protect Almihdhar even after the Cole bombing.

One of the main arguments used by British Prime Minister Tony Blair in a key speech on 4 October 2001 that held al-Qaeda responsible for 9/11 was that one of the 19 hijackers “has also been identified as playing key roles in both the East African Embassy attacks and the USS Cole attack.”

9/11 Truth Holds One-Year Anniversary Meeting

Congratulations to Janice.

911Truth.org executive director visited the 9-11 Truth of Central Iowa meeting in Adel Monday, Sept. 14 offering suggestions on how citizens can be pro-active with their government to demand the truth behind the events of 9-11.

Source: midiowanews.com

By: Amber Williams

911Truth.org executive director visited the 9-11 Truth of Central Iowa meeting in Adel Monday, Sept. 14 offering suggestions on how citizens can be pro-active with their government to demand the truth behind the events of 9-11.

Few things are free in this world. And, as the old motto goes, not even freedom is free.

But the 9-11 Truth of Central Iowa first annual film festival was free. Its organizers said that's because information is power, so they give it away. In fact, they gave away more than 700 free DVDs, each documentary depicting different questions and theories about the truth about the events of September 11, 2001.

There's No Difference Between Martial Law and the THREAT of Martial Law


If a bully threatens to beat up a skinny kid if he doesn't give him his lunch money, and the bully doesn't have to follow through because the kid does fork it over, does that mean that the aggressive kid isn't a bully?

Of course not. He's a bully because he threatened to beat up the skinny kid and used coercion to get his way.

Well, Congressman Sherman said that congress was threatened with martial law this week. Specifically, he says that Congress was told martial law would be imposed if they didn't pass the Paulson bailout proposal.

Martial law means that the separation of powers which the Founding Fathers enshrined in the Constitution are destroyed, and an all-powerful executive branch calls the shots.

Is the threat of imposing martial law any different than actually imposing it?