Notes on Chicago Keynote Speech by Alex Jones

Friday night there were three keynote speeches, of which I attended two - Alex Jones and Steven Jones. Both of the keynote speakers brought their 'A' game to the table, and I think pretty much everyone took something new from the information they covered. Below are notes on the first keynote speech by Alex Jones, expect such notes for Steven Jones' lecture in the next day or so. (If you attended the keynotes of other speakers please feel free to send in some notes as well.)

Alex Jones Keynote Speech Notes

Alex Jones started out by going through a power point presentation on the history of government sponsored terrorism. This section of the presentation covered in great detail such things as events in ancient Rome, Hitler's Reichstag fire, Hitler and the Gleiwitz incident, the overthrow of Mossadegh, Operation Northwoods, the Gulf of Tonkin, the U.S.S. Liberty, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and the 1993 WTC Bombing. Alex went into great depth into each of these sections, and really showed off his command of the subject matter. Alex closed out this section of his speech by discussing briefly the Iraq war. Alex pointed out the White House memo on Iraq, as well as discussed P20G who is "responsible for secret missions targeting terrorist leaders in order to stimulate reactions among terrorist groups, thereby provoking violent acts, which would in turn make them susceptible to counterattack by US forces..

Keith Olbermann Mentions Chicago Event - Video Download

Keith Olbermann mentioned the Chicago 9/11 event on his show this evening in a segment on the recent statements by Judith Miller about receiving prior warning of a major attack by Al-Queda prior to 9/11. While he provided little detail on the event, it is quite a change to see 9/11 skeptics being given some form of recognition - maybe next they will notice that a former Bush cabinet member presented at the event and believes 9/11 was an inside job himself.

Presentation by Kevin Ryan From Chicago Conference - Video Download

Kevin Ryan gave a presentation on Sunday at the Chicago conference. I actually learned a couple of things I was previously unaware of, specifically involving the scientists who worked on both the FEMA, NIST, and Oklahoma City Bombings investigations - and comments they made about the collapses immediately after the events took place. Also, Ryan reviewed the FEMA, NIST, and Silverstein investigations into the World Trade Center collapses proving quite easily that there is no 'obvious' explanation as all three investigations varied tremendously.

D.C. Ranked Low for Terror

ABC News says:

"You might think of the District [that is, Washington D.C.] as a likely target for a terrorist attack, but now the Department of Homeland Security ranks it as one of the cities at lowest risk."

TV News Lies has the best comment on this news story:

Duh! Of course the risk is low...they are the ones conducting the terror! They are not going to aim it at themselves and the DHS is clearly admitting this!"

Chicago Conference News from

More analysis and images available here:

Quick Mix Video of Lobby Tour and Chicago March

This is a quick mix video showing a quick tour of what the lobby looked like at the center of all the presentation rooms, and the march in downtown Chicago. We have a bunch of other footage of the Chicago march that was given to us, however this is just intended to be a small clip - we are not exactly video editors ;)

This video is intended to meet the regulations on conference recording as detailed

Vote in AOL's Online Poll

Vote now in AOL's online poll:

Do you think the U.S. government was complicit in 9/11?

No way

I'm suspicious but not sure


John Leonard, who publishes Webster Tarpley and other great 9/11 authors (and who is a powerhouse 9/11 activist in his own right), pointed out that the NY Times article on the Chicago conference is now one of AOL's top news stories. Look at the "M

9/11 Truth – The Key To Stopping World War III

Resolution submitted to the 911 Chicago Truth Conference by Webster Tarpley.

I was talking to Webster at the conference and he asked me to post this on the Blogger. He had been distributing the following document to everyone at the conference and was hoping to have a vote on it either during or after Robert Bowman's speach. Unfortunately, I had to catch a train and couldn't wait for the speach, so I'm not sure if a vote was ever taken.

Anyway, download the document Here.

All My Pictures from Chicago

This is all of my pictures from Chicago, they only weigh in at 2MB after resizing them and with some jpeg compression. The quality should be good enough for everyone, but if anyone wants an original of any of them just email me.

Note: I am still working on the videos..

Jesse From TVNewsLies Covers 9/11 Convention

Our friend Jesse over at has posted some photos and other coverage of the Chicago convention over at his blog.

Here are the direct links for reference:
More photos from Chicago
Update 2 & Photos From 9/11 Truth Conference in Chicago
9/11 Convention Update