May 30: David Ray Griffin on the Meria Heller Show

10 AM Pacific (1 PM Eastern) time.
For more information, The Meria Heller Show

Summer Reading 2006

Reader Picks:
The Sept. 11 Commission Report Omissions and Distortions, by David Ray Griffin.

Thanks to Bozo for this find.

9-11 Re-Visited --A Classic Case of Clandestine Smoke and Mirrors

FYI, Some speculation in this article. Thanks to FHB for this submission.

The scenarios that played out on the morning of Sept 11, 2001, in military preparedness terms is very suspect, to put it mildly. And should not have happened AT ALL!!! This is what we train for and for those three planes to have gone off course the way that they did without ANY alarms going off and nobody responding is ridiculous!!! You will notice that I said three instead of four planes for good reason. The type of damage and debris area that was shown at the Pentagon could not, in anyones wildest fantasies, been caused by a jumbo jetliner. But I will cover that later.

DEMS Covered Up The Deep Complicity In The 9/11/01Attack

The Democratic Party, Like The Republican Party and The Media, Covered Up The Deep Complicity In The 9/11/01 Attack By Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Myers

By John B. Massen, Guest Writer -- Summary Analysis

On March 11, 2003, Congressman John Conyers, Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, called an emergency meeting of 40+ top advisors, mostly lawyers, to discuss immediately initiating impeachment against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft, to head off the impending war against Iraq, which began eight days later. Also invited were Francis A. Boyle, professor of law at University of Illinois School of Law, and Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General, both of whom had drafted Bills of Impeachment, to argue the case for impeachment. The meeting ended with a second revised draft Bill of Impeachment, because eminent lawyers believed that Bush et al deserved impeachment for multiple violations of international treaties and laws. However, influential Democrats opposed impeachment on the ground that the effort would hurt their party's interest in gaining control of the federal government in the 2004 election.

9/11 Whistleblower Andrew Grove Comes Forward

UPDATE: Mirrored at 911podcasts here:

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The Meria Heller Show -

This man, Richard Andrew Grove, a whistleblower who worked for the big boys and money people behind 9/11 has come out with information to set the 9/11 movement on fire.

An Appeal to Silent Academics

Leading experts both in the East and the West are requested to give the following facts some serious thought before continuing support of the illegal war and occupation of Afghanistan with their words or with their continued silence.

It is always the academic circles, which pave the way and provide final legitimacy to acts of aggression on the part of politicians and military leaders or pave the road for peace. In the present day world, most of the academic experts in international relations and political science are either silent or have put Afghanistan on the back-burner in the sense that they have accepted its occupation perfectly legitimate.

"May Day, I Repeat, May Day," Say Vets!

Edit: Please post a comment regarding this article here, Cathy is trying to change some minds.

No wonder why vets are now organizing and screaming “Mayday, Mayday!” And if you really think about it, could there possibly be any better reason to fly our American flags upside down?

In small towns throughout America there’s a new flurry of concerned activity from grassroots organizers of a most un-likely type.

An Open Letter to the 9/11 Commission

Follow this link for the whole letter, and scroll down to the end for mailing addresses of the 911 Commission members so that you can send them your own letter. Please take the time to do this:

Dear 9/11 Commissioners,

Abraham Lincoln once said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand." The United States is now divided on what it believes about September 11, 2001. A CNN poll conducted on March 25, 2006 revealed that 84% of the 52 thousand people polled now believe that the U.S. government has not thoroughly answered 9/11 questions. 84 percent!

Opinion split over 9/11 report

Good, unbiased article, this is what we're after, let the facts speak for themselves.

More than 40 percent of Americans believe that the 9/11 Commission Report that investigated the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks is a cover-up, according to a recent poll. And nearly half surveyed said the attacks should be reinvestigated.

In May, a Zogby International poll of adults found that 42 percent of adults polled believe the U.S. government and the 9/11 Commission "concealed or refused to investigate critical evidence" that contradicts the official explanation of the attacks.

Naudet Brothers Sue Dylan Avery

Here it is folks:

I actually received this news last night at the Toronto viewing, but it reminds me of what one of the professors mentioned at the Loose Change screening at the University of Buffalo. He told the guys that "they" would come after them one way or the other, probably through the IRS, so maybe thats what is really going on here.

Anyway, we must have some lawyers in the audience somewhere, if you can help out, please consider doing so.

In other Loose Change news, Dylan, Jason, and Korey are pushing hard for a massive demonstration at Ground Zero this September 11th and are encouraging everyone to show up wearing "Investigate 9/11" Shirts: