Naudet Brothers Sue Dylan Avery

Here it is folks:

I actually received this news last night at the Toronto viewing, but it reminds me of what one of the professors mentioned at the Loose Change screening at the University of Buffalo. He told the guys that "they" would come after them one way or the other, probably through the IRS, so maybe thats what is really going on here.

Anyway, we must have some lawyers in the audience somewhere, if you can help out, please consider doing so.

In other Loose Change news, Dylan, Jason, and Korey are pushing hard for a massive demonstration at Ground Zero this September 11th and are encouraging everyone to show up wearing "Investigate 9/11" Shirts:

It Can't Happen Here

The Center for an Informed America Newsletter #81

At the risk of offending anyone out there, I really need to ask a question here: what the hell is the matter with you people? And by “you people,” I don’t mean specifically the regular readers of these newsletters, but rather the American people in general. So to all you John and Jane Q. Publics out there, let me rephrase the question: what the hell does it take to get a reaction out of you?

I realize, of course, that there has been a serious dumbing-down of American society and culture over the years. And I realize that government operatives have virtually complete control over the flow of information, so that virtually every thing you read, hear or see is, at best, an approximation of reality. And I realize that you have been systematically conditioned, over the course of many decades, to revere the institutions of this society – the very same institutions whose spokesmen are routinely called upon to serve you up a nice steaming platter of lies.

Commentary on Money Made Via the Stock Market From 9/11

Business as usual -- 9/11 and the fall of America -

Under the guise of business as usual, consider the huge improprieties in the securities markets that went unnoticed before and immediately after 9/11/2001, contributing to the attacks’ awful success and America’s subsequent decline.

I’m talking about the insider trading behind the “put and call options” scandals that allowed certain individuals to pull in huge profits. Stated as simply as possible, put options were used on stocks that would be hurt by the attack, and call options were used on stocks that would benefit. In the put case you’re betting on a fall in the price of stocks; in the call case, you’re betting on a rise in the price of a stock.

Washington Post Journalist Takes a Swing at 9/11 Skeptics While Covering New Zogby Poll

9/11 Truth? I Don't Think So -

Every day, I receive a half dozen Emails and a score or more comments from 9/11 rejectionists. The 9/11 cover-up, according to these correspondents, is that the U.S. government was complicit, even responsible for the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Like those who often write to tell me that the Pentagon, the FBI and/or the intelligence agencies are following them, that they are mind control victims whose lives have been ruined by directed energy weapons in space or the transmitters implanted in their teeth, I have a special place for this mass of correspondence. It is called delete.

One Big Grab Bag of Goodies

First Rebuilt Skyscraper at WTC Opens -

The first destroyed skyscraper to be rebuilt since Sept. 11 opened Tuesday but attracted few tenants, despite offering state-of-the-art safety features that developers say will be part of all office towers to rise at the World Trade Center site.

Developer Larry Silverstein officially opened the 52-story 7 World Trade Center for business by unveiling a sculpture outside the building and hosting a concert featuring Lou Reed and Suzanne Vega.

News Article on Upcoming 9/11 Event in Chicago

Gathering's focus June 2-4 is 9/11 events, their aftermath - Niles Herald-Spectator

Authors, researchers, activists and political candidates associated with the 9-11 truth movement will gather at the Embassy Suites Hotel Chicago-O'Hare in Rosemont June 2-4 with presentations and discussion challenging the conventional view of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, raising public awareness of their full scope, and asking for better government accountability.

Speakers scheduled to attend include Peter Phillips of Project Censored, BYU Physics Professor Steven E. Jones, news commentator Alex Jones, Canadian media critic Barrie Zwicker and California Congressional candidate Carol Brouillet.

Green Party Candidate for US Senate Calls for New 9/11 Investigation

Hawkins Renews Call for Independent Investigation of 9/11 Following New Zogby Poll -

Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for US Senate, today called for a new, independent investigation of the 9/11 attacks.

Hawkins cited a new poll by Zogby International of Utica that found that "42% believe there has indeed been a cover up" (with 10% unsure) and 45% think "Congress or an International Tribunal should re-investigate the attacks, including whether any US government officials consciously allowed or helped facilitate their success" (with 8% unsure).


It amazes me how people can continue to still support this government.

The city has four words for many World Trade Center recovery workers who have fallen ill: It's your own fault.

In court papers seeking to dismiss all lawsuits by the workers, the city argues it did all it could to protect them from toxic dust, smoke and rubble - but many ignored the safety rules.

Workers were required to wear respirators - fitted breathing devices with air filters - on and around the WTC pile, but some defiantly refused, the city contends in a brief filed in Manhattan federal court last week.

Jim Hoffman and Don Paul Challenge New York Times' Writers to a Debate on 9/11



Reason for the Challenge

On the occasion of the release of their new DVD, 9/11 Guilt / The Proof Is in Your Hands, Jim Hoffman and Don Paul, two of the most acclaimed writers on the subject of 2001's 'Attack on America', invite James Glantz and Eric Lipton, staff writers for The New York Times and authors of a 2003 book on the World Trade Center and its destruction to a debate on the facts and consequences of the 9/11/01 crimes in New York City.