Social Proof

An interpretation of the national 9/11 poll

The reason that the national Zogby Poll on 9/11 is so important can be boiled down to 2 words: Social Proof.

Social proof is the principle from sociology that many people will believe something if most other people believe it. In other words, its the herd instinct.

The reason that the mainstream media has totally boycotted the real evidence contradicting the official 9/11 story, even though it is all over the Internet, is that the media owners know that if it doesn't appear on Fox, or CNN, or the other mainstream tv networks, many Americans will assume the social proof is that "everyone" accepts the official story. So they won't question it themselves.

National 9/11 Poll By Well-Known Pollster Zogby

Zogby Poll: Over 70 Million American Adults Support New 9/11 Investigation - yahoo news

(PRWEB) - Utica, NY (PRWEB) May 22, 2006 -- Although the Bush administration continues to exploit September 11 to justify domestic spying, unprecedented spending and a permanent state of war, a new Zogby poll reveals that less than half of the American public trusts the official 9/11 story or believes the attacks were adequately investigated. Urges 2006 Reform Candidates to Recognize a Powerful New Constituency

Preview of new 911 Eyewitness

Rick Siegel post at

911 Eyewitness Hoboken, which just stunned the audience on a sneak preview in London, shows absolute proof that explosives were used. Several different kinds.

Absolute Proof only a click away

911 Eyewitness has evidence you can take to court. We are ready. Let's go.

This clip has proof fires were out, OUT DAMNIT!
This clip shows thermite CUTTING CHARGES!!! DAMNIT!
This clip shows the explosives on the outside the firemen describe!
This clip shows they used WMD on their own people! DAMNIT!

Stop the Presses

Stop the Presses

Smart people have different opinions on this issue. If the official story is vulnerable on something -- and there is a "smoking gun" -- we should call them on it. But waiting a week won't have any downside, and will have tremendous upside.

I urge everyone to hold off on speculating about what hit the Pentagon until the next round of videos is released. What videos?

Well, the folks who's freedom of information act (FOIA) request apparently was the real cause of the release of the new Pentagon videos, is now saying that last week's videos were solely released in response to its first FOIA request, and that another 80 or so videos, from many different angles and vantage points, will be released very soon in response to its second FOIA request.

Two More Articles on Recent Pentagon Footage

It’s the Timing, Not the Film -

Arguing about the physical evidence not only divides and exhausts the truth movement, it also links the very question of 9/11 truth to the most vulnerable hypotheses suggested in answer. Why? Because in our War McNews culture, the public’s attention is caught by the more shocking, more absurd, more simplistic stories - no plane hit the Pentagon, no planes hit the towers, holograms, pods, King Kong - whereas only a few literate men and women will take the time to read a lengthy investigation of exactly who did what and when. Now that five years have elapsed, and the very idea of government complicity is popularly associated with the "no-plane" hypothesis, PRESTO! Here are the missing frames of film to confirm that there was no government complicity. It doesn’t matter what the frames actually show. What matters is the talk at the water cooler: "Lee Harvey Oswald Acts Alone, Pilots Boeing 747 Into Pentagon, Caught on Film."

Jamie McIntyre Shows Personal Photos of Debris from the Pentagon


Jamie McIntyre has garnered a sort of infamy amongst some 9/11 skeptics after being featured in many mix tape clips on the Pentagon stating roughly 'there was no sign of a plane crashing anywhere near the Pentagon' - a statement he says was taken out of context.

Yesterday he was on CNN's On the Story to comment on the new Pentagon footage, show a few pictures which he took on 9/11, and to provide further commentary on his statements from 9/11.

New Updates to Hopsicker's Investigation into Drug Ties to 9/11 Hijackers

5.5 Ton Cocaine Bust Reveals New Details of 9.11 Attack -

A MadCowMorningNews investigation into the ownership of the DC9 airliner caught carrying 5.5 tons of cocaine in Mexico last month has uncovered explosive new details about some of the many lingering mysteries still surrounding the 9.11 attack.

San Diego defense contractor Titan Corporation, already implicated in the fraudulent bankruptcy of a shadowy St. Petersburg FL company which owned the DC9 "Cocaine One" flight busted in Mexico, employed a Lebanese contractor who assisted Mohamed Atta and other terrorist hijackers in Venice, Florida.

Dave vonKleist Interviewed by Glenn Beck on CNN Headline News - Video Download

Glenn Beck recently interviewed Dave vonKliest, producer of In Plane Site, on Headline News on CNN. They discussed very briefly the recent release of Pentagon footage as well as Area-51 and Elvis. You can download the clip via the links above, or read the interview transcript here. You can find an ongoing discussion of this interview over at the Loose Change forums as well.

The Times Herald Covers 9/11 Skeptics Jon Gold and Dr. David Ray Griffin

(Paper Scans: 1, 2, 3)

Hijacked truth? - The Times Herald

While the 9/11 Commission Report inquiry has its share of critics, Jonathan Gold's misgivings about the official findings go far beyond skepticism. In fact, the 33-year-old Plymouth Meeting resident is convinced the report is covering up Bush administration complicity in the deadly terrorist attacks.

The Missing Facts in United 93

On Roger Ebert's site, some statements people might not like, but a link to Scholars for 9/11 Truth doesn't hurt:

We are the world's foremost military power, with billions spent on fast, stealthy aircraft, yet we can't even protect our own airspace from blatant hijackings, within HOURS of the alert?! This is preposterous. Several years ago that golfer, I forget his name, passed out in his little Cessna aircraft and began to go off of his flight course. Within MINUTES, military jets were scrambled and tailing the tiny aircraft. Yet we're expected to believe that 4 separate, hijacked AIRLINERS didn't evoke the same response from our military?!