Zelikow memo tars Bush Admin on torture.

A six-year-old memo from within the George W. Bush administration that came to light this week acknowledges that White House-approved interrogation techniques amounted to "war crimes."

"The Bush White House tried to destroy every copy of the memo, written by then-State Department counselor Philip Zelikow. Zelikow examined tactics like waterboarding -- which simulates drowning -- and concluded that there was no way they were legal, domestically or internationally.

“We are unaware of any precedent in World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, or any subsequent conflict for authorized, systematic interrogation practices similar to those in question here," Zelikow wrote. The memo has been obtained by George Washington University's National Security Archive and Wired's Spencer Ackerman".

In an e-mail exchange with Britain's The Guardian newspaper, Zelikow said he still believes the techniques approved under Bush were "wrong" and may have violated U.S. and international laws. He said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice supported his position.

FBI and CIA were too busy fighting each other to avert 9/11

Posted last week (3/28/12) on RT, It has been awhile since the old CIA/FBI Turf feud meme has been dusted off, but I haven't seen much discussion regarding this operation foxden so it seemed worth posting.


In 1999 the US had the opportunity to potentially stop the 9/11 attacks in New York City, but failed due to internal disputes between the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigations and National Security Agency.

In that same year the Taliban had settled on a license with an American company, Afghan Wireless Communications, to build a cell-phone and Internet system in Afghanistan.

The stealthy arrangement which was dubbed “Operation Foxden,” would have given access to the US government to monitor all al-Qaeda and Taliban phone calls and e-mails.

“Had this network been built with the technology that existed in 2000, it would have been a priceless intelligence asset,” said an unnamed former NSA official to David Rose a contributing editor for Vanity Fair.

STOP CISPA From Undermining Internet Privacy

Please sign this petition. Just like the roundly defeated SOPA and PIPA this new bill seeks to strip us of Internet Privacy.


Over 100 Members of Congress are backing a bill (CISPA) that would give private companies and the US government the right to spy on any of us at any time for as long as they want without a warrant. This is the third time the US Congress has tried to attack our Internet freedom. But we helped beat SOPA, and PIPA -- and now we can beat this new Big Brother law.

Dr. King’s 2 minutes to you: ‘Silence is betrayal... speak as one who loves America’

2-minute video and hyperlinks live here: http://www.examiner.com/nonpartisan-in-national/dr-king-s-2-minutes-to-you-silence-is-betrayal-speak-as-one-who-loves-amer

A year before the US government assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King, he asked Americans to end their silence over an unlawful, treaty-violating, and lie-started war killing millions.

The month he was assassinated by the US government, Dr. King was to march for their “Occupy DC” movement (the brochure).

You face similar circumstances today: a criminal war based on lies and in Orwellian treaty violation, and a chance to support our Occupy movement.

Your unique, powerful, and beautiful self-expression is breaking the relative silence that concealed US War Crimes. Your rejection of silence is breaking Orwellian lies of corporate media. Your support of Occupy will end economic and War Crimes, redirecting trillions for public benefit.

Your demonstrating your love of American ideals is building the brighter future we’re here to realize.

New trial is ordered for 5 linked to 9/11 plot

[One assumes no one will ask how these folks could control NORAD, etc. --Student]

April 5, 2012 12:00 am
By Peter Finn / The Washington Post

WASHINGTON -- A senior Pentagon official on Wednesday authorized a new trial for Khalid Sheik Mohammed and four others accused of orchestrating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, a step that restarts the most momentous terrorism case likely to be held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The suspects were first charged in a military commission in 2008, but the case was suspended after the Obama administration came into office and later moved to have them tried in federal court in New York City. That effort collapsed in the face of congressional and local opposition.

In April 2011, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that he was reluctantly sending the case back to the military. Military charges against the five men were re-sworn in June, and retired Vice Adm. Bruce MacDonald, the official who oversees the commissions and is known as the Convening Authority, on Wednesday sent the case for trial after reviewing and approving those charges.

The men face multiple charges, including murder in violation of the law of war, attacking civilians, attacking civilian objects, hijacking aircraft and terrorism. If convicted, they could face the death penalty.

Charged along with Mr. Mohammed are Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, a Pakistani who is Mr. Mohammed's nephew; Ramzi Binalshibh and Walid bin Attash, both Yemenis; and Mustafa al-Hawsawi, a Saudi. All are accused of playing key organizational or financial roles in the attacks on New York City and the Pentagon, a plot that Mr. Mohammed has said he masterminded.

Removing the 9/11 Blindfold with Teace Snyder

Many of us have felt the frustration of trying to counter the cognitive dissonance people have when encountering 9/11 truth for the first time. The short film “Blindfold” presents this struggle in fictional form by portraying the events of a widower father whose pre-teen daughter gives her elementary school class a presentation about the demolition of the twin towers. Tonight on Corbett Report Radio, we discuss the issues raised in the film with the filmmaker, Teace Snyder, and take your calls on the issue of removing the 9/11 blindfold.

Listen to the interview and watch the video:

Kevin Ryan on the Call for 9/11 Transparency

Prolific 9/11 researcher Kevin Ryan of the 9/11 Working Group of Bloomington joins The Corbett Report to discuss his recent article, “Secret Service Failures on 9/11: A Call for Transparency.” He outlines some of the unusual behaviours displayed by the secret service on 9/11 and points out discrepancies in the 9/11 timeline. We also discuss the Toronto Hearings on 9/11 which took place last year on the 10th anniversary of the events, a DVD of which is now available for purchase.

Listen to the interview:

Chris Hedges challenges NDAA in court April 2, 2012 RT

Chris Hedges challenges NDAA in court

Uploaded by RTAmerica on Apr 2, 2012

Last week the case against the National Defense Authorization Act was presented to a judge in New York. One of the plaintiffs in the case has decided to sue the Obama administration claiming that by simply doing his job he could be arrested and detained indefinitely due to the nature of his work, reporting. Chris Hedges, columnist for TruthDig, joins us to explain how his day in court went.


“The Book the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read is a Book Everyone Must Read”

A Surreal Journey into the Heart of the Beast Called the Police State

In this startling new memoir, Sibel Edmonds—the most classified woman in U.S. history—takes us on a surreal journey that begins with the secretive FBI and down the dark halls of a feckless Congress to a stonewalling judiciary and finally, to the national security whistleblowers movement she spearheaded. Having lived under Middle East dictatorships, Edmonds knows firsthand what can happen when government is allowed to operate in secret. Hers is a sobering perspective that combines painful experience with a rallying cry for the public’s right to know and to hold the lawbreakers accountable. With U.S. citizens increasingly stripped of their rights in a calibrated media blackout, Edmonds’ story is a wake-up call for all Americans who, willingly or unwillingly, traded liberty for illusive security in the wake of 9/11

A Limited Time Exclusive BFP Package

Richard Gage in Toronto, Saskatoon, Ottawa, Halifax, & Montreal

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth are currently doing well in their Canada Tour 2012. Canadians in the following regions are encouraged to attend Richard Gage's presentations:

April 1 - Saskatoon - Travelodge Hotel Saskatoon

April 2 - Ottawa - Bronson Center - Mac Hall

April 3 - Toronto - OISE, University of Toronto

April 4 - Moncton, New Brunswick - Capitol Theatre

April 5 - Halifax - Olympic Community Centre

April 7 - Montreal - Centre St-Pierre

*Tickets Information:
- For Toronto, visit http://www.uofttix.ca/view.php?id=868
- For all other cities listed above, visit http://911justicecanada.ca/Purchase.html