CANCELLED: Support Rosie Action on Wed. 11th

UPDATE: - 4/10/2007

4/11 Demonstration of support for Rosie Cancelled

A high profile level activist involved in advising Rosie O’Donnell on 9/11 has called me (Luke Rudkowski) with a plea not to protest or do a demonstration of support outside The View’s ABC studios this Wednesday in order to let things cool down, until future notice.

I hope everyone understands that I respect this person very highly and it is the best thing to do for this movement at this point.

Please support Rosie by signing the petition online:

To see the video of the of the last demonstration of support for Rosie please
click here:

Thank You,
Luke Rudkowski - NY911Truth and CHANGE

------------------------------------------------------------------ - (Sun Apr 08, 2007)

Street Action, 11th of Every Month

New York City Street Actions
9:30am The View ABC Studios
1:30pm Building WTC 7
5:00pm Time Square

ABC The View Studios is located
320 West 66th Street , just past West End Ave, NYC
Building 7 is by Ground Zero and Time Square we will be at 42nd street.

(There might be some people at the View tomorrow, see Jon Gold's post, but there will definitely be folks at the ABC studios on the 11th.)

Uh Oh...

James writes:

Ro- Hope u find a 9/11 physicist besides Steve Jones. He is shady. Watch ‘Heavy Watergate’ on Google Video. See

she seems super smart

Not good.

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton


Just sent an email to someone I know is in contact with Rosie asking them to warn her of the "Space Beamers, No Planers, Mini-Nukers" crowd.

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton


Was hoping someone had an inside source to her because her blog is useless for that.

Can you imagine tuning into the View and whom they have to debate is Judy Wood, Fetzer, Haupt and the Popular Mechanics liars?

That would effectively kill the 9/11 truth movement.

Sad thing is that Rosie isn't the one that would be choosing who would be on the show for a debate, would be ABC, so any debate could be nothing but a set up, actually id say odds are about 90% that is exactly what would happen.
We can not trust Mainstream Media to do an honest debate.

My "source"

Has informed me that they are "on it", and have already made those who need to know, know.

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton

I really think we should stay hopefull, Rosie's no soft touch!

She has some serious power now and ABC should no that viewer's like us won't stand for that loaded shit, look at the polls.

ABC could make some serious bread out of truth if they go that path and the first major network to follow the truth trail could double thier audience and be forgiven thier sins??

Lets say I think the glass is more than half full.

Regards John


Dr. Steven Jones is "shady" but Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rummy, Rice,

etc., are honest people we should believe instead? LMFAO!

It is a shame that Americans need physicists to explain to them that smoldering towers shouldn't erupt, explode, & come down at free-fall speed by themselves; and that a massive, pristine office building 350 feet from the nearest tower should not implode in a controlled demolition, admitted to by Larry Silverstein, no less!

One of the best ways

we can help & support Rosie is to make sure she gets all the best and most irrefutable evidence, plus to warn her about the "Fetzers & Woods" disinfo crap.
She can no afford to make even the slightest mistake because it is that 1 tiny slip up, 1 -10 second sound byte out of hours & hours of good questions and documented evidence is what the Mainstream media will key on and repeat adnauseam.

This was on her blog on 4/8/07

"Ro- Hope u find a 9/11 physicist besides Steve Jones. He is shady. Watch ‘Heavy Watergate’ on Google Video. See

"she seems super smart"

You can tell by how this was worded that it is a clear disinfo freak at work trying to belittle Steven Jones and promote pure bullshit.

Rosie needs to be told about these obvious attacks on the truth and whom to watch out for and make damn certain nutbags like this are not who ABC decides to put on the View.


You beat me to it.

Whoever can reach Rosie ...

... should also point her to Dr. Greg Jenkins' interview. Rosie may not (yet) quite know her way around the factions in the truth movement but she's a pro when it comes to deciding who's presentable on camera. This should settle the matter, I hope:

I hope that you will still do

a visibility action somewhere else in NYC tomorrow.

We don't want to push Rosie too far too fast, let her handle this in her own way. 9/11 Truth does not live and die with celebrities, after all.

I also think you should consider backing off on the "9/11 was an inside job" message when supporting Rosie as she has not said that to date. A better fit for her would be "Ask Questions, Demand Answers" or "Investigate 9/11".

Finally, I think the best dvd to give "The View" crowd would be 9/11 Press for Truth. It's always best to consider your audience when presenting the issues of 9/11.

Keep up the great work!

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

NYC's doing two other locations tomorrow

Street Action, 11th of Every Month
New York City Street Actions

1:30pm Building WTC 7
5:00pm Time Square

The Eleventh Day of Every Month