Mission Impossible: Jon Stewart

Your mission, should you choose to accept it:

convert Jon Stewart to 9/11 truth.

This guy is brilliant. If you need any evidence, watch this.

Surveys show that most young people get their news from Jon Stewart and late night comedy shows like Jay Leno. If we can wake Jon Stewart up to the truth, he will be an ENORMOUS force for good.

Organgutan says:

"Jon Stewart's message board is the only way I know how to contact that show:

Contact Stephen Colbert's webmaster: http://www.colbertnation.com/cn/contact.php
This email address gives the auto-reply: averycgordon@gmail.com"

i think this is kind of

i think this is kind of missing the point in a way. is our media that far gone that we have to rely on comedians for stuff like this? im all for calling out Stewart on his silence but as far as our media goes, we have much bigger problems and cant really expect much from Jon Stewart. and the very fact that people look to Stewart and Colbert types for truth is a really sad commentary. Stewart readily points this out himself and resists all attempts that people make to turn him into some kind of hero, as he should. hes a comedian, a pretty good one in my opinion, but as he once said to Tucker Carlson when rightfully calling out CNN on its failure and when Carlson tried to compare Stewart to CNN-Crossfire-"the show that leads into me is puppets making dirty jokes". i understand the point though, that he would wake up many young people but again, hes a comedian and even if he did come out for the truth hard the effect would be pretty manageable in my opinion, sort of like how it largely was with Rosie. she made a huge difference in many ways but the myth still stands for the most part(not that we aren't making progress). it would be great if Stewart took similar steps but he is not the enemy here.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

Chris, the only reason Rosie

Chris, the only reason Rosie didn't make really big waves was because she left the show prematurely. Had she kept her cool on that last show, David Griffin and the Loose Change crew would have aired on national TV. The results of that would probably have been enormous. Now if Jon Stewart had the balls to talk 9/11 truth, I imagine the same effects would come of that.
Personally I look at Stewart as a gatekeeper himself. 9/11 Commissioner Thomas Kean was a guest on The Daily Show awhile back and Stewart coddled him like a lost little puppy. Didn't ask him one...NOT ONE, tough question.
Sorry, but I fully disagree with your statement. Rosie F'd up by leaving the show early. And Stewart is a gatekeeping pansy who's not using his voice for the ultimate good. Instead he wastes his time having sports players and hapless movie stars on his program. And when he does have on major political players, he handles them with kiddie gloves.
So Jon Stewart may not be an enemy, but he sure as hell ain't a friend.

NO MORE EXCUSES. Time is running out.



Stewart was already sent lots of 9/11 Truth info last Fall

Friends of mine did a large, concentrated 9/11 info campaign directed at Jon Stewart last Fall. He did not reply and has not said a word about all the info he was sent. I believe he is afraid and controlled (works for Sumner Redstone, owner of Comedy Central etc.). Ever notice how many Bushies and Neo-Cons he consistently has on his show? LOTS! I think the types of guests he has to have on are part of his contract. If Henry Kissinger wants to pop by, he just does. It is not up to Stewart. Jon Stewart will not be budged, I'm afraid, but I am not trying to discourage anyone here from trying again. I just thought I would let you know that converting Jon to 9/11 Truth has already been attenpted in a concerted way before.

I have said for about 2

I have said for about 2 years now that the movement will have made a huge difference once Dr. Griffin is on The Daily Show talking about his new book.

FYI, Ron Paul was on the Colbert Report last night.


you've been right for a long time.

Let's go!

David Ray Griffin

will NEVER be on the Daily Show. NEVER. You can bet on it.

Vote me down

all you want. When Griffin never makes that appearance, I won't be expecting your apology.

Show "Is that why you think you're being voted down?" by casseia


If I sounded like an asshole, I apologize. As for being homophobic, I think you pulled that from out of your ass, since I'm GAY.
So can you provide a direct quote that indicates my homophobia?

Awaiting your reply...

Well, thanks for coming out.

It was your use of the word "pansy" in a derogatory sense. I'd call that an anti-gay slur, even coming from a gay person.

No need to thank me

It's not really "coming out" since it's on an anonymous blogging forum (unless you know something I don't). As for the word pansy...I fully disagree with your assessment of it. My definition of the word pansy is someone who is rather weak or cowardly, having nota to do with gender preference. But I'm sorry, I won't use the word again. As for how words are used, I'm still of the mindset that intention has a lot to do with it. But I'll do my best to not step on your politically accurate sensibilities anymore, casseia. Can we move on with the subject matter now? Please?

Hey, I already had -- but since you persist

"2 a usually disparaging : a weak or effeminate man or boy b usually disparaging : a male homosexual"

That's what a quick check of the dictionary says. Bear in mind that part a is stepping on my political sensibilities as well -- since I fully endorse the right of men to be as effeminate as they damn well please and don't associate feminine qualities with being ineffective, weak or cowardly. I agree with you that Stewart is probably useless as an ally, so carry on.


I agree. ;-)

I never used the word "effeminate" or related it to being cowardly. I also didn't write the dictionary. In fact...I even have a personal right to disagree with what the dictionary says!

AND, I think it's condescending and insulting *for the dictionary* to call homosexual men "pansies". If you looked at it that way, you'd be angry with the dictionary, and not me.

Even small paradigm shifts can be helpful.

Avenues of Action.

Let's get some contact information for Steward and/or Colbert. I agree it isn't a waste of time trying to inform these two or encouraging them to have Dr. David Ray Griffin on their show to talk about his books.

Contact Stephen Colbert's webmaster: http://www.colbertnation.com/cn/contact.php
This email address gives the auto-reply: averycgordon@gmail.com

Jon Stewart's message board is the only way I know how to contact that show:

i didnt mean to imply it was

i didnt mean to imply it was a waste of time, i think by all means we should push for Griffin to be on the Daily Show, it would be huge. i was really just pre-empting the usual reaction to Stewart and Colbert around here which is probably a bit angrier and more irrational than it should be.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

"which is probably a bit

"which is probably a bit angrier and more irrational than it should be."

Coming from you, I'm surprised to hear that. You're just plain wrong. Sorry. I forgot who said the following phrase: "silence in a time of deceit equals complicity".

whats that supposed to mean?

yep, that goddamn COMEDIAN is being silent. such a betrayal. compared to the REAL media being silent and all. i actually had a really long response to you above but the site fucked up as usual and scrubbed my statements and i didnt copy them. i really dont feel like going over it again so i'll just say this, stop taking a comedian so seriously and get angry at the real media, not a show that comes on after SOuth Park and shit.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

not gonna happen

Even if Jon Stewart was in the know theres one problem with getting to the truth about 9/11 on the daily show....it is not at all funny, probably wouldn't get many laughs.

I think

he could.

I'm surprised

by how naive some people here are.

He will, eventually

It's just a matter of time.

It would be an interesting "pool" on who gets on first. DRG or Stephen Jones or William Rodriguez. Or?

Senior 9/11 Bureau Chief, Analyst, Correspondent


9/11 — GET rEVENge! (in a peaceful manner, of course)

get real people

John Stewart is too politically savvy and self-interested to step too far out of line. He likes his paychecks and has a good thing going, he's not going to jeapardize that. Besides, he's jewish and kibbitzin just wouldn't be the same for him if the zionists labelled him as supporting nuts like us.
Also, you think the network is going to allow a fair shake to griffin on stewart?
Also, his job in the grand scheme of things is to allow a little steam to escape when an issue gets too hot. It's like, for example, "wow, did you see Stewart skewer Cheney last night?" Big friggin deal, Cheney remains VP, collects his halliburton kickbacks (i mena stoc options) and a couple million viewers think Cheney might be embarassed. As if. Embarrassed at how stupid Americans are to allow himself to keep robbing them maybe.

I'm contradicting myself here but: also Stewart at best is a commentator reporting on events after the fact. If griffin ever gets on stewart it will be the result of our success in other areas, getting griffin on stewart is not a success in itself. I wish it were.

And if it happens, I would love it. I'll write Stewart and the network, but my real efforts for 911Truth will be focused elsewhere.

You obviously don't watch The Daily Show

And/or don't "get it".

Senior 9/11 Bureau Chief, Analyst, Correspondent


9/11 — GET rEVENge! (in a peaceful manner, of course)