"San Diego 9/11 Questions Meetup" & "San Diegans For 9/11 Truth" 6th Anniversary Truth Action

"The San Diego 9/11 Questions Meetup" joins forces with "San Diegans for 9/11 Truth" for the 6th anniversary "Truth Action". Between 80-100 people attended and the local media provided coverage for the 1st time. We even got a police escort for our candlelight march to the courthouse steps.

I realise that this video is a little on the long side (20 mins), but I promise it is worth the watch.

Direct Link to Google Video (opens in new window)



Awesome video, you are right about worth watching, inspiring, heart rendering and beautiful about sums it up.

I always feel so sad when hearing the hero "Battalion Chief Orio Palmer" and his last words.

Thanks San Diego

Best wishes

Fantastic Truth Group

Fantastic people in this San Diego truth group.

Please continue your work!

Apparently the police are getting the message also

It appears from the police escort that they are now getting the hint that there is more than meets the eye with 911.

It is very important that the 911 Truth movement gets information into the hands of all of the police and fireman in this country. When the majority of them suspect that there are big problems with the Bush administration story it will be time to go to the next stage, which is a real investigation, as Bush and co. will then be powerless to prevent it. I believe at that point that the rats will start jumping ship in Congress as most of them just want to be on the winning side. However, before that can happen the movement needs an overwhelming majority of Americans to be suspicious of the Bush administration concerning the crimes of 911, with the police and fireman being among the most important groups. The fireman will also help with the police doubting the present government story and without police support they can't clamp down on protests and the truth being disseminated.

Further, the process of transformation...

even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some forthright and courageous event––like a honest media.

To ALL of the patriotic media out there... NOW is the time to stand-up and be counted, burying your heads in the sand is no longer acceptable.



Great post Tony, many thanks and best wishes

Great Truth effort San

Great Truth effort San Diego. We will not lose this battle because we have already won. The Truth is on our side.

From the video:"The most

From the video:

"The most important thing is not respect for the dead and grieving, the most important thing is to stop it from happening again, and continuing.

Preventing it from happening again is off course the biggest respect for the dead and grieving.

Being paralized by respect doesn't help anybody now and doesn't prevent anything in the future.

Wise words from the woman in the movie, with my take on it.
(please watch whole video for full context!)

For clarity...

The words the woman was reading were from 9/11 victim's family member, Donna Marsh O'connor.

Yes, the one who gave this

Yes, the one who gave this impressive speech...

Great Video

Excellent video SD truthers. Just what needs to be shown on Fox News. Wake -up Geraldo!

Geraldo: "Aaah get a

Geraldo: "Aaah get a life!"

We will remind him...

Re Geraldo...

Did anyone notice the story about the dog that died after being left in the locked car ?

What was interesting is by the time it got on the stage with the "experts" it had became a BABY !!!

Double Doh, high quality experts on Fox hey...

Best wishes

SD is important

San Diego is an important location also because the Navy has a significant base there.


A very professional video for a meetup group!

The Military

The Navy and the Marines. San Diego is a big military town.

I smell a southern

I smell a southern California regional event with LA, SD and everyone in between...

"You must be the change you want to see in the world"--Mahatma Ghandi

This was an awesome day!

It was the people who participated and the people who organized this event that made this video what it is. They made it easy for me. One of the great moments from that day was when one of our members was explaining the collapse of WTC 7 to a gentleman (I included this in the video) and without telling him that the building was brought down with explosives, he figues it out by himself and said, "That was an implossion." That sent chills up my spine while I was recording it. He then proceeded to take over explination and describe what they did to bring it down. I even asked him, "Have you heard this before?" He told me no, then he pointed to his brain.

Beautiful video!

Beautiful video!

Someone please tell me the

Someone please tell me the woman who starts speaking at around 14mins in is just a look-alike of Lisa Guliani from WINGTV.


I filmed and edited this video and I can confirm it is not Lisa Guliani of WING TV.

Thanks man, I got a bit

Thanks man, I got a bit worried there lol.

I love these people,

the San Diegans for 9/11 Truth.

What an excellent group.

Thanks for your efforts.

And thank you for your's Mr Ryan.

Don't forget the "San Diego 9/11 Questions Meetup". That's the group I am a part of. This was a joint effort. Maybe we should just combine and make a "We Are Change San Diego".

truth action SD sounds good

truth action SD sounds good too


That does have a nice ring to it.

Sometimes combining groups

Sometimes combining groups makes for an easier target. If there's a way to stay separate but join up for events, that might be an idea.

This should be used as a touchstone for all other 11th events

Great Video

Great video! I have to ask where those white "Truther" tees are from? Nice job all around!

I'm not sure...

Some guy came up to me and told me that if I wanted one to just ask him for it. He said he was trying to promote something, but I didn't catch what it was because I was busy filming. I can find out though.

I think I got it...

I took a closer look at the t-shirt on the video. I think he was telling me they are trying to promote Truther.org.

Truther.org = Scholars For 9/11 Truth & Justice?

Thanks for looking into it, but I didn't see the shirt there. Maybe it was a locally made print.

Truther.org is not STJ . . . another frame

Truther.org is not the actual Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice site, but is another "frame" of our site by someone else -- anyone know them? This is the second one this week. that I've seen. Framing is an unethical, it is stealing someone else's work and diverting traffic. Some may do framing without realizing what they are doing but it is a problem. Eventually people start linking to the frame site mistakenly and it splits up the ranking for search engines and creates confusion.

This started when the original "Scholars" membership voted to leave Jim Fetzer's group and website and move to the new group (all but 10 people) and suddenly there were several different mirrors and frames of the original "Scholars" site popping up. But having our STJ site framed is relatively new.

Please contact us if you see our site being framed with a url which is not -



Very good points Victronix...

Also linkers to truther.org run the risk that the owner at NO notice can divert to wherever they choose, thus sending visitors expecting stj911.org to seeing XXX, 911myths or whatever.

I'm not saying this is the owners intention, just not worth the risk...

Stick to stj911.org

Best wishes


everyone calm down! we are in the process of making a t shirt site called truther.org where we will be selling the truther tees along with other merchandise, and it is almost finished. but we wanted to re route the site name to scholars for truth and justice in the meantime before our site is done so if anyone goes to it at least they can be taken to a 911 truth site. we will change that right away. i will make a post immediately once we have the site up so people can start ordering the shirts.

"I will not withdraw from this war even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me." -George W. Bush


Thanks for the clarification Abby. I look forward to checking it out! Keep us posted.


Thanks Abby, I sent an email.

We've had a history of sabotage of our website in this way following the Scholars debacle, so I'm glad and relieved to hear that good intentions are at the root. No rush necessary to change the redirection. The shirts look great BTW. Good luck with the site and the effort. SD is a really beautiful place.

Javascript Framebusting

found this blog concerning framebusting :

and another :

a combination of the two should minimize people framing your site.

The 9/11 Truth B-Team


truther.org info

Domain ID:D148891028-LROR
Created On:17-Aug-2007 00:07:18 UTC
Last Updated On:17-Aug-2007 00:07:18 UTC
Expiration Date:17-Aug-2009 00:07:18 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:Melbourne IT, Ltd. dba Internet Names Worldwide (R52-LROR)
Registrant ID:D118730568028236
Registrant Name:David Chase Taylor
Registrant Organization:David Chase Taylor
Registrant Street1:1051 Diamond St. # 2
Registrant Street2:
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:San Diego
Registrant State/Province:CA
Registrant Postal Code:92109
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+1.8585834766
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Registrant Email:davidchasetaylor@yahoo.com
Admin ID:D118730568028233
Admin Name:David Chase Taylor
Admin Organization:David Chase Taylor
Admin Street1:1051 Diamond St. # 2
Admin Street2:
Admin Street3:
Admin City:San Diego
Admin State/Province:CA
Admin Postal Code:92109
Admin Country:US
Admin Phone:+1.8585834766
Admin Phone Ext.:
Admin FAX:
Admin FAX Ext.:
Admin Email:davidchasetaylor@yahoo.com
Tech ID:D118730568028235
Tech Name:YahooDomains TechContact
Tech Organization:Yahoo! Inc
Tech Street1:701 First Ave.
Tech Street2:
Tech Street3:
Tech City:Sunnyvale
Tech State/Province:CA
Tech Postal Code:94089
Tech Country:US
Tech Phone:+1.6198813096
Tech Phone Ext.:
Tech FAX:
Tech FAX Ext.:
Tech Email:domain.tech@YAHOO-INC.COM
Name Server:YNS1.YAHOO.COM
Name Server:YNS2.YAHOO.COM

Owner profile on Meetup:


911dvds@gmail.com - $1 DVDs shipped - email for info


Thanks for the info and research! I'll send him an email.

- Vic


please take down davids personal information. we are working on our truther site and will have it up asap. in the meantime we wanted to reroute people to the best truth site there is but we didnt realize it would be a problem since it was going to be very temporary. we didnt even realize people would see the url and go to it until it was done and we could start promoting it, sorry man!!!

"I will not withdraw from this war even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me." -George W. Bush

That was a very impressive

That was a very impressive crowd. Continue on!


Try emailing DHS, or you could also contact the webmasters on here and notify them of your request. OTOH, this is public info easily obtained which takes almost no research. Most people don't put their personal info into website registration for this very reason. Still, I know the feeling whenever I see my info highlighted in this way.

I posted this in my other message above but will say here too -- no rush to remove the redirection since it's temporary and it's clear you have good intentions.

no worries, i realize that

no worries, i realize that everyone can easily access domain information like that. im sorry the url even got leaked prematurely, we were going to wait and reveal the surprise once it was finished... we just got our first order of the shirts in and couldn't help but wear em on the anniversary :) i just emailed my friend who is making the site and asked to make the page our stationary logo in the meantime, hopefully it will be sorted out this week!

"I will not withdraw from this war even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me." -George W. Bush

I'm sorry Abby....

It seems like I unintentionally openned up a can of worms. I didn't know about the plans. I'm just the camera guy.


tony don't worry, the video is so amazing i wouldn't want anything less! we are lucky to have someone with your talent in this group.

"I will not withdraw from this war even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me." -George W. Bush

Thanks for the good

Thanks for the good intentions all around!

- Vic

Thank you...

For some reason, when this image came up...

It made me cry. Maybe the candle reminded me of all of the candles that were lit in the days and months following the attacks.

Thank you guys for doing what you do.

A "Full And Complete Accounting" Of The 9/11 Attacks

uh my bad

for wearing that shirt prematurely. They just look so cool I couldn't resist. Credit for the shirt (and eventual website) goes to David from out group, and if you're curious about his hobbies, favorite restaraunts, etc.. i'm pretty sure it's listed above. :)

Tony you did another masterful job on that video. Really just amazing, inspiring, powerful... if you make another I'll have to buy a whole new thesaurus.

Thanks also to everyone who came out and joined us. It takes courage and strength to stand up for the truth, and each and every one of you made a difference that day.


Thanks for the support Peter...

and thank you for helping organize and coordinating parts of the event. It went very smoothly. I have been thinking about making an outreach DVD about our group we can hand out that will give people an idea of what we are all about. Kind of like a recruiting tool. I will post about it on the meetup site for opinions.


that would be cool. I've been thinking a bit lately about clarifying our mission statement as a group. Also, we've now changed the name of the meetup group from "The San DIego 9/11 Questions Meetup Group" to the "San Diego 9/11 Truth Meetup Group."


Oh man....

You changed the name on me....Now I gotta go and fix the video for the DVD version.