Report Of WTC Collapse Cover-Up Justifies Call For New Inquiry


Report Of WTC Collapse Cover-Up Justifies Call For New Inquiry
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth experts demand questions answered

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Richard Gage AIA, the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and hundreds of other industry experts' call for a new investigation into the collapse of the WTC twin towers and Building 7 is gaining strength following revelations of falsification and cover-up in relation to the FEMA-funded inquiry into the destruction of the buildings on 9/11.

As we reported earlier, the American Society of Civil Engineers - an organization that was funded by FEMA to investigate the collapse of the twin towers on 9/11 - has been accused of engaging in a cover-up to protect the government, with critics charging the organization falsified conclusions that skyscrapers could not withstand getting hit by airplanes.

In a recent sit-down video interview conducted by Alex Jones, Gage gave a succinct presentation bringing forth the best evidence for controlled demolition being the cause of the three buildings' implosion on September 11.

As Gage highlights during the interview, numerous prominent architects and other industry experts have called for a new investigation into the collapse of the twin towers and WTC 7.

Richard Gage details the evidence for demolition in an exclusive new video presentation.

These include James Quintiere, Ph.D., former Chief of the Fire Science Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), who last year said that "the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable."

"Let's look at real alternatives that might have been the cause of the collapse of the World Trade Towers and how that relates to the official cause and what's the significance of one cause versus another," he added.

Charles Pegelow, BS CE – Civil Engineer with more than 25 years experience in structural design and analysis and project management of construction of major projects, including large steel structures, also added his support to a new inquiry.

Pegelow stated that the "FEMA / Kean Commission Report was a flawed investigation and it needs to be reopened."

Joel S. Hirschhorn, former full professor Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison; senior official at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment; Director of Environment, Energy and Natural Resources at the National Governors Assoc., has also called for a new investigation to bring out the truth behind 9/11.

The Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth website lists scores of other experts who have added their voice to the call for a fresh inquiry and Gage lists their credentials during the video interview.

Today's fresh controversy, allied to last month's revelations about 9/11 Commission executive director Philip Zelikow's ties to the White House and his efforts to shield the Bush administration from responsibility for the terror attack, only lend new weight to calls for an independent inquiry - complete with subpoena powers - into the terror attacks. now over 300 !!! ...things are snowballing!!

Richard Gage has the right idea on a simple and effective method of spreading 911 TRUTH.

Gage is correct.
This is an excellent requesting "help" and ASKING FOR A PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECT'S ADVICE and opinion with "what do you think about this?? "

The broad public likes to help. People like to give their opinion and expertise. Thus...
...Gage is on to a very effective way to introduce 9/11 TRUTH that any of us can do.

Email an architect, or engineer, or Professor at a University who teaches in these fields and..."tell them that there is this crazy group of hundreds of Architect & Engineer conspiracy theorists demanding a real investigation and "what do you think about this??"

I mean...just imagine this scenario:

A Professor at a University which teaches Architecture (and there are thousands of instructors in this field at Universities) receives an email with this header subject line:

"QUESTION? Need your opinion?"

...and then phrase a question such as:
"I need your help on this. I am not sure what to make of this Power Point presentation at . Could you give me a little guidance about some of the technical details?"

Damn! There are scores of architectural instructors at just one University! is hot !!

The momentum of the movement this year is a juggernaut!


And WOW! What a sweet 911 TRUTH presentation in the recently released Alex Jones' Video interview with Richard Gage !!! THIS INTERVIEW ROCKS !!!!!

I would love to have a YouTube link of this dynamic video overview, much less having a DVD release of this interview presentation mixed with other 911 TRUTH Videos on the same DVD.


If one does not thoroughly LOOK, the TRUTH is not visible.

Media - Richard Gage


Friday March 14, 2008
Richard Gage, AIA broke into mainstream radio last Friday morning
March 7th at midnight in a one-hour interview on the Christine Craft
show on KGO-810(San Francisco ABC)

(21 Min - 11.3 Meg)

* source =

Wednesday December 19, 2007
Richard Gage AIA Comments As Part Of NIST NCST Committee Meeting On WTC7 Report

* source =

Saturday March 8, 2008
Peter B Collins stands tall in the 9/11 truth saddle and interviews Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

(42 Minutes - 12 Meg)

* source =

Monday November 26, 2007
Richard Gage on the Jeff Farias Show, NovaM Radio Network

* source =

Wednesday October 24, 2007
Richard Gage AIA, Founder of Architects For 911 Truth, Talks Truth on Drive Time Radio About Explosive Demolition Of The 3 WTC High-Rise Buildings

* source =

Thursday September 6, 2007
Richard Gage AIA, Founder of Architects For 911 Truth, Talks to Alex Jones GCN Radio Network

* source =

Thank you

Mr. Gage for the dedication, and all your efforts.

Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division

Watch the video on Google if you are not a subscriber

Richard Gage WTC Collapse Special Report
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Media - David Ray Griffin

Tuesday February 19, 2008
Charles Goyette, recently honored as "Best Phoenix Talk Show Host", talks to David Ray Griffin about his new book 9/11 CONTRADICTIONS: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press.
(Full interview sans breaks 12 Meg 43 Minutes)

* source =

Thursday February 7, 2008
Dennis Bernstein (KPFA, Flashpoints) talks to David Ray Griffin about his new book 9/11 CONTRADICTIONS: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press

* source =

Saturday August 25, 2007
Air America Host Richard Greene Speaks With David Ray Griffin

* source =

David Ray Griffin on Tucker Carlson's Aug 9, 2006
David Ray Griffin Interview on BBC
9/11 CONTRADICTIONS: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press
By David Ray Griffin

Product Description
In 9/11 Contradictions, David Ray Griffin shows that the official story about 9/11 is riddled with internal contradictions. Two contradictory statements cannot both be true. These contradictions show, therefore, that individuals and agencies articulating the official story of 9/11 have made many false statements. Congress and the press clearly should ask which of the contradictory statements are false and why they were made.

This book is purely factual, simply laying out the fact that these internal contradictions exist. As such, the book contains no theory. Politicians and journalists who deal with the issues raised herein, therefore, will not be giving credence to some "conspiracy theory" about 9/11. They will simply be carrying out their duty to ask why the official story about 9/11, arguably the most fateful event of our time, is riddled with so many contradictions.

Great interview

This interview needs to be forwarded to any and all newspapers, magazines, all across the land.


here it is in the player as well (fullscreen capability and links to truth content)

Richard Gage is what a hero looks like!

I have LOTS of respect for this man!

Look at this Astaneh photo

Look at this Astaneh photo uncovered by Aidan. The link provided to the NIST pdf document from which it was lifted no longer functions. How can Astaneh (or anyone) explain this away as anything other than melted structural steel? WTC7 steel did not lie around long, either. Where is this piece of steel? Is NIST not at all curious? Where is the computer simulation that produces THIS?

“On the altar of God, I swear eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man."--Thomas Jefferson